Fumble's First Grow


Well-Known Member
It's been known to happen a time or two. hehehe My sister and two brothers and I used to always be fighting as kids. My dad said that if we wanna fight, we're gonna fight. He bought boxing gloves and taught us proper. Loved it ever since. I used to beat ass on the shit tards that would eff with my little bros. I got a lot of whoop ass stories!


Well-Known Member
It's been known to happen a time or two. hehehe My sister and two brothers and I used to always be fighting as kids. My dad said that if we wanna fight, we're gonna fight. He bought boxing gloves and taught us proper. Loved it ever since. I used to beat ass on the shit tards that would eff with my little bros. I got a lot of whoop ass stories!
My best friends dad did that with us. After I broke his sons nose he told me I couldn't come over there anymore. LOL


Well-Known Member
nice of him to teach you then ban you for it! Some people...lol My dad taught me like my sig says...never hit them first, but once they do, you better finish it. It's not hard to get someone to hit you first!


Well-Known Member
LOL I know!! So true on the finishing.. My brothers and I never started a fight in all our school years. Never lost one but never started one. ;)


Well-Known Member
lmao...my ex asshole tried locking me outta the bedroom one night. He had piss filled coffee and all his cigs somehow ended up in the disposal. I've always had the bank account!
Congrats on the big 20!
uuuuuum damn, I used to think I might want to meet you someday.......but forget it now! You scare me!!


Well-Known Member
I was going to meet her & give her a Medijuana clone, but your right. What if she dosen't like it?!

Maybe I'll just leave it somewhere & then tell her where to find it. Then I can watch from a safe distance!

P.S. My dad always said the first step to avoiding trouble was knowing of it's existence!


Well-Known Member
SSShhhh! KMK! I told you not to tell anyone I was nice. lmao!! I really am nice, it's just, don't eff with me. hehehe.


New Member
SSShhhh! KMK! I told you not to tell anyone I was nice. lmao!! I really am nice, it's just, don't eff with me. hehehe.
oh she is a sweetheart but im sure u get her mad run like hell
nothing worse then a pissed off girl
well i guess 2 of them would be worse
or a whole gang of mad women


Well-Known Member
oh she is a sweetheart but im sure u get her mad run like hell
nothing worse then a pissed off girl
well i guess 2 of them would be worse
or a whole gang of mad women
only thing worse then a pissed off GIRL is a pissed off WOMAN.


Well-Known Member
I guess I should add in there that I am really nice...just don't eff with me or anyone I care about...and I have become quite fond of all you boys (and girls) here in the RIU. So don't worry guys, I think most of you are safe...lol Well, just not the lying, thieving, talking shit about the RIU one I'm sure at least Wheezer knows I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
Hey fumble I have something for you!

P.S. And I don't lie, maybe guilty of the other 2 though!



Well-Known Member
lmao! You're a funny man DJJ. And again, I can't thank you enough for the baby. I just became a new mama at 44. lol

Hey Kev. what's up. like your update man.

Mugan! Yeah, still fighting the fight. I'm winning though (as always hehehe). I've only found a couple of worms each of the past two days and all but 1 were dead. Yea!!!! Still working on the white fly prob though. I am spraying that Green Light fruit tree spray on everything! all my veg and flowers and the girls. I wont have this prob next year.