Fusarium Wilt Caused by the US Government

i read somewhere about the wilt being gmo from the govt. with love LOL .. shit i can't remember where i read it though. but the shit is next to impossible to get rid of, walls, floors, fucking everywhere and bleach won't kill it either.

i'll try to find that article/post

Fusarium Wilt

The United States released this fungus in an area; it later had devastating effects on cannabis plants even after winter had passed it stayed in the soil. Seedlings that were planted were killed several years after the fungus was released. This fungus can be air borne and transmitted like other fungus and pathogens, it gets in through susceptible plants that have been wounded through environmental factors like animal attacks, pruning, LST (Low Stress Training), pest infestation and using cutting utensils that are not sanitary that may have fungus or bacteria on them. Fusarium wilt causes internal damage to vascular lines inside the plant and blocks the plants ability to carry water and nutrients. Symptoms included wilting of the plant, leaves becoming necrotic and yellowing wilting of the leaves while the yellowing leaves may look like a nutrient deficiency, this is clearly a mask, with Fusarium wilt, leaves will yellow and stay on the plant, where with a nitrogen deficiency the leaves will yellow and fall off. While not affecting the roots, it does affect inside the plant cell walls, inside the plants walls will reveal a red brown color inside the tissue. Stems will change color from normal green and purple hue, to a dark purple to blackish color. This pathogen can get confused with root rot, because the symptoms this pathogen shows are nearly the same as root rot, but roots are not affected. This clogging effect inside is what causes the external symptoms. While this fungus is traveling inside the plant, the toxins spread to uninfected areas and causing the clogging effect internally, these toxins is what causes the other un infected tissue to start to show the 2ndary problems, which are slow wilting of the leaves, stem collapse, stem discoloration and overall droopiness (as if the plant is dry and had no water) to parts of the plant, even if they get plenty of water. This fungus is a real killer to cannabis plants, any remaining plants that are survived can be stunted. Fusarium Wilt thrives in warm moist temperatures, which is why southern states have Fusarium Wilt the worst.
As much fun as conspiracy theories are, I seriously doubt that the cause of your fusarium wilt is the government. I wouldn't put it past them, mind you, but that stuff is so widespread that it's likely just in your area or someone from a contaminated area brought it in from the woods, their garden, or even from their backyard.
We have no idea what's in the chemtrails which do exist and anyone can see for themselves on youtube if you just take the time to see it. I've had them over my area for months straight now. Would they do this? Yes, shit yes. If you haven't noticed everything that supports this country economically has been systematically undermined from the stock market to the banks to small business, that too you can find plenty of evidence of IF you simply go looking. The new world order is real and verified hundreds if not thousands of times in world leaders own words including our presidents from JFK's warning on up, but again YOU have to go looking for that kind of information it isn't presented to you on our mainstream media other than bush's and etc etc repeatedly saying there is a new world order or we are on the verge of a new world order blah blah blah.

Those that don't believe owe it to themselves to take the little bit of time out of your life to watch this 10 minute video and then go further on to do your own research.

Pot is money, money is power. Take away peoples own ability to grow and survive and control that industry completely from outside the country and you have a complete monopoly and complete control over the people. The funding for the war on drugs will never go away regardless of whether growing in this country failed or not.

Thank you op for pointing this out.
Save seeds safely as you can.
did you check the temps in your grow room..? ive recently had this problem and it was contributed to warm temps in my (hydro) cabinet that made the nutrient solution spoil (for lack of better words) where the solution smelled rank.. and the temps werent extreme but enough to do the damage. temps are usually around 78-82 degrees... I had gone away for the weekend , and the 2 days it sat in this solution was enough to cause the fusarium wilt. if you get the chance to read jorge cervantes horticulture guide it explains all the possible problems/diseases you could encounter along with pictures to compare.. just my 2 cents... lol
Actually, fusarium is present in all the worlds soils and it effectsa everything from legumes, beans, bananas to tobacco etc etc etc and everything in between. If you heard the govt invented it, it's a myth conspiracy theory type story.
At least I have a piece of paper certifying I am mental. Perhaps that is what makes me so acutely aware of what is and is not physical reality.
Genemod diseases being sprayed indiscriminately over population centers? Too many people would have to be involved, go get your certificates, this is mental.
Fusarium is everywhere, so is staph. Learn plant culture, stay healthy and you won't have anything to worry about.

Can't grow shit, let's blame it on some stupid government conspiracy, who could care less.

The U.S. Government is focusing on the development of the next generation of a Predator drone laser guided missile, not eradicating weed.

Now, the new head of the state's Office of Drug Control hopes to kill Florida's lucrative marijuana business in the very ground in which it thrives, by someday dusting suspected areas with a marijuana-eating, soil-borne fungus, Fusarium oxysporum. It is a plan that has some politicians and Florida drug enforcement officials excited, and some environmentalists very worried.
The fungus, a bioherbicide engineered specifically to attack plants like marijuana, is otherwise harmless, said Ag/Bio Con, the Montana company that developed it.
Like most conspiracies. This is factual. You simply need to dig for it. Wake up cannabis has been compromised. I've called every States with legal cannabis and NONE test for fusarium. Most are unaware of the health consequences. This is crazy.
I don't think they would risk their other cash money crops in agriculture. Fusarium oxysporum does affect many plants, not just Cannabis. It's practically everywhere and will not affect healthy plants. I blame operator error, I only had it on weak sick plants.
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I don't think they would risk their other cash money crops in agriculture. Fusarium oxysporum does affect many plants, not just Cannabis. It's practically everywhere and will not affect healthy plants. I blame operator error, I only had it on weak sick plants.
"The fungus, a bioherbicide engineered specifically to attack plants like marijuana, is otherwise harmless, said Ag/Bio Con, the Montana company that developed it."
"The fungus, a bioherbicide engineered specifically to attack plants like marijuana, is otherwise harmless, said Ag/Bio Con, the Montana company that developed it."

I don't think you should take everything as cut in stone facts in either News paper nor any other media. If you want to scare yourself and don't know shit, read a news paper and take it as facts.

"Pathotentic strains of F. oxysporum have been studied for more than 100 years. The host range of these fungi is broad and includes animals, ranging from arthropods[21] to humans,[22] as well as plants, including a range of both gymnosperms and angiosperms. "

I think you need to read up on plant biology and agricultural history.
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The U.S. Government is focusing on the development of the next generation of a Predator drone laser guided missile, not eradicating weed.

I don't mean to hijack the thread but ...
Did you hear about the new AI drone they working on?
This bitch will fly for up to 36 hours without needing to refuel, has a hybrid engine.
Bristling with weaponry.

It has the 'intelligence' to determine if a target is a good guy or a bad guy. Then make the decision, on its own, to kill.
A machine makes the determination to kill a human.

That is scarey as shit.
Skynet is here.
Fusaria can produce mycotoxins that are deadly enough to be considered weapons of war and are listed as biological agents in the draft Protocol to the Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention (BTWC)," says Sunshine Project biologist Dr. Jan Van Aken. There is no exemption in the BTWC, a key international arms control treaty, for the use of biological weapons in military, law enforcement, or civilian actions to forcibly eradicate illicit crops. Countries North and South recognize that prohibiting any use of biological weapons is critically important to stop arms proliferation, uphold treaty commitments, and protect human health and the environment.