So I would first like to explain the "hybrid" in Hempy. The concept of a hempy bucket is to have a well draining media mixed with a moisture retentive media, such as perlite/vermiculite. Organic fertilizer practices in hempy style grows have show exceptional results and boast massive growth. The 02 levels are high and media act to wick up H20 and thus reduces the needs for flushing and feedings, and preventing excessive salts from accumulating. In organic's, the soil must be feed and the use of fertilizer salts are not practiced. Instead the use of "compost teas" are employed and have a high favorability by growers to replenish and futher establish microflora populations in the media. These microbes are most likely to flourish in a highly oxygenated environment after they have been brewed n an AACT. Most growers will brew 7 days a week just to keep up with watering demands. The comcept of my Hempy Hybrid is to employ a 3" layer of hydroton on the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket. Within this layer, there are 2 large barrel air stones. These will be powered by a 20L/min dual diaphragm pump. Lots of air for a hempy, mabey overkill but that's the point. Lots of air, and this air is going to naturally want to go somewhere, not having a way out, it will rise up thru the soiless substrate. There is a drain hole/w shut-off valve at the bottom and this will be opened and dumped periodically, but the leachate from the soil with nutrients and microbes that runs out the bottom after a watering, this liquid can and will be oxygenated. Basically like a compost tea that never runs out of food or air, meanwhile the roots will be growing in this super oxygenated hydroton bed fill with compost tea that's actively brewing. Now call me crazy but I honestly think I have found a way(hypothetically) to get that explosive growth and increased yield when using a "true hempy", while retaining that foundation in "true organic". Not I just want to be clear that the soil line will never be submerged with the water/tea line. They will separated by 2" of hydroton. This should prove to be very interesting. I have thought very long and hard on this concept and I think it truly will work.