Gardening Myths and hacks that don't work.

Last summer a research assistant from a study being done at the University of Michigan interviewed me about my use of human urine as fertilizer. They had gotten a $3 million grant to investigate the cultural and practical aspects of converting urine into "pee tea" and I have been doing that for over 30 years. This video shows a bare bones approach to recycling human waste and growing beautiful vegetables. According to the U of M one of the hardest aspects of doing it is getting people past the "yuck" factor. Once that happens it makes all the sense in the world. I love my urine diverting composting toilet because water is too valuable to poop and pee in- and you lose all the free fertilizer. You can do this too!

Nice set up, bro.
Urine therapy

Drinking or local application of human or animal urine for medicinal purposes has been practiced all over the world for millennia.

Genital mutilation has been practiced a really long time too, all over the world..... Doesn't mean it's good.
Human waste has been used as fertilizer for centuries. A good portion of the biosolids left over from sewage treatment ends up being used in agriculture. It's spread on farmland, used in bagged soil, compost, etc...

Biosolids are no longer used on farmland here because of the PFAs you cant even sell hay form fields that got it or any beef where cow ate in the pasture. It also has destroyed many wells here it also has been found in high levels with the wildlife that consume the grasses. I hate bagged soil the hell with Kellogg products nasty stuff.
Biosolids are no longer used on farmland here because of the PFAs you cant even sell hay form fields that got it or any beef where cow ate in the pasture. It also has destroyed many wells here it also has been found in high levels with the wildlife that consume the grasses. I hate bagged soil the hell with Kellogg products nasty stuff.

Remember all that E.coli tainted lettuce that was coming out of California a few years back? They were blaming it on everything except the application of sewage biosolids.

"Land application is the primary use for biosolids in California. Approximately 56% of the biosolids generated in California are land applied. This consists of Class A biosolids (36% of total biosolids generated) and Class B biosolids (20% of total generated). Land application of biosolids recycles organic matter and nutrients, improving soil physical, chemical, and biological properties."
Remember all that E.coli tainted lettuce that was coming out of California a few years back? They were blaming it on everything except the application of sewage biosolids.

"Land application is the primary use for biosolids in California. Approximately 56% of the biosolids generated in California are land applied. This consists of Class A biosolids (36% of total biosolids generated) and Class B biosolids (20% of total generated). Land application of biosolids recycles organic matter and nutrients, improving soil physical, chemical, and biological properties."
They used a ton of it here for 10-15 yrs then started testing 5 yrs ago yikes! Theres even warning for hunters not to take deer around these dump sites wonder how cali gets around the PFAs. At least the state of maine was smart enough to track where it was used an shut those farms down.
Large amounts of phosphorous are needed. Flushing is necessary,unseeded weed is more potent,additives work wonders,todays weed is more potent,the higher the THC content the more potent the weed is.
Tap water

Although safe to drink, fine on your houseplants and outdoor garden. When used on your indoor cannabis plants, it must be left out or better yet aerated for a minimum of 24hrs.
It is funny how tap water is safe for us humans to drink. If you put some baitfish in tap water, it's dead in an hour.
My well water is ice cold, so I try to let it warm up overnight. I fill two watering cans, but I come up short and have to water two of the plants with Ice cold water from the kitchen sink. Those plants are turning very purple so, Myth Plausible?
It is funny how tap water is safe for us humans to drink. If you put some baitfish in tap water, it's dead in an hour.
My well water is ice cold, so I try to let it warm up overnight. I fill two watering cans, but I come up short and have to water two of the plants with Ice cold water from the kitchen sink. Those plants are turning very purple so, Myth Plausible?

Wonder how long a baitfish would live in a diluted piss bucket?
It is funny how tap water is safe for us humans to drink. If you put some baitfish in tap water, it's dead in an hour.
My well water is ice cold, so I try to let it warm up overnight. I fill two watering cans, but I come up short and have to water two of the plants with Ice cold water from the kitchen sink. Those plants are turning very purple so, Myth Plausible?
Plenty of people run sterile hydro grows and have no issue with the chlorine.