

Well-Known Member
Once again it seems that the fate of this Democracy & the future of the United States is centered there.
The 1st time occurred in November, 1864 when General William Tecumseh Sherman invaded Georgia in the famous/infamous "March to the Sea", effectively cutting the Confederacy in half & combined with Lee's loss at Gettysburg ended the Civil War

So, on this date, January 5, 2021 the future of America really lies there, again.
If they vote for Purdue/Loeffler & give the Republcans the majority in the Senate, Biden is fucked & will be ineffectual, that is pretty much a guarantee.
If they elect Ossoff/Warnock there is some hope, not a lot in my opinion actually, but some, that Biden will be able to accomplish something in the next 4 years.
We shall see.
There's some hope. Lutz is a fuck head but he is right some of the time.
Once again it seems that the fate of this Democracy & the future of the United States is centered there.
The 1st time occurred in November, 1864 when General William Tecumseh Sherman invaded Georgia in the famous/infamous "March to the Sea", effectively cutting the Confederacy in half & combined with Lee's loss at Gettysburg ended the Civil War

So, on this date, January 5, 2021 the future of America really lies there, again.
If they vote for Purdue/Loeffler & give the Republcans the majority in the Senate, Biden is fucked & will be ineffectual, that is pretty much a guarantee.
If they elect Ossoff/Warnock there is some hope, not a lot in my opinion actually, but some, that Biden will be able to accomplish something in the next 4 years.
We shall see.
2022 Could be big for Democrats after 2 years of declassifying what Trump and the Republicans have been doing. Once we can digest as a nation how pervasive this attack from the Russian military on our citizens has been since 2014 that Trump has fought so hard for us to be left unprotected from, I have a lot of hope.


2022 is hopefully a big year for the Democrats and a lot can get done leading into the 2024 election when Biden can ride off into the sunset and we can choose who will hopefully lead us for the next 8 years of growth. Letting the Republicans rebuild their party into something that legislates and works to help elevate all 100% of our nation and not just the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.

2 years of Mitch holding up Biden (just like he did with Obama) and Nancy throwing through bill after bill and no Trump/executive branch for cover (so much crazy shit the last 4 years) and calling McConnell out over and over exposing frauds in the Republican party should have a big impact.

It might actually be better for Mitch and the Republicans if they lose both seats in Georgia and can just sit back and troll for 2 years.

Well the ones that won't be having 12 Americans deciding if they are going to jail anyways.
2022 Could be big for Democrats after 2 years of declassifying what Trump and the Republicans have been doing. Once we can digest as a nation how pervasive this attack from the Russian military on our citizens has been since 2014 that Trump has fought so hard for us to be left unprotected from, I have a lot of hope.


2022 is hopefully a big year for the Democrats and a lot can get done leading into the 2024 election when Biden can ride off into the sunset and we can choose who will hopefully lead us for the next 8 years of growth. Letting the Republicans rebuild their party into something that legislates and works to help elevate all 100% of our nation and not just the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.

2 years of Mitch holding up Biden (just like he did with Obama) and Nancy throwing through bill after bill and no Trump/executive branch for cover (so much crazy shit the last 4 years) and calling McConnell out over and over exposing frauds in the Republican party should have a big impact.

It might actually be better for Mitch and the Republicans if they lose both seats in Georgia and can just sit back and troll for 2 years.

Well the ones that won't be having 12 Americans deciding if they are going to jail anyways.
not disagreeing because you are predicting the future, which is hard. Just saying the obstruction of Obama was very popular across this country. Republicans gained seats throughout Obama's presidency at all levels of government. They even said it: "I hope he fails."
not disagreeing because you are predicting the future, which is hard. Just saying the obstruction of Obama was very popular across this country. Republicans gained seats throughout Obama's presidency at all levels of government. They even said it: "I hope he fails."
A lot of people might not have understood why they felt such a perverse pleasure in seeing a black man's agenda stopped over and over again.

They might not feel the same when they see a party stopping things that would have a very positive impact in their life if it being offered to them by a white man.
You right Jim. Trump is branding any republican Senator who won't join the Sedition Caucus, as a member of what he calls the Surrender Caucus. He is telling the members of the Surrender that he will endorse someone other than them when their reelection efforts start. "Getting Primaried". So then to win their primary they will have "run to the right". But they must win more than those votes to win the general election. That might work in places like Alabama, where people are so stupid they vote for the football coach Tommy Tuberville. Tuber thinks the three branches of American government are the president, the senate, and the house. But it won't work in places where the population is at least half smart like Ohio Alaska Etc.
So in a few years we might have more Democrats in Senate. If the Dems get enough Senators then they can get more through DC and Puerto Rico statehood.
There is also that movement to abolish electoral College. They aren't that far off. I think only one of the last six Republican Presidents has won the popular vote. Check me on that.
Interesting time to be a Republican.
A lot of people might not have understood why they felt such a perverse pleasure in seeing a black man's agenda stopped over and over again.

They might not feel the same when they see a party stopping things that would have a very positive impact in their life if it being offered to them by a white man.
Listening to what the right wing media are saying, it's all about protecting our country from "socialism". The tactic goes back to the thirties, when farm labor was fighting to unionize and corporate farms in California hit on appealing to social conservatives. They changed the spin from opposing unionization to protecting families, churches by tying the labor strikes to communism. Their media campaign smeared and lied about political opponents and it worked. Conservatives across the country began adopting the tactics. It went into a fever pitch with Newt's campaigns in the 1990's and since then, the GOP has not found a level below which it is willing to go.

They say the best way to predict the weather is to say it will be the same as yesterday. So, that's my dumbass prediction. Republicans/social conservatives eat that "protect the family", "save Christianity from the devil", "socialism bad" kind of propaganda like it were a bowl of cheerios smothered with milk and sugar. Also this country is mostly conservative/authoritarian. It's going to work. I think the advantage in 2022 is on the side of Republicans.

I'm going to do what I can to make myself wrong on this. It's not a done deal.
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A lot of people might not have understood why they felt such a perverse pleasure in seeing a black man's agenda stopped over and over again.

They might not feel the same when they see a party stopping things that would have a very positive impact in their life if it being offered to them by a white man.
True, the GOP is splintering and majorities can be gained in the senate on popular items, the low hanging fruit. Much depends on Georgia and we should know much more tomorrow about that one. I think we are witnessing the implosion of the GOP, the moderates will be extinct after 2022 as they are primaried out.

Welcome to the twilight zone, things get stranger from here on out...o_O
OK, so I'm looking for stuff to confirm my bias now. I guess I'm desperate for something, anything to say that is positive about Democratic party's chances to win the senate.

How about this, from Dec 15:

Then there is this:

Power Up: 'Republicans should be prepared for a bad night' in Georgia

The campaign
‘BAD NIGHT’ IN GEORGIA FOR GOP?: National and Georgia Republicans are growing increasingly frustrated with President Trump's baseless tirades against Georgia's presidential election results, fearing the president's attacks may cost them control of the Senate.

They're concerned Trump's relentless and baseless broadsides on the voting system — and tomorrow's electoral college challenge further dividing GOPers — will deter Republicans from trusting the system enough to vote in today's two Georgia Senate runoffs.

  • Trump's been generally unhelpful throughout this whole process,” a GOP Senate aide told Power Up. “He’s managed to split the party at every turn since November and that division could result in lower turnout on our side,” the aide added, referring to Trump's last-minute demand for $2,000 stimulus checks followed by his veto of a $740 billion defense bill.
  • “Republicans should be prepared for a bad night, the aide added.
  • Without the Trump factor and all the [expletive] he's done, then we'd probably win by three or five points,” a GOP strategist working on the runoff races in Georgia told us. “With the Trump factor, if we lose by one or two points, I won't be shocked.”
  • “Not only is Trump depressing turnout on the right but he's reminding independent voters, ‘Crap, maybe we do need Democrats in the Senate as Republicans are going along with these absurd efforts to find 11,780 votes,'" the GOP strategist added, referring to Trump's urging of Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) during a weekend phone call.

I'd love me a very bad night for GOP.
not disagreeing because you are predicting the future, which is hard. Just saying the obstruction of Obama was very popular across this country. Republicans gained seats throughout Obama's presidency at all levels of government. They even said it: "I hope he fails."
mitch mcconnell's whole goal during Obama was to make him a one term president and when that didnt work, he flat out said his priority was to obstruct every Obama policy. And he has the same priorities for Biden if he stays majority leader....I hope that turtle faced bitch cries himself to sleep tonight.
Loeffler, or whatever way you spell it, is done
One down, one to go

Probably won't be fully settled until later on this week. Recounts and all are going to take time. Still, though if one looks at where votes remain to be counted, Trump and his Georgia Senators lost.


add 16,000 to Ossoff's tally and he's the clear winner. Given how many votes have been tallied and the strength of Democrats in DeKalb It's not a stretch at all to say this. Perdue lost and Ossoff won. Book it.