
I still can't believe the Democrats flipped Georgia. I'm very happy. Stupid Republicans going down idiot trump's path to qanon conspiracies and all that nonsense. There really wasn't any other outcome. Most people are smart enough to know a con like trump. I don't believe the polls that say trump has a 75% approval rating among republicans. I think most REAL Republicans are disgusted with trump. The ones I know definitely are. Some voted for Biden. As did many.
Make America Great Again, right?
Well, Donald J Trump, in a fucked up/obtuse way, you have achieved your goal/mission.
You, you alone, have personally/utterly destroyed the Republican Party & it will take years/decades for the GOP to recover.
Fucking Excellent!!!! :) :) :)
Yea, I'm a fucking Happy Man :)

At least 2 good years ahead, do I hear 4?

Kamala Harris suddenly is the most important VP ever. Enjoy your new job, girl!

The best part of all this is McConnell's demotion. If he had half a brain, he would have congratulated Biden a few weeks earlier.

Oh and Thanks Trump! You self centered dumb bastard. What a perfect storm!
His done more than destroy the gop, his killed almost 500,000 people. He is an absolute failure and a disgrace to common decency.

He is a global embarrassment also a bully and a liar, he is a stain on democracy good riddance Mr Trump your a pathetic fucking loser may god have mercy on his soul.
I wanna/need too share this story/link & hopefully it will stay up.
A homeless man was struggling to pay for basic necessities until he walked into a gas station: 'Oh my God' (
Yea, times are fucked up right now, that's for sure, BUT, I firmly believe that Mankinds core Essence is goodness/caring/compassion.
Trump is gone in less than 2 weeks, that's a surety, it's really just terribly unfortunate that he held sway for so long in American politics.
But, now we move on, right?
It's time again in this country to return to the basic elements of what it takes to survive as a Society, and one of those most basic/vital elements is caring about & helping your fellow citizens/Humanbeings survive.
If that's called Socialism, so be it.
That's not a bad word in my vocabulary.
I wanna/need too share this story/link & hopefully it will stay up.
A homeless man was struggling to pay for basic necessities until he walked into a gas station: 'Oh my God' (
Yea, times are fucked up right now, that's for sure, BUT, I firmly believe that Mankinds core Essence is goodness/caring/compassion.
Trump is gone in less than 2 weeks, that's a surety, it's really just terribly unfortunate that he held sway for so long in American politics.
But, now we move on, right?
It's time again in this country to return to the basic elements of what it takes to survive as a Society, and one of those most basic/vital elements is caring about & helping your fellow citizens/Humanbeings survive.
If that's called Socialism, so be it.
That's not a bad word in my vocabulary.
If socialism is taking care of each other and our society, call me a socialist.
This is a good place for Elvis