Getting older IS amazing!

I have sex with hookers every day because i spend all day out in the STREETS i also make 47284 dollars a day so women are really not worth my time anymore at this point hookers are way better i just saw one out in foster again. I had my nose in her asshole when we were 69ing then i licked her ass to this hooker swallowed my cum
I have sex with hookers every day because i spend all day out in the STREETS i also make 47284 dollars a day so women are really not worth my time anymore at this point hookers are way better i just saw one out in foster again. I had my nose in her asshole when we were 69ing then i licked her ass to this hooker swallowed my cum
Lol and I thought I was nasty
I pondered this for quite awhile, and in my current inebriated state conclude that it's a chicken egg statement. Give me more @tyler.durden

What I mean by that is that we do not need to age the way most of us do in the Western World. We let ourselves atrophy from lack proper physical exertion, with diets that are calorie rich and nutrient poor. Most of us are also poor at stress management, and own several vices. Because of this our bodies (and minds) seem to deteriorate at a pace that is faster than necessary, certainly faster than even some populations in less developed parts of the world. In contrast we see elderly people in amazing shape, with beautiful muscle mass, impressive flexibility, and stunning mental clarity. My quote attempted to convey the concept that while we all must age (and eventually die), it is not necessary to deteriorate as much as most of us do before the inevitable...



