Getting older IS amazing!

''We don't degenerate because of age, we age because of degeneration.'' - Me

I pondered this for quite awhile, and in my current inebriated state conclude that it's a chicken egg statement. Give me more @tyler.durden

I'm getting that tattooed on my penis

so when flaccid it would read: "We AGE."

35 next month and I feel stronger/faster/healthier everyday. 8-)

You are in your physical prime. Enjoy it.

Start doing squats while brushing your teerh. Before you no it the pain from your knees will dissappear and will then will be able to do squats 1 legged.

Whaaaa? Is this for men only? some sort of dick squat? Sort of like a kick stand?
No par cour but I use to break dance. Farming gives me a pretty good workout, I can throw 100lb sacks of feed on each shoulder.
It's true. Farming is as good or better than Cross fit or any other trendy shit. Just saw a story on a 15 year old kid who set a lifting record. He's 5'2" 152 lbs, clean jerks 175lbs. (set a record I believe)

Africans seem to have the nicest teeth.

You see a documentary with some people's living remotely off the land, no shoes, no electricity.

Nicest. Teeth. Ever.

It's all genetics.
Genetics yes but straight up not brushing flossing or etc and your teeth Fallin out is not genetics thats lazy and disqusting. If you say my teeth are like they are because of genetics i say bullshit. Maintenence is the key.
Genetics yes but straight up not brushing flossing or etc and your teeth Fallin out is not genetics thats lazy and disqusting. If you say my teeth are like they are because of genetics i say bullshit. Maintenence is the key.
Soooo....the indigenous peoples of the click click speaking tribe have a lot of dental care?

It's the fucked up processed food and sugar garbage we all eat in the north Murica.

If people stopped drinking pop and shit - they'd have waaaaaaaay better teef.
Soooo....the indigenous peoples of the click click speaking tribe have a lot of dental care?

It's the fucked up processed food and sugar garbage we all eat in the north Murica.

If people stopped drinking pop and shit - they'd have waaaaaaaay better teef.
I have this fetish . You mind if I pee. Onyou .. we can do it in the shower under running water if that helps u say yes
I have this fetish . You mind if I pee. Onyou .. we can do it in the shower under running water if that helps u say yes
Hard pass man.

No desire to be peed on

Unless there is a jelly fish sting involved. In which case -PLEASE DO! I hear it helps.