Getting Ready For 2012

I've never understood why people put a bunch of plants in one spot. You need to spread them out in different locations or johnny law will find that shit.
Goten , the posts looks real tall that deer cant jump in right ? how many plants you gonna grow in there ? hard work with your blister hands it will pay off next year, good job , sir :D

good idea about camo , SlimJim :)

holyy balls, that looks like it was alot of work my friend well done. where are you located?

It was , and still not done

my damn hands feels like they have arthritis , nc my man

I've never understood why people put a bunch of plants in one spot. You need to spread them out in different locations or johnny law will find that shit.

I grow outdoors every year

If i was growing a fucking shit load of plants then i would have them spread out but im not

But they find grows every year with hundreds of plants , their not worried with my little 10 plants

Plus i lst and supercrop also to cut height down ,

Im not worried about them being found , and if they were found then theirs nothing i can do just casualties of war
Goten , the posts looks real tall that deer cant jump in right ? how many plants you gonna grow in there ? hard work with your blister hands it will pay off next year, good job , sir :D

good idea about camo , SlimJim :)


Idk exactly how many plants yet , maybe around 12

And theirs only so much i can do to keep the deer out , if they want in bad enough they will lol

But im gonna put up enough resistance that when they do come hopefully they will feel the resistance and just turn around lol
good job goten! ill be watching.
started doing the same at my spot for next year, spent the last 3 weekends bringing in lots of soil and cleaning the ground and then turning the ground over. love what you did with the posts! thats the last things i have to figure out how to keep the deer out of my grow.
good job goten! ill be watching.
started doing the same at my spot for next year, spent the last 3 weekends bringing in lots of soil and cleaning the ground and then turning the ground over. love what you did with the posts! thats the last things i have to figure out how to keep the deer out of my grow.

Thanks my man ,

Im still not finished though , im gonna go out tomorrow and run my chicken along the bottom , then gotta start working on a bunch smaller post to go horizontal around the post ,

I went out today and chopped down a tree that blocked a lot of sun this past grow , i dont have a chain saw so i was out their forever chopping away with an ax lol
I went out today and chopped down a tree that blocked a lot of sun this past grow , i dont have a chain saw so i was out their forever chopping away with an ax lol

it worked for thousands of years , nice to get back to the grass roots.
i think your crazy.........they are looking for your 12 and mine and his.........your little pot fort wont be suspicious at all........does height matter when the chopper is lookin down??
i think your crazy.........they are looking for your 12 and mine and his.........your little pot fort wont be suspicious at all........does height matter when the chopper is lookin down??

Where i live i dont start getting fly byes till sept ,

This year it was just about a week ago that i seen the first search chopper fly by

I harvest my plants at the between the end of august and the first or second week of sept

Look everyone im not worried about the damn fly byes , so if all any of you have to say is about spreading my shit out and the fly byes and shit then please dont post here

Just watch the show and chill , their not your plants , so dont worry about fly byes over my plants , im not worried ,
not worried bout plants ......worried bout u......those bastards swing down a rope and fly away with your shit no big deal ......they swing down a rope and fly away w u its gonna suck but watever
Nice man looks like I'm not the only one with 2012 on the brain. Like most things, you get out what you put in. Have you thought of trying liquid fence as an added line of defense? I've never used it but some people swear by it. I actually have a homemade spray that I've come up with which seems to work pretty well I can post the ingredients/instructions if you like. I actually have more problems with rodents, but I'm confident it's effective with deer also.

I'm probably going to use the "hill" site again. This will be the 3rd season I'm using that particular site. After spending hours scouting I have yet to come across another spot like the hill site. I have two issues with it though. First one is water. There is a pond I use but it's a little to far away to be lugging jugs. I'm thinking about using some kind of water collection system. I can probably use the hill to my advantage in this regard, but it needs to be at least somewhat subtle. Second issue, well, not really a huge issue, but I have a tree blocking out at least 2-3 hours of morning sun. It's way to big to take down with my bow saw. You guys know anything I can do to at least try damaging it enough that it doesn't put out much foliage? I tried cutting a ring into it last year but it didn't seem to do much.

I'd like to find at least one or two more sites for next year. Usable ground water has been the biggest issue for me.
looks like a great site. i thought i had the perfect spot and i cleared out a section not quite as big as that with a machete...but forgot to cross-check it against public hunting areas. the woods are overrun with blaze orange now! All for the best though, it forced me to do some more scouting and i found a much, much better spot. keep up the good work!
Agree with you goten. I am not concerned with fly overs as well. I have a 18'x35' space in a low area with a great water source, so why spread out the grow if you have a great spot and no worries about flyovers.

Again can't wait to see the finished spot/grow. I'll post mine Up sooner or later.
yo Goten, what strain that you re gonna plant by next month ?


Not quite sure yet ,

maybe some blue mystic , super skunk , and mountain mist , got a few widow seeds also

looks like a great site. i thought i had the perfect spot and i cleared out a section not quite as big as that with a machete...but forgot to cross-check it against public hunting areas. the woods are overrun with blaze orange now! All for the best though, it forced me to do some more scouting and i found a much, much better spot. keep up the good work!

I had to use a machete also , and a sickle , and sling blade to clear my area out

Oh and an ax and hatchet lol
Nice man looks like I'm not the only one with 2012 on the brain. Like most things, you get out what you put in. Have you thought of trying liquid fence as an added line of defense? I've never used it but some people swear by it. I actually have a homemade spray that I've come up with which seems to work pretty well I can post the ingredients/instructions if you like. I actually have more problems with rodents, but I'm confident it's effective with deer also.

I'm probably going to use the "hill" site again. This will be the 3rd season I'm using that particular site. After spending hours scouting I have yet to come across another spot like the hill site. I have two issues with it though. First one is water. There is a pond I use but it's a little to far away to be lugging jugs. I'm thinking about using some kind of water collection system. I can probably use the hill to my advantage in this regard, but it needs to be at least somewhat subtle. Second issue, well, not really a huge issue, but I have a tree blocking out at least 2-3 hours of morning sun. It's way to big to take down with my bow saw. You guys know anything I can do to at least try damaging it enough that it doesn't put out much foliage? I tried cutting a ring into it last year but it didn't seem to do much.

I'd like to find at least one or two more sites for next year. Usable ground water has been the biggest issue for me.

I have a hole gug out in a near by creek that i use for water ,

I had a problem with a couple of trees blocking sunlight also but i took an ax to them bitches yesterday ;-)
Well it took a lot longer then i planed but i got the chicken wire up and the bottom is buried so the damn rabbits do try to just go under

Now all i got to door is go around and deer proof it ,

Gonna take a while though cuz im just wore out and need a few days break lol

here is a pic with the chicken wire up ,

Its hard to see cuz it was starting to get a little dark on me


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hey goten i can see the chicken wire....only one will be best to put one more chicken wire to the top of posts. it will be deerproof :)

and i heard about this mountain mist strain is really good. One day i will grow mountain mist :p

hey goten i can see the chicken wire....only one will be best to put one more chicken wire to the top of posts. it will be deerproof :)

and i heard about this mountain mist strain is really good. One day i will grow mountain mist :p


I dont have anymore steal chicken wire , just plastic , some grey and some green ,

I might go ahead and get some more though , not a bad idea ,

But idk yet will see my man