Getting Ready For 2012

Yes im sure , they left their prints behind and shit

and this was in late august when they got to them ,

Here go to post 590 on this page , the vid is no longer up but their are pics of what that damn deer left me with

Its cool my man ,

Im a big dbz fan , i watch it with my kids and even have a couple of dbz tats

I've been dealing with northern white tails for 3 years, and never have I seen that amount of destruction by deer. No wonder you built the fortress. They must not have another food source in that area, determined little bastards. Sounds like a good area to hunt in though, deer jerky is one of my favorites.

hell yea man theirs plenty of woods around for you to get something started up for 2012

I grew in this same spot this yr but deer tore through my shit near the end and ate all my shit up , left me with just a few colas of Royal Hash and Northern Lights

I bet that deer ate over 1/2 lb of my shit

Go to post # 590

You can see i dont have shit left

The vid in that post is no longer up though but their are 3 pics

Go some pages back and you will see what i had at first
off the top of my head i know a few areas w/ dense briars with needles 1-2 1/2" so hopefully i can make a good perimeter, tbh im worried bout the snakes. ive seen several cottonmouth n rattlers since movin here but am thinkin bout moth balls
Hell just take a stick with you when you go out and swing it back and forth while your walking lol

Im rreally blazed right now hehehe
most of the time that snake is going to run from you anyways, unless you happen to stumble upon a nesting mother they arent verry outgoing and would rather run than fight. just tread carefully and make sure you have a long stick with you and you should be fine.
I'm in NC as well, plan on doing something for 2012 but finances are a little tight for an indoor and I live in a populated area, so outdoor is out of the question. But I'll definitely keep my eye on this grow. Subbed.
you could possibly try a few cfl bulbs bud n go cheap, good thing w/ this hobby is after your done w/ 1 round you can upgrade for the next :)
i havce never had deer do that to anything. i live and hunt in deer country. any bird tracks. i have had turkeys. they take baths in dust. and a fesh dug garden is gret for them. they flop around like crazy breaking evrything in there path.
I have a good bit of work to do over the winter and today was such a nice day i went ahead and started getting ready

I had deer and rabbits tear all through my last crop so im gonna make sure it dont happen again

as of now i just cleaned out my area im gonna be growing in , and i also made it a little wider so i can do more plants then my last grow

Im gonna incorporate guerrilla warfare and use the woods to help me with making a barrier to keep the animals out

Their are tons of old tress and shit that has been down from storms and shit over the years

So in gonna use them to make post out of and fence the area in ,

I cut everything down now so by next season most of the vegetation that i cut down will have grown back and around my post and shit

Like i said i still got a lot to do but it will get done ;-)

Here is a pic of my area after i cleaned it up some

But stay tuned cuz i will of course update as it comes along

Bro you are going to get eaten again. Animals will get through the stick/twigs fence your building, trust me no problems. Why dont you just get a roll of chicken wire(3ft will do) wired up and pegged down with post holes and have peace of mind when you walk away, it will probably take less time to build than the stick fence. About $70 will get you the steel fence and roll of wire and tent pegs.
I know deer can still get through

A 3ft fence wont keep them out either if they want in

But im not happy with it and plan on getting some steel spike post to drive in the ground and run some barbwire around it

I know they can still get through that also but it will ease my mind a little more

Besides deer , rabbits was the only other animal i was having problem with and the chicken wire i have up now will keep them out
take it for what you will but i "heard" if you make a large tube shape out of wire and lay it on its side and slightly flatten and stake it down "think along the lines of a boxspring mattress" then put light long sticks for a thin "bed" on top the deer step on it and the ground moving on them makes them skid out. the concept to me "sounds" fitting and i think i may try if it becomes an issue personally
looking great, wish my balls where a lil bigger i would post so pictures, but never took any lol.ouyside was better for less work, you are making it look so hard, lol but will be nice when done....Good luck....OhMy..
I know deer can still get through

A 3ft fence wont keep them out either if they want in

But im not happy with it and plan on getting some steel spike post to drive in the ground and run some barbwire around it

I know they can still get through that also but it will ease my mind a little more

Besides deer , rabbits was the only other animal i was having problem with and the chicken wire i have up now will keep them out

I had a similar problem with the critters last year, especially rabbits. I too will start my plot this winter. My solution will be a chicken wire fence around each plant that will totally protect them (even new growth on top) until they are large enough to fend for themselves. The wire then will always protect the trunk and lower branches from being chewed through. It may be a little more visible from the sky but if i don't I risk losing my plot again...sometimes you have to take chances, but like you i'm not worried about fly bys. Its all part of the game so play ball!
I decided to cut off the tops of the post and just leave enough for the chicken wire to be attached to it

Im gonna invest in some liquid fence and see how good it works

Also im gonna go a little further back and put metal stakes in the ground and either run some barbwire or some heave duty fishing string around it

I just did not like the height of it , but well see how it all goes afterwards


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WHATS LIQUID FENCE? IS THAT A GUERILLA OP OR IN YOUR PROPERTY? i like how you used the old logs for posts, looks reall good. u got a nice polt there how large is it??
.U going to get vines to grow on fence to hide that spot a lil unless you do not care. should have kept em high and pulled top of fence at angle to keep deer from wanting to jump in. I have no faith in any chemical to keep deer away. think 1/2 the crap that is sold the deer love and want more.
I know deer can still get through

A 3ft fence wont keep them out either if they want in

But im not happy with it and plan on getting some steel spike post to drive in the ground and run some barbwire around it

I know they can still get through that also but it will ease my mind a little more

Besides deer , rabbits was the only other animal i was having problem with and the chicken wire i have up now will keep them out

your so high. it would be easier to drive to cali and get a license and drive across the country everyday.. metal spikes and barbwire. y not get a dog tkeep in there to...