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Negative | balliml
Florissant, CO
(1 review)
June 12, 2011 | I wasn't really concerned about the smell if the product would have worked! I followed all directions and sprayed the flowers. I even sprayed several times within the week and it didn't rain so the deer fence did not get washed off. After a couple of days, deer came into the garden and ate EVERY flower down to a nub. It seems to me they liked the taste! Some of them were pulled out of the ground! Every dollar and hours of labor I put into that garden went down the drain because "Liquid Deer Fence" does NOT work! |
Positive | AS
(Zone 7a)
(39 reviews)
June 30, 2010 | Posted on June 29, 2010, updated June 30, 2010
Be warned - the smell of the deer repellent is gag-inducing, especially the concentrate. But if you can get past that, it really does seem to work. Deer used to walk through our yard regularly and even started coming up to the house to sample my newly planted garden. Since I started spraying in the early spring, they've been avoiding our yard completely most of the time. And if they come through, they stick to the edge and hurry past. I've got a hydrangea, roses and arborvitae next to the house that haven't been touched since I tried this stuff. They haven't even looked at our young fruit trees so far. As long as it keeps working, I'm pleased.
Wear gloves, because the smell clings to your hands.
And it might attract turkey vultures. We had a very confused pair land in the yard and look around for a corpse after I sprayed. On June 30th, 2010, AS added the following:
Most of the smell goes away by the next day, but it takes 2-3 days in my garden to completely disappear. |
Positive | rennaws627
Conway, SC
(1 review)
June 28, 2010 | I ordered the snake repellent, shipping was very fast! I must let everyone know a very important aspect to this repellent...when I mixed the liquid, it was pretty strong but, smells much better then the toxic stuff i had used last year! The stuff REALLY works! In fact, it works so well that as I was spraying it, i saw several snakes slithering away from my yard and garden area (copperhead's)!! Here is my WARNING to anyone who is deathly afraid of snakes...Wear boots when spraying! I am very happy to finally have found something that repels the nasty critters and is safe around my pets, I would recommend this product to anyone living out in the country with a snake problem...Liquid Fence, JOB WELL DONE!!! |
Positive | Hurleygirl61
Hurley, NY
(1 review)
May 28, 2010 | This is a GREAT product! I had never seen the bloom from a mature hosta until we started using Liquid Fence one year ago - they were always eaten before that point! The deer seem to be changing their path and now go right past our yard, right along the line where I spray! It does have a strong odor at first, but it fades quickly and the results far outweigh that small inconvenience. |
Positive | nodeer
Wheeling, WV
(1 review)
March 25, 2010 | I've been using Liquid Fence for three years now. Deer roam thru our neighborhood big-time. Liquid Fence is expensive but absolutely works. It smells like puke to me when it has just been applied. Within hours that smell changes to a different, less offensive but still offensive and decreasingly strong smell that takes 2-3 days to completely disappear. But the deer have a much more sensitive sense of smell and it lasts for weeks for them and they learn to avoid treated areas during this time. The more rain you get the shorter the effective period. Reapply to keep the deer trained. I don't spray all my plants. I mix the concentrate in a watering can and water strategic areas so that the deer avoid my yard. The smell problem is well worth being the only person around who can grow whatever you want. Think about the best time to apply: not when rain or visitors are expected. If you just can't get over the smells, especially the initial smell, learn to live with the deer. |
Neutral | farm253
Washington, NJ
(1 review)
March 17, 2010 | We use an awesome product called Deer Stopper or Animal Stopper granular available through the manufacturer Messina Wildlife Management, visit http://www.messinawildlife.com. So for those of you who HATE the smell of Liquid Fence this stuff is inviting and allows you to enjoy your garden.
Positive | sg_dkm
(1 review)
July 27, 2009 | The company is efficient, the spray handle and container work well.
It is true that the product smell bad, but that's how it is supposed to work!
I don't think we can blame the smell on the company at all.
I think a bad smell, transient, is a MUCH better alternative to other repellant that can be highly toxic for the environment and the wildlife.
The product WORKS, the product is SAFE for everyone. That's what counts.
Congratulations to the inventor!
Positive | kathass
Wynnewood, PA
(1 review)
July 20, 2009 | Yes, this product does smell, but it is effective HANDS DOWN. If you want something that WORKS buy liquid fence.
It is really that simple.
KatKat |
Positive | iowamom
Cedar Rapids, IA
(1 review)
June 12, 2009 | Twenty years ago we never had deer. Our plants weren't bothered by wildlife and we planted a lot of hosta and shade plants. In the last 5-8 years the deer population has exploded. We've had 16 deer in our yard at one time and 5-10 deer often. They eat everything except the vinca, to the point that I had about given up. We had tried a lot of things but nothing deterred them. A friend told me about Liquid Fence this spring and since I started using it, the deer haven't nibbled even one hosta!
The first time I used it I just used the small hand-spray bottle and got some on my gloves and clothes and it smelled terrible until they were washed, but since then I have used a garden pump sprayer with a wand and have had no problem. I've also worn a paint mask, so I don't get the smell in my nostrils, and once I walk away from the just-sprayed plants and take off the mask - no smell! The odor is nasty when applying, but the mask makes it tolerable, and after it dries (next day) it is almost odorless to humans. Two days after spraying I have planted things right next to sprayed plants and smelled nothing. I have applied it three times (initially, and after heavy rains) in two months and am very satisfied so far.
I like that nothing in it is damaging to the environment or highly toxic so I don't need to worry about pets and kids, or my health spraying it. |
Positive | mem1900
Peachtree City, GA
(2 reviews)
May 13, 2009 | I have been using liquid fence for years! I love hosta's and buy new varieties from "Pine Forest Gardens" on a regular basis. But without liquid fence, I wouldn't have been able to maintain my shade garden.
Yes, it does smell at first. I would not suggest you apply it if the neighbors are having a party that evening! Once it dries,
there is no more smell.
What I really love about this product is the longer you use it, the deer and rabbits will just pass your yard completely. They don't like your salad bar anymore! You actually train them to stay away because it is not worth the effort to them.
I don't have to apply it as much anymore. I haven't even used it this year yet. I am about to apply my first application.
I have a large area to cover, so I buy the large concentrate and use a good backpack sprayer. It is worth it. My thumbs will not tolerate a hand sprayer. My 3 gallon backpack sprayer is just perfect for the whole yard. It's easy, quick and clean .
I will always use Liquid Fence! Just don't wear your shoes or clothes inside if they get wet! (Which will not happen using the proper equipment)
Positive | sixmilecross
Nineveh, IN
(1 review)
May 5, 2009 | i just happened to have some liquid fence for deer and rabbits in my garage and sprayed it on my tomatoes. i was looking for something to keep my great dane out of my flower beds and will buy the dog and cat. just by reading some of the comments, i think that those who find the smell horrible are just those that have a supersensitive nose. On May 8th, 2009, sixmilecross changed the rating from neutral to positive and added the following:
well, i have to say, i ordered the liquid fence for dogs and cats on wednesday and received it on thursday. i have never gotten anything that fast except for a replacement cell phone. |
Negative | a_wenzel7
Jamestown, NY
(1 review)
April 1, 2009 | I have no idea how this Liquid Fence Cat and Dog Repellent works on cats and dogs but it has definitely repelled ME!!! It smells so bad that I am thanking GOD that its not warm enough to open the windows!!! I have heard good reviews about how the product works but it should come with a warning on the label that it smells AWFUL!!!!!!!!! I ended up tracking some in the house and I am having a horrible time getting rid of the horrible smell. Some people said it fades quickly others said it stayed for days!!! I'm hoping it stays dry out long enough for it to dry because I'm sure its offending my neighbors too! Augh! I will never again by this stuff! |
Positive | westbrookls
Leonardtown, MD
(1 review)
August 16, 2008 | Since moving to my home in Southern Maryland in 1997 I've been trying to grow flowers and shrubs in my yard. Before liquid fence my plantings didn't stand a chance against the deer, rabbits and squirrels. This is the first year I've been able to see my bulbs, flowers and shrubs bloom to their fullest and they are beautiful. I had almost given up. Yes, I agree that the smell is something and may last several days but my beautiful yard/gardens are a sight to behold. Cheers to liquid fence! |
Neutral | englishivy01
Collegeville, PA
(1 review)
July 31, 2008 | We have found this product to be somewhat effective against deer and rabbits. The bad smell that works to discouraging wildlife you may also find discouraging to YOUR life. It stinks and stinks and stinks. We have had product problems with seals on containers and low quality sprayers which have contributed to smell problems. The good news is they have a money back policy for "any reason". Good luck! |
Positive | Taosto
Harrells, NC
(1 review)
July 18, 2008 | Roughly 10 years ago my brother moved to an area in Virginia where they had herds of deer moving thru the land they lived on. Needless to say the deer ate everything that would not kill them. Once he started using Liquid Fence the deer problem STOPPED cold. I have since been using Liquid Fence to stop deer and rabbits from ravaging our gardens with 100% success. Yes, it does smell but when you consider what the active ingredients are it should smell.....eggs and garlic. The smell is a bit rough while spraying and until it dries but the results are WONDERFUL and this is one product that is HARMLESS to animals and unless eye contact or ingesting the product it is also harmless to humans. What other product with such results can say the same thing?? As for any residual smell...I would prefer to have flowers and vegetables I can see AND consume than to have the deer wipe out everything in our yard. |
Positive | deerallgone
New Hope, PA
(1 review)
July 16, 2008 | You people that complain about the smell of liquid fence are just silly. Its the best product on the market, and if you use it properly the smell goes away after two day of being sprayed. I saturate my gardens including a wild flower field that deer love, but not anymore. I havent seen a deer on my property since I started in april. My garden is Beautiful..........The flowers smell gorgeous too. You will get over the smell. Really.
This stuff smells but it works! Gotta Love it!
Finally, I can see the plants bloom!
deerallgone! |
Positive | MickOG
West Salem, WI
(1 review)
June 26, 2007 | I have found the easiest application of this product is to do it later at night, use a more direct spray and NOT mist the entire plant. It was applied at 9:30pm and at 12:30am a doe winded 13 times about 10 steps into the yard! She left and hasn't been back :>) Yep, it stinks when wet, not when dried or following rain here in WI. Figure out what works for you regarding application and smile all the while all your perennials are blooming for the first summer in ages!! Now we are in pursuit of the Liquid Fence Mole, Vole and Gopher product. |
Positive | gdionelli
Huntington, WV
(Zone 6a)
(29 reviews)
June 15, 2007 | The product is very effective. I spray it only around the perimeter of my property where the deer are most likely to nibble, so I'm not smelling it near the house. As long as it's not windy when I'm spraying, I don't have a big problem with it. |
Positive | White_Hydrangea
Aurora, CO
(Zone 5a)
(20 reviews)
June 15, 2007 | This is one of the few products I've tried that is actually successful at keeping critters away. Don't spray it when it's windy because it does smell awful. But I've never had a problem with the smell staying. After several minutes it fades away. |
Negative | gowron
Athens, GA
(38 reviews)
June 15, 2007 | DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT, unless you enjoy (a) putrid, penetrating and persistent smells, (b) being in your yard wearing a gas mask or (c) watching your flowers from inside the house, with the windows closed tightly. The smell is indescribably sickening and penetrating and persists for several days. IT IS NOT WORTH IT, it completely destroys the beauty of your garden - I'd much rather feed the deer. We bought 1 gallon of the stuff at our local nursery for about $ 25, and after one spraying threw away the rest (almost the full gallon). It is not true that the smell goes away once it dries!! It keeps going and going, more than the Energizer Bunny. BEWARE!! |
Positive | soilserf
douglasville, GA
(Zone 7a)
(9 reviews)
June 3, 2007 | This product works.
My deer problem is now not a problem! On June 15th, 2007, soilserf added the following:
This product continues to provide good pest protection for
my flowers, etc. You only need to spray a very small amount
on plants and only after rains. ( if we ever get any). |
Positive | theras_garden
Fairburn, GA
(Zone 7b)
(7 reviews)
December 14, 2006 | Worked wonderfully keeping those pesky deer from eating my hostas and St. John's wort. It's a rotten egg smell that is obnoxious at first but works great (wear disposable gloves or you'll be keep your spouse away too).
You must carefully read the instructions and follow carefully about application and re-applications to keep it working.
It's a keeper on my garden shelf. |
Negative | sara_girl
Flanders, NJ
(1 review)
December 13, 2006 | I had no idea when I purchased this product that it smelled SO bad. I had a problem with deer eating my perennials bordering my driveway so I purchased the Liquid Fence. The second I started spraying, it smelled like badly rotted food. I smelled awful! I got it on my shoe, and my shoe smelled for hours. SO I read that the smell only lasts until the product is dry. Well, two days later my family arrived and it had just lightly rained the night before. They got out of the car and got hit with such a stench. My dad thought it was my septic!
The product got rid of the deer, but kept me out of the garden too. |
Positive | pontiac52
Delton, MI
(1 review)
August 15, 2006 | i tried liquid fence to protect my marigold annuals and various perrenials. for some reason it did not keep rabbits away. i contacted the company and we talked about the possible reasons that this was our experience. anyway, they cheerfully refunded the msrp as they 100% guarantee their product. i feel that they treated me fairly and acted honestly in their dealings with me. you cannot ask for more than that. i realize that with any product there can be an occasional failure for whatever reason, and its good to know there are companys that stand behind their money back promise like liquid fence did. others im sure are having general success with liquid fence. |