There's treachery afoot
I will opt for lazy and post a few here....been a long week. just got back from my fifth trip to the vet in 10 days for my dog who has a really bad ear and sinus infection...poor baby. She is much better and off meds so we are gaining. Anyway, photos are of a few of the "ripest" girls and a group shot. Planted 8 seeds, got 8 females, gave two away kept six and waiting.....patiently to harvest. Strange bunch but enjoyed watching them grow, Problem I am having is I just can't decide when they are ready. Trichs are mostly cloudy with a few clear and a couple slightly amber. don't want the couch lock but looking for the "up" buzz. harvested late WW last round and a few hits and I'm down for the count. need a little creative inspiration be it for housework or relaxation either way, trying to hit the early side without sacrificing bud mass. So, let me know your thoughts on harvesting. I'm thinking of Sunday for one and Weds. next week for the other, then leave the rest for a Valentines Day massacre...muaa ha ha.....grin