Giggle's Garden Of Eden, Join Me In My Adventures.

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one of my ww x bb hermed on me, gutted, pulled her and chopped her but worried now the others might be infected, how long have i got before it shows or should i just chop the lot anyways, week early on the 10 weeks i said i'd let em go... what i can do????
Just a lil update, Harvest day tomorrow :D. Oh and also going to be watering the girls. So pics will be coming tomorrow!

Hope everyone has been well. Sorry bout slacking on this thread I've just been really busy lately.

Next thread will be in grow journals. I'll make sure to post up a link.
you will have to check out my g13 cross in my journal when i get some pics up here in a little bit. i got some one hitter quitters going this round stupid frosty nugs.
Hell ya bro, both haze and g13 are frosty already. g13 deff has more resin though.

Didn't you say 9 weeks on her? I plan on chopping her around 10 weeks though.
from what im seeing you got around a 12 week plant, the g is a long haul. the haze tend to be on the shorter side im chopping at 9.
SkR8 Green hahah! It's like a jungle in there!
Only thing you missing is Tarzan hahahah :leaf:
Anything new with the routine, or just the same ole?
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