Giggle's Garden Of Eden, Join Me In My Adventures.

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Thanks bro, I'm really loving this new bulb and hood. A perfect 5x5 light spread so there is no canopy left untouched :D
It's going pretty damn good, well eh I guess. Having lots of problems with my electric company right now and they are currently charging me .18kwh! Fuckers!

Ah well I guess it could be worse, will get them figured out this next week. Not the first time I've dealt with the idiots.

How bout yourself?
Are you going to tell us anymore about her? lol. Or just keep it a big secret?

You should feel privalged that I shared this much ;) lol

She's a pure brazilian landrace sativa gifted to me from an old time grower friend that he's had since the 60's, she has a 16-18 week flower, when grown outdoors I don't harvest until almost Christmas, I'm really wanting to do some breeding with her.
Wow, 16 to 18 wks. Bet that seems like forever at about the 10th wk knowing you've still got 6 to go. It's worth the wait though, I bet she has an amazing high to her. I was just thinking, the breeder I told you about said Asian LR/sativas are prone to do that.
Yes first time I grew her it was so hard to wait that long but you are very right it is so worth the high.

Oh and mochican shoot me a pm bro....
I like sativa doms during the day and the pure indicas at night, that is unless I'm out somewhere then it's the sativa all the way.
Same here bro, same here. I feel like I can do a marathon when I smoke her lol. I love it. It's what I take with me out to my patch when I'm working :D
Very pretty plant Giggles. I was thinking "classic sativa".

That flower cycle reminds me of Old Timer's Haze which was suggested
to me recently. I would love to try outdoors.

It occurs to me that that would also be an interesting plant for you
to cross with, as it is such an old line as well.

Yep I'll have to make a road trip to find something like that.

Might have to make a few phone calls tomorrow.

The hunt is on, preserving genetics 1 day at a time.
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