Giggle's Garden Of Eden, Join Me In My Adventures.

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Well-Known Member
subb a dubb dubb smokin joints in the tub.

everything looks really great man... you got some light bleaching goin on too i see.... i have some in mine room under my 600's also.. i would probably have it under the 1k light too but its on a lightmover, i really like the way they promote completely even growth i have 2 more ill be using when i re-set up my room at the new house im moving into itll be 3 light movers 2600 watts, or 2 lightmovers with 1k's and 2 stationary600's in the middle. with 2x400watters for veg.



Well-Known Member
Haha I bet my quote would be outrageous

Ya the light bleaching thing is my fault. Went out of town for the weekend and came back to her growing right into the cool tube lol. Whoops. I forgot she wasn't done stretching yet. Oh well she is doing fine as long as I keep up on watering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks in advance for the future help from this thread. I just got my seedlings started for outside and talked my girl into let me set up a room for indoors. So as soon as my babies get big enough I plan on cloning some for outside and finishing them inside. I've never grown inside before other than veg. for a month before I move them outside. I have several friends with inside grows but am tring this with out there Knowledge of what I'm doing. My girls a teacher and paranoid but loves the end product. I have a cheap 600watt system off ebay.


Well-Known Member
sorry im late!
You can never be late to giggles garden of eden ;)

Thanks in advance for the future help from this thread. I just got my seedlings started for outside and talked my girl into let me set up a room for indoors. So as soon as my babies get big enough I plan on cloning some for outside and finishing them inside. I've never grown inside before other than veg. for a month before I move them outside. I have several friends with inside grows but am tring this with out there Knowledge of what I'm doing. My girls a teacher and paranoid but loves the end product. I have a cheap 600watt system off ebay.
No problem brotha, if you need any help just let me know, also if your going to be having a 600 I'd suggest checking out the 600 club there are some good people there.


Well-Known Member
Your mix is just like mine I just use a different soil and add crushed oyster shell ...same rabbit molasses and everything lol


Well-Known Member
Well 2 days ago I did a little bit of trimming and took a little test bud from vinnie even though she's got 19 days left and just tried it out I am very impressed. I can only imagine what the final product is going to be like. I'm high as shit, it's very up lifting high, feels like I wanna go clean or something lol. Deff leans more towards the jack 33 hazy side. Has a very citrous taste.

I'm loving this strain more and more everyday.


Well-Known Member
Well not much of an update other then vinnie got the last bloom tea she will receive, from now on she will be straight water with molasses every other watering.


Seedlings have started out with a light tea I brewed up and seem to be liking it.

Looks like a couple are going to have to get transplanted and put into the flower tent as I'm running out of room in there and 2 of them are root bound, who to choose to flower next hmm, maybe 3 headed monster lol. Got a couple auto's in there that I might put in only cuz I'm not about to change my light cycle for 3 autos. They were freebies and you know giggles can't pass up freebies :D

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

This thread will get more exciting as summer comes :D


Well-Known Member
What are your tea recipes?
Looking good.
Veg tea
20% Compost
15% Straw
30% Organic Compounds (sea kelp, alfalfa meal, bone/blood meal)
30% Worm Castings
5% Molasses

Flowering tea recipe
25% Compost
15% ground straw
5% ground oats
30% sea kelp
10% alfalfa meal
5% worm castings
10% fresh forest soil
a pinch of molasses

Thanks brotha, hope all is well with ya.

how much u think thats going to yield giggles?!!
I was hoping with at least 3 but a lot of people are saying I better make that 5 lol. I'm not exactly sure.

Either way I'll be very happy with her I'm sure. She is probably the most beautiful plant I've grown yet. She is just covered in resin, it's even starting down onto the fan leaves.
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