girl stole all my ... she took it all.

How can you have not committed homicide yet. In the post apocalyptic world 12 oz. of weed is worth 12 oz. of gold or more. People have and will continue to die for it. She should be no exception. whoa sorry got a little psycho there... women sometimes do that to me... when they turn into UNCONTROLLABLE BITCHES
Lmfao how the hell you don't have that back already?
I would've been at her house waiting for mine.. Either that or she has to up at least 3,000 cash!
well now this is all going to shit isent it wers the OP infact who the fuk was th OP lol

oh well fabs killed another thread LMAO haha
LMAO , this is too funny.
Just goes to show you, pussy isn't free.

So this girl I know pretty much raped me. She took about 12 oz. She at the least gave me back my equipment. I told my ex I would give her an o if she would get it all back... I need a really crafty brilliant way of getting it all back. Wtf can I do?