Girlfriend question, is this normal

From a woma point of view I feel the same way. That is too much of a romantic date than just hanging out.

Lacy:)I wouldn't dream of asking my man that question nor would I ever want to.
fuck the pictures, fuck the trust.That shit is not right. I would personally ask her what the fuck is going through her head to think that it is ok to do that.
Let me put it to you this way: If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then it's a duck.
It sounds like a date, it looks like a date, dude, it's a date.

Introduce this friend of hers to the sole of your boot. Then introduce her face to the pimp-hand-of-doom.

No joke man, I've been there. Naive enough to believe the whole "trust her" (sorry mattso) crap, and blind enough to miss what was really happening. Don't fall for the bull-shit.

Put your foot down on this shit quick...thats just my take on it.


Get a date with a hot chick and see what she thinks about it...

lol this shit had me fucking cracking up dude... i almost spilled my beer...

Bottom line dude....does she treat you how you wanna be treated when shes around...YES???....keep her around...NO???...boot her!!!...people get too hung up on rules of the relationship until finally, you cant do anything without getting the "EVIL EYE"....Rules and control push women away...Losers who are afraid they cant keep a woman try to control what they do!!!Trust and freedom make you a real man!!! Are you man enough to risk a broken heart??? If not, buy a dog.........By the way my dogs name is Jade...LOL

this dude just changed my life...

but anyway after reading through this i would have to agree that you need to asker her to come with... just like they said, especially if you haven't met him before... if he's gay it's all good... as long as he is flaming gay and not one of those pretend gays dudes...

but it sounds to me like your girl hasn't banged this dude before but it's obvious this dude wants to fuck your girl...

but also if you can't trust her then you are doomed anyway... i don't trust my gf after this one thing... and it was a year ago... and i still can't... i think we about to go ours seperate ways soon... it was a good 3 year run, experiance under the belt lol...

lol and i forgot... i was assuming your girl was hot... if she's not then that changes everything...
Originally Posted by xbravoz
Bottom line dude....does she treat you how you wanna be treated when shes around...YES???....keep her around...NO???...boot her!!!...people get too hung up on rules of the relationship until finally, you cant do anything without getting the "EVIL EYE"....Rules and control push women away...Losers who are afraid they cant keep a woman try to control what they do!!!Trust and freedom make you a real man!!! Are you man enough to risk a broken heart??? If not, buy a dog.........By the way my dogs name is Jade...LOL

this dude just changed my life...
I'm glad I could enlighten you....Please send check or money order to "JADES DADDY" at 666 WomenAreAllSatanSpawn Ln.......LOL:)
Well......I sure as hell wouldn't, That sounds too much of a romantic situation that might end up in sexual intercourse. Pound that pussy hard as hell when she gets back to let her know what shes cheating on.

ahhh thats awsome!
if you dont trust your girl dont be with her but if she is telling you that she's doing all this stuff then at least she's not hiding it so i wouldent worry. give your girl some space she will love you more
Chicks are very deceitful these days. They make it seem like guys are the ones cheating and all that shit. But out of all my experience iv had more chicks cheat on me than i have on them.

All i can say to you is dont trust her or any female. Trust your feelings. Everytime i have felt something "is up" it has been.

Im sorry if i offended any females, maybe you are nice and dont lie. But i have never had the chance to meet a chick like that yet so this is my opinion.

Cearid's idea was awesome. I say go for it. How can she get angry at you for doing the same thing... Childish yes, but it would work.
i trust my girl i know she would never cheat on me i had girls that did and i also cheated but there are girls that want to be with just one man. you should be friends with a girl before you date them to get a idear of what there about good luck.
Trust fell off the table when she started to DATE another guy...

Trust no one. Its cliche as hell but also true.

The only thing that I personally trust is that any action taken by ANYBODY is for self-serving reasons.
There are no friends, only people that you use. People that call you their friend are using you for something that they want.

Make no mistake.
Trust no one.
i trust my girl i know she would never cheat on me i had girls that did and i also cheated but there are girls that want to be with just one man. you should be friends with a girl before you date them to get a idear of what there about good luck.
Everytime i get close enough to feel like im there only guy and i can trust them i get cut down with some bullshit. Its a sensitive subject i spose. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG.
Trust fell off the table when she started to DATE another guy...

Trust no one. Its cliche as hell but also true.

The only thing that I personally trust is that any action taken by ANYBODY is for self-serving reasons.
There are no friends, only people that you use. People that call you their friend are using you for something that they want.

Make no mistake.
Trust no one.
lmao have you been hurt in the past lol.
Everytime i get close enough to feel like im there only guy and i can trust them i get cut down with some bullshit. Its a sensitive subject i spose. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG.
your not doing anything wrong you sound like a good dude. it will come in time like i said try being friends with someone first then move on from there. its just a thought.
lmao have you been hurt in the past lol.
Yeah man, I learned my lesson. Also the whole "friends that use" thing is actually a Japanese proverb. But it still holds true.
Dude I'm happily married.
But if it was me I'd still be suspicious, and crackin' skulls
This sounds like my ex. I put up with this type of crap for five years, don't you make the same mistake. The best part was when she found out she was prego she was bawling saying "what if the baby's not yours". Her ass was out the door and lucky for me DNA proved the child was not mine. If you feel she is cheating she is. Just confront her with how you feel and see how she reacts. Just my 2 cents
Alright heres the deal, weve been together for over a year, everythings fine, shes the kind of person for whom its really important not to mess around with other people, i know i can trust her on that, shes made it pretty clear by now.
The reason i let her meet up with the guy are as follows:
Although shes very hot and cute shes having a tough time finding friends here and im pretty much the only person she does anything with so i end up meeting with her just about every day so i woudlnt mind her doing things with others a few times so that i can have some me time.
Then, i hang out with girls somethimes, however these are old friends ive known for years and years and a few weeks ago an old friend came to visit and stayed at my place a few days and my gf knows we hooked up once, a few years ago, while being drunk (this was before i even knew my current gf). Basically she was/is a best friend but i give my gf credit for letting her stay.
Then, because i know i can trust her, i dont want to be the controlling boyfriend so i want to let her go and do what she wants, as long as i feel its not out of the ordinary.
So thats where i stand, but i wasnt sure if it was strange to not let her go and meet this guy or to go and let her do it.
Ill talk to her again later that something about it all just doesnt fit right, im sure shes just looking for a friend, but i dont know about the guy.
She also asked if i want to go with but i dont really want to because i have no real need to hang out with the guy. The only reason would be to let him know shes mine but i dont feel like i need to prove myself.