giving defoliation during flower a try

Its pain in ass to upload w camera heres another pic w better light and ipad resolution
Its the same bud dude.
now, i think you just boosted the pic, because that bud is not on a tile floor, or in front of the sun coming in.

Dip shit i said i place it on the tile floor in front of my slider. The bud is on a piece of hemp paper dumb fuck. Ur so stupid bro. Haters keep me motivated, if i didnt have losers like u trying justify why u cant produce bud like me i know im doing suttin right, chump.


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What is in a Fertilizer?
Analysis or Grade
By law, all products sold as fertilizer require uniform labeling guaranteeing the minimum percentage of nutrients. The three-number combination (fertilizer grade or analysis) on the product identifies percentages of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P2O5), and potash (K2O), respectively. For example, a 20-10-5 fertilizer contains 20% nitrogen, 10% phosphate, and 5% potash.

Note: Phosphorus, P, is a primary nutrient in plant growth. The word phosphate, P2O5, refers to the ionic compound containing two atoms of phosphorus with five atoms of oxygen. Thephosphorus content of fertilizers is measured in percent phosphate.

Note: Potassium, K, is a primary nutrient in plant growth. The word potash, K2O, refers to the ionic compound containing two atoms of potassium with one atom of oxygen. The potassiumcontent of fertilizers is measured in percent potash.

The product may also identify other nutrients, such as sulfur, iron, and zinc, if the manufacturer wants to guarantee the amount. This may be done by placing a fourth number on the product label and identifying what nutrient was added in the ingredients.
The formulation tells what specific kinds of fertilizer are in the product. Table 1 gives examples of manufactured fertilizers that could be mixed to derive any specific analysis, ratio, or brand name.

Table 1.
Examples of Manufactured Fertilizers
Nitrogen %
Phosphate %
Potash %

Ammonium nitrate
Ammonium sulfate
Ammoniated super-phosphate
Di-ammonium phosphate
Mono-ammonium phosphate
Triple super phosphate
Potassium chloride
Potassium nitrate
Potassium sulfate
Potassium-magnesium sulfate

What else is in the fertilizer? In a manufactured fertilizer, the grade does not add up to 100% because the fertilizer also contains other elements like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, iron, zinc, etc. For example, ammonium nitrate (NH4+ NO3-) has a grade of 34-0-0 with 34% of the content from nitrogen and 66% from hydrogen and oxygen. Ammonium sulfate (NH4+ SO2- has a grade of 21-0-0 with 21% from the nitrogen and 79% from the hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen.

Time release or slow release fertilizers contain coating materials or are otherwise formulated to release the nutrients over a period of time as water, heat, and/or microorganisms break down the material. [Table 2]

Table 2.
Examples of Quickly and Slowly Available Nitrogen
Quickly available nitrogenLasts 4-6 weeks

Ammonium sulfate
Ammonium nitrate
Calcium nitrate
Potassium nitrate
Slowly available nitrogenAvailable over weeks to months

Regulated by solubility or microorganism activity

Resin-coated urea
Sulfur-coated urea
Isobutylidene diurea (IBDU)
Methylene urea
Urea formaldehyde
Poultry wastes
Blood meal

In an “organic” type fertilizer, the base is decomposed or processed plant and/or animal by-products. For example, fish emulsion is ground and processed non-edible fish or fish scraps. Its nutrient content would be around 8-4-2, with 8% from nitrogen, 4% from phosphate, and 2% from potash.

Some manufactured and “organic” fertilizers contain fillers, which are used to prevent caking, control dust, derive the desired grade, or to facilitate ease of application.

Complete fertilizer is a term used to identify fertilizers that contains nitrogen, phosphorus,and potassium. In the national home garden trade, most fertilizers are complete. However, in Colorado the majority of gardens do not need phosphorus or potassium. It is advisable to avoid heavy applications of phosphate and potash when unneeded as they contribute to soil salts.​

I think he means chemical grades Chuck
Yea, we're gonna need a picture of you actually snipping the bud off one of your plants and placing on said tile, signed by a Notary.

That would be great
Yea, we're gonna need a picture of you actually snipping the bud off one of your plants and placing on said tile, signed by a Notary.

That would be great

Yeah apparently. Just stop being a clown stop sweating my swag. Produce some of best fire on the east coast. Im well known dont need someone name chuck to tell me otherwise.

U wanna talk about mullets and ur name is chuck? Seriously, u probably got a bowl cut, and ur teeth so big everytime u sneeze u bite ur chest. Chump
Yeah apparently. Just stop being a clown stop sweating my swag. Produce some of best fire on the east coast. Im well known dont need someone name chuck to tell me otherwise.

U wanna talk about mullets and ur name is chuck? Seriously, u probably got a bowl cut, and ur teeth so big everytime u sneeze u bite ur chest. Chump

U obviously dont know about nutriets if u think all salts and nutrients are the same! Do u even know about diff sources of nitrogen for plants besides the basic chemcial vs synthetic?

Plants can uptake many different forms of nitrogen. Lets start by establishing this first, correct? Ok, now there are diff forms of nitrogen, positive charged, negative charged and urea based no charge, right? Ok, u understand how diff forms of nitrogen are converted into ammonia by plants right? Then you would know the diff between diff forms of nitrogen. This is just one of macro nutrients. Furthermore, understanding that all salts in nutrient solutions sre not the same its important to know what type of nitrogen is being used. High acidic fertilizers like a 20-10-20 change root zone ph, as well as say a 15-8-15 would lower your root zone ph, less acidic. Usually in products like the ones u say to use these "cheap salts" supply to much of the wrong type of nitrogen your plants want. This is whats used my commercial flower growers like the ones i use for my nurseries. You know why? Because those ferts create lush dark green plants that are used to harden off plants and keep em green during times of stress like movig, shipping, transporting etcc... Thats why cannibus specific nutrients dont come in such forms.

Not only type of nitrogen but where they sre derived from, lrocessed snd formulsted plays an importsnt role in the whality of nitrogen allocated by your plants which has s direct impact on your medium you are using. Which is ehy diff nutrients sre made for dif applications such as hydro/coco/soil.

You can think whatever u want, I know better. Nutrients are not created equal. You pay for what you get.

Telling me nutrient are nutrients is same as telling me 1000w bulb is a 1000w bulb when thats absolute bs. Diff companies make better 1000w bulbs then others. Why? Because of what they use, components, and assembly. Same processes used in developing nutrient formulas. Its for a reason. Trying to tell me theres no difference between agricultural grade nutrients and pharmaceuticalgrade nutrients is bs. U will find them listed on nutrient bottles if labeled correctly, to see which kind u are appllying to your crops.

Go to this website.. U guys kike GH flora series and see for yourself..

GH vs Advanced 3 part just as an example:
(And advanced is cheaper btw, just saying)
U obviously dont know about nutriets if u think all salts and nutrients are the same! Do u even know about diff sources of nitrogen for plants besides the basic chemcial vs synthetic?
Again, you're in the wrong forum, try the newbie section.

Linking to an AN page with slander as if it's an authoritative source... that shit is downright pathetic and shows AN is not a professional company and is not to be taken seriously.
Although it's not from AN, it could have been, same bullshit, this PK_Scammer mentioned Terpinator earlier. Anyone bothered to check their site? It's quite hilarious.

How does it work?
Some types of plant oils have terpenoid, or compounds that contain very interesting odor molecules. Terpenoids are molecular compounds that consist of repeating units of a 5-carbon structure called isoprene. Many plants incorporate aromatic compounds that produce a plethora of odors that have been long thought to affect our physiology through odor activation (aromatherapy).

Two of these odor molecules are limonene and myrcene. These occur in a wide variety of oil producing plants, and can be described to smell like lemons and grapefruit, respectively. Many researchers have been aware of the power of odor chemistry to affect our moods, for example, many people describe a feeling of “sunny happiness” when smelling limonene. These types of compounds end up in the glands that inhabit the “skin” of plants, and can create biological affects in our bodies when ingested. For example, the plant oils in mint can cause a feeling of relaxation when taken as a cup of tea.

TERPINATOR® has a neutral PH of about 6 and should not affect your parts per millions (PPMs). This product can be used from vegetating state all the way through flush. We recommend 15 - 30 ml/Gal for the last 4-6 weeks of flowers, and all the way through flush. TERPINATOR® has been tested at a very high concentrations with a large variety of nutrients and mediums - never with any results of burning or negative effects. Therefore, it can be used through the entire cycle of growth without concern.

So that's how it works...:rolleyes:
Youll be using the terp soon enough. That is if u can afford the 20$ for a litre. Hope that dont break the bank.
Although it's not from AN, it could have been, same bullshit, this PK_Scammer mentioned Terpinator earlier. Anyone bothered to check their site? It's quite hilarious.

How does it work?
Some types of plant oils have terpenoid, or compounds that contain very interesting odor molecules. Terpenoids are molecular compounds that consist of repeating units of a 5-carbon structure called isoprene. Many plants incorporate aromatic compounds that produce a plethora of odors that have been long thought to affect our physiology through odor activation (aromatherapy).

Two of these odor molecules are limonene and myrcene. These occur in a wide variety of oil producing plants, and can be described to smell like lemons and grapefruit, respectively. Many researchers have been aware of the power of odor chemistry to affect our moods, for example, many people describe a feeling of “sunny happiness” when smelling limonene. These types of compounds end up in the glands that inhabit the “skin” of plants, and can create biological affects in our bodies when ingested. For example, the plant oils in mint can cause a feeling of relaxation when taken as a cup of tea.

TERPINATOR® has a neutral PH of about 6 and should not affect your parts per millions (PPMs). This product can be used from vegetating state all the way through flush. We recommend 15 - 30 ml/Gal for the last 4-6 weeks of flowers, and all the way through flush. TERPINATOR® has been tested at a very high concentrations with a large variety of nutrients and mediums - never with any results of burning or negative effects. Therefore, it can be used through the entire cycle of growth without concern.

So that's how it works...:rolleyes:

Well science class back in session. Ph of 7 is neutral, but isnt definite in describing neutral ph. When [H+] = [OH-] thats also a neutral solution and doesnt have to be 7!! So youre wrong again buddy. Keep trying u def get an A for effort.

U know what all u guys problems are? You can find something wrong with anything, bcuz all u do is nit pick. U got too much time on ur hands go do suttin productive. Go try product out for yourself. Terpinstor gonna b best product of 2014 hands down. Remo urban grower just sent out samples for testing and terp increased his thc 4-5% and resin production i think somewhere around 8%. Been many research grows done using the product and shit works very well.

It was developed for creating resins and oils for tinctures for herbal medicines and remedies but also works great on cannibinoid oil production. Maybe u can afford the 20$ find out for yourself.
Although it's not from AN, it could have been, same bullshit, this PK_Scammer mentioned Terpinator earlier. Anyone bothered to check their site? It's quite hilarious.

How does it work?
Some types of plant oils have terpenoid, or compounds that contain very interesting odor molecules. Terpenoids are molecular compounds that consist of repeating units of a 5-carbon structure called isoprene. Many plants incorporate aromatic compounds that produce a plethora of odors that have been long thought to affect our physiology through odor activation (aromatherapy).

Two of these odor molecules are limonene and myrcene. These occur in a wide variety of oil producing plants, and can be described to smell like lemons and grapefruit, respectively. Many researchers have been aware of the power of odor chemistry to affect our moods, for example, many people describe a feeling of “sunny happiness” when smelling limonene. These types of compounds end up in the glands that inhabit the “skin” of plants, and can create biological affects in our bodies when ingested. For example, the plant oils in mint can cause a feeling of relaxation when taken as a cup of tea.

TERPINATOR® has a neutral PH of about 6 and should not affect your parts per millions (PPMs). This product can be used from vegetating state all the way through flush. We recommend 15 - 30 ml/Gal for the last 4-6 weeks of flowers, and all the way through flush. TERPINATOR® has been tested at a very high concentrations with a large variety of nutrients and mediums - never with any results of burning or negative effects. Therefore, it can be used through the entire cycle of growth without concern.

So that's how it works...:rolleyes:
Wow... I want some pixi dust too. How much?...
Youll be using the terp soon enough. That is if u can afford the 20$ for a litre. Hope that dont break the bank.

Well science class back in session. Ph of 7 is neutral, but isnt definite in describing neutral ph. When [H+] = [OH-] thats also a neutral solution and doesnt have to be 7!! So youre wrong again buddy. Keep trying u def get an A for effort.

U know what all u guys problems are? You can find something wrong with anything, bcuz all u do is nit pick. U got too much time on ur hands go do suttin productive. Go try product out for yourself. Terpinstor gonna b best product of 2014 hands down. Remo urban grower just sent out samples for testing and terp increased his thc 4-5% and resin production i think somewhere around 8%. Been many research grows done using the product and shit works very well.

It was developed for creating resins and oils for tinctures for herbal medicines and remedies but also works great on cannibinoid oil production. Maybe u can afford the 20$ find out for yourself.
I know a few that have ran it side by side with their other crappy nutes. They were very impressed. I smoked it and can say it did have more smell and taste. Taste was a little more sweet. More complex flavors too. Not sure where the funny back taste comes from because it's there. Could be another nute he uses. The comparisons are his weed against his terpinator weed in same grow. Two of the guys got there cuttings from me. We did compare them to mine. Mine was still better in every way.
Would love to grow cuttings from same plant against some of you. Then get together and blind taste test. And compare the affects.
U obviously dont know about nutriets if u think all salts and nutrients are the same! Do u even know about diff sources of nitrogen for plants besides the basic chemcial vs synthetic?

Plants can uptake many different forms of nitrogen. Lets start by establishing this first, correct? Ok, now there are diff forms of nitrogen, positive charged, negative charged and urea based no charge, right? Ok, u understand how diff forms of nitrogen are converted into ammonia by plants right? Then you would know the diff between diff forms of nitrogen. This is just one of macro nutrients. Furthermore, understanding that all salts in nutrient solutions sre not the same its important to know what type of nitrogen is being used. High acidic fertilizers like a 20-10-20 change root zone ph, as well as say a 15-8-15 would lower your root zone ph, less acidic. Usually in products like the ones u say to use these "cheap salts" supply to much of the wrong type of nitrogen your plants want. This is whats used my commercial flower growers like the ones i use for my nurseries. You know why? Because those ferts create lush dark green plants that are used to harden off plants and keep em green during times of stress like movig, shipping, transporting etcc... Thats why cannibus specific nutrients dont come in such forms.

Not only type of nitrogen but where they sre derived from, lrocessed snd formulsted plays an importsnt role in the whality of nitrogen allocated by your plants which has s direct impact on your medium you are using. Which is ehy diff nutrients sre made for dif applications such as hydro/coco/soil.

You can think whatever u want, I know better. Nutrients are not created equal. You pay for what you get.

Telling me nutrient are nutrients is same as telling me 1000w bulb is a 1000w bulb when thats absolute bs. Diff companies make better 1000w bulbs then others. Why? Because of what they use, components, and assembly. Same processes used in developing nutrient formulas. Its for a reason. Trying to tell me theres no difference between agricultural grade nutrients and pharmaceuticalgrade nutrients is bs. U will find them listed on nutrient bottles if labeled correctly, to see which kind u are appllying to your crops.

Go to this website.. U guys kike GH flora series and see for yourself..

GH vs Advanced 3 part just as an example:
(And advanced is cheaper btw, just saying)

You get what you pay for? Honestly, you have some good looking plants and nuggets.....very nice stuff.

While I'm pretty much a closet grower, I've grown weed very similar in size and (almost) the same yield per plant as you......with Jack's Classic. I'll do some digging and see if I can find some pictures.

You seem knowledgeable about nutrients, and if you have the money and AN dialed in for your grows.....go for it. The growers on a budget should really look at Jacks, Foliage Pro, and Dynagrow as an alternative to expensive (for no real reason if you ask me) AN products.
You get what you pay for? Honestly, you have some good looking plants and nuggets.....very nice stuff.

While I'm pretty much a closet grower, I've grown weed very similar in size and (almost) the same yield per plant as you......with Jack's Classic. I'll do some digging and see if I can find some pictures.

You seem knowledgeable about nutrients, and if you have the money and AN dialed in for your grows.....go for it. The growers on a budget should really look at Jacks, Foliage Pro, and Dynagrow as an alternative to expensive (for no real reason if you ask me) AN products.
i have a friend that uses those kind of nutes .. Big plants. Good looking buds. Look and feel sticky. Smokes ok. Bottom of bowl is unsmokable, for me. Sells all of it and the twenty something's love it. When he smokes my bud of same strain he gets too high he says. PK can come across as an ass and a know it all. But he's not stupid. Has some experience. Gets worked up. Will get worked up over me saying he gets worked up.
Ding, and he's off..... The belief that made for weed nutes are not better then Jackoffs Classic citrus salt fantastic, are wrong. That would be like saying cold water hash is better then shatter. Now the anti shatter guys can pop off. I'm trying to offend all in one post.... UpChuck and Aunty B are already typing their response before finishing reading. And don't get me started on the LED and CFL guys/girls. That wasn't for political correctness I meant they are he shes... Alright now which group to upset next? All synthetic nute abusers. They will not make your dick bigger......

i have a friend that uses those kind of nutes .. Big plants. Good looking buds. Look and feel sticky. Smokes ok. Bottom of bowl is unsmokable, for me. Sells all of it and the twenty something's love it. When he smokes my bud of same strain he gets too high he says. PK can come across as an ass and a know it all. But he's not stupid. Has some experience. Gets worked up. Will get worked up over me saying he gets worked up.
Ding, and he's off..... The belief that made for weed nutes are not better then Jackoffs Classic citrus salt fantastic, are wrong. That would be like saying cold water hash is better then shatter. Now the anti shatter guys can pop off. I'm trying to offend all in one post.... UpChuck and Aunty B are already typing their response before finishing reading. And don't get me started on the LED and CFL guys/girls. That wasn't for political correctness I meant they are he shes... Alright now which group to upset next? All synthetic nute abusers. They will not make your dick bigger......

Reported for being a troll.