giving up on my first grow?

Yeah, plants are pretty stupid when it comes to light. They would rather sit on top of the damn thing, and burn their asses off, than stay back an inch or two lol.

So, yeah you will just need to baby sit it for a while.
Well i haven't been on lately cus i been REALLY SICK with a lot of fever and just nastiness and in the past 3-4 days this is the first time i been outta bed so =)

let me tell you about the horrificcness that happened to my baby =/

about 3 days ago someone was in my room and knocked my baby's light lower and on top of it.. and burn the shit out of it's leaves n stuff... and i was like eh i'll just leave the leaves there for a bit n see how it fares and today i decided to cut them off since they were just lying there. the plant was already starting to grow in new spots so i figured it'll be ok...

i have no pics but i will take pics of the triming i did later
Just trim the burnt parts off and try to leave as much of the leaf as possible on the plant. I'm sure it'll bounce back, they're pretty hardy. I burn the shit out of my leaves all the time too. I'm always adjusting lights and always finding little burns, it just goes with the territory.

The last pic you posted it was looking really good, I'm sure it's strong enough to survive the light burn.

Sorry to hear that you were ill, being sick sucks. Glad you are feeling better. *handing bowl of chicken soup" here eat this, it'll kill the virus. :mrgreen:
heh i wish :) at first i thought i got sick from using an aluminum can cus i used one 2 times the night before i got sick and then i was jus sick as hell

n now i got a nasty throat infection and a horrible ear infection =(
Put a few drops of slightly warmed sweet oil in your ears, that's good for infection. For throats I use hot water with a slice of lemon for taste. Drinking the really hot water will help kill the bacteria in your throat.

If you are in school you probably picked it up there. Another tip is to make sure to disinfect your lightswitches and door knobs. People never think of that and those things can harbor a lot of nasty little things. If you use your computer a lot I'd spray the keyboard and mouse with Lysol too.

Get lots of rest, you have to get better to take care of your plant. :bigjoint:
i did that one time i put a bandaid around a pcs of wood and it line to be the best now drop your light and add some computer fans ans a little one inside . try on your next
hey so my plants doing crazy good it's growing more and more everyday

it grew some HUGE stems on the nodes? HUGE O_O and then it had deformed leaves coming out but now i got some normal leaves

is it bad if i cut off the deformed ones or should i keep them
If they're just a funny shape leave them on, they're still catching light. Only take leaves off when they are dead and even then if you can take off the dead parts and leave the green parts it's better.

Glad to hear that it's doing good.
awesome. now it's doing great...
i went to the mall and i bought some pretty cute clothes n then i came home and BAM! its leaves are all over growing and it's huge o_o
i'm contemplating killing my first growwww

it's been pure problems and now that i've grown this... monstrosity which i have spawned because that's really what it is turning out to be... i think i can grow another with LESS problems and a better plant overall =/

you probably have more experience than me, what would you do

my plant stretched a lot
now it has a broken, flimsy stem which is so difficult to deal with, the slightest move sends it toppling over =/
it hasn't been growing much since the stem incident

what would you do =/
i have read that you can use toliet paper around the broken stem to try to save it but DO NOT put a fan on it till it has healed! mine is about 8 inches tall in a bucket and i am contemplating putting some wire over the plant to keep itfrom getting any taller. i also read you can bend the plant and tie it down to a pipe cleaner or whatever you have laying around.the stem i had that broke never healed so i tossed itafter i tried cloning it by removing the top{didnt work either} good luck dude


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Good luck trying to make your baby better... just read the whole thread start to finish and looks a lot better than it did at first... I'm in my first grow and having a rough start so I know how it is!! -SCRIBED

it's gotten super bushy o_o

and if i put my nose up to it it smells very very nice : )

comments or suggestions :D?


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oh, and look @ those branches comin off the main one !!
who woulda thought that in the beginnin this puny plant would make those branches :D