GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

its pretty awesome, i wish it was mine, its got this spring loaded top that just snaps back so the weed doesnt keep burning, i thing its like an oil fitting or something like that
whats looking shaky? the hanging plants? theyre actually surprisingly stable

and btw some say ghettoness if next to godliness so :P
... it may be cleanliness, idk, its pretty clean in there too so either way :P
I just have this thing that i must have everything organized.
So when i see little pots sitting on other pots, and pots in midair i freak out automatically.

If it works for you than that's just dandy!
My initial growbox was in a cardboard box, so it was kinda ghetto too, so i feel you (:
haha, well even tough it doesn't look so, it actually is very organized, i just dont have enough lights to not have those smaller pots in that pot (saving space too)
and is you look at the long distance shot of the hanging plants you'll stt that one of the lights on the triple lamp is pointed directly at the sky garden (it's too high for the other plants atm anyways)
topped a few days ago... does this look like there could be 4 main cola?

2011-02-11 20.13.55.jpg2011-02-11 20.15.25.jpg2011-02-10 06.25.13.jpg

plus it looks like a problem is occurring any ideas of what it can be (this is the only leaf that this is happening on)

2011-02-11 20.37.12.jpg

all helps much appreciated!!! thanks in advance!
That is nutrient burn on your leaves. Here is a great resource for you: http://www.weedfarmer.com/cannabis/plant_abuse_guide.php

First rule of gardening: Less is more. Don`t add nutrients for about a week and see if there is an improvement. Was your soil home made, or ready made with nutrients? If so you may be adding nutrients when they are not needed, which could be what is causing these symptoms. Regardless I wouldnt be feeding them at this stage in their life, but thats just me. You should read some of Uncle Ben`s posts, he is the guru of soil grows and man does he make some good rice.

Good luck and good work on the micro grow box. Subbed.
really more than 4??? i didnt even think id get more than 2!!! im really really high right now and really really ecstatic!
and if i give it more water would that help or harm?

Thats the biggest mistake everyone makes their first few times. Do you have a moistuRe meter? Cheap little meTer from home depot. They tell you the water level at root depth. Much better way to tell.
Glad she took the topping well!
I only water the day after i think they need watering.
That way i won't overwater them by mistake, and the chances that you will harm them by waiting a day is little.

just jab your finger really deep in the soil, if it's dry you can water, as long as it's moist you better wait..
wow... shes looking good, i even got compliments from the dude that grows what my dad sells. pics will comeas soon as i can get em off of my phone