GKZ's Ghetto-Tastic Closet/ Midget Fast Flower Growbox

haha i got it right away cause my dad said the same exact thing when i told him "i just measured it, its like 9 inches!" and he said "but did you measure the plant while you were in your room"
haha stoned people think alike!
plants look good, and I noticed they went through some severe water storms, but it looks like that is making them really strong and thick. the stems look like they have fire hydrant flow in them and the leaves look like they can hold a lot because of it. I sense some really strong flowering to come...
haha good eye, what ive been doing is simulating whats going on outside, if it rains, i water heavily, blow the fan hard, back off the lights, and mist the leaves. if its sunny out i turn the fan down and dont focus it on them, focus the lights on the plant greatly. idk why im doing this but i felt like it would give me something to do while i waited for something greater to do, thanks alot man!!!
haha, called it!

yeah bro, that's how I work also. You can never go wrong if you mimic nature :)

that's probably why your plant is growing beastly, it's because you are putting it through some hard knock pitbull training. keep up these exercises brahhh
oh yeah, and that leaf looks like magnesium problems or a disease. if it gets bad just cut it off before it infects the rest of the plant, it won't hurt it all, especially how strong it's looking
oh thanks man! i guess it is a pitbull plant, i also bend the branches down atleast every 3rd day.
and will it really spread to the whole plant if i dont cut it off?
If it's a disease, it will spread.

I personally think it could be septoria disease. google some images. if not that then it's magnesium
hate to admit it, but yeah! i have a couple of friends up north and when they were down here i told em i got some reg and they were just wtf is that? haha and please dont give me shit for buying reg. im a broke college student! schmon
Dude I would be smoking some B.C. Bamma from up north if I didn't grow up with certain people who now have "connections" so I feel ya on the reg. Good thing you are growing your own now bro!

College student? what classes? whats your major?
major was chem but im off this semester cause im switching schools cause i couldnt afford where i was, but in thefall i start back up but im going for something real generic, bussiness admin, cause honestly i still dont know what i realistically want to do short of becoming a stand up comic or a rally car driver
I usto know a couple of comics they were broke as hell but lived life to the fullest and saw a lot of cool places, one helluva life. Well I hope ya figure out some direction dude I still need to find some myself.
I am going to try, I have a drug conviction though and I just turned old enough (I thought it was 25!) to not count off my parents income last year and didn't even know so I am going to see what happens... I freely admit I grow a lot of cannabis but any cannabis I produce is for A. personal consumption or B. produced for a medical patient whom does not have the means or the knowledge to maintain their grow so cash is VERY tight for me
ohhhh gotcha... well best of luck to you! things are starting to shape up for me, i have work orientation tomorrow which is awesome