Anyone else notice that Global warming is starting to parallel the 9/11 "truthers" (oxymoron)?
And this statement gets the irony of the year award! I'm the one that brought up the 911 analogy CrackerJax, remember?
You are the truther. You are the minority. You are standing against the established scientific consensus holding your data for piltdown man.
Show me ONE PEER REVIEWED scientific paper that discredits human activity plays a role in global warming. Explain to me how Carbon is good for the atmosphere. Explain to me why the greenhouse effect doesn't work on Earth. Explain to me why you guys only rely on media sources and skip all the science, because hey, it's politics right? This isn't a scientific issue.
A handful of people manipulating some data is not enough evidence to throw out the entire body of climate records. This is absurd and none of you guys address that either. Could you imagine, again I'll bring in the parallels with evolution and creationism, if because of one of the hoaxes that was accepted by a small minority of what was the scientific community for an extremely small amount of time, they throw out all the existing data for evolution, all 100 years or so of information? This is what you guys are proposing when you oppose the science behind climate change. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad, because this affects everyone.
I've said what I had to say.. nothing is going to sway anyone either way. I just hope you guys don't automatically dismiss everything in your lives if it doesn't fit into your comfort zone.
If any of you want to talk about the science, then let's talk about the science. Enough with the politics, I want to see who can back up the claims they make against climate change. So whose up for the challenge?