Global Warming Update

George carlin - Saving the planet ........... Globalwarming fanatics type that into the YouTube search bar. Learn it love it live it.
Did anyone have an unusually warm winter this year?

pretty much nationwide.

cherry trees are a week earlier this year to bloom, ditto the daffodils and my apricot tree. already warm enough to sow lettuce, radishes, onions, potatoes, and peas.
Global warming is bullshit, stupid people will believe anything

for some odd reason, the cherry tress in DC that japan gave us have been blooming earlier and earlier too. same thing i see when i look out my window.

i'm sure it's all just bullshit and the trees are simply becoming sentient, soon to be intelligent and overpowering at many times our own height. not to mention more impervious to our military grade weaponry and human ways of thinking.

i for one welcome our new cherry tree overlords.
for some odd reason, the cherry tress in DC that japan gave us have been blooming earlier and earlier too. same thing i see when i look out my window.

i'm sure it's all just bullshit and the trees are simply becoming sentient, soon to be intelligent and overpowering at many times our own height. not to mention more impervious to our military grade weaponry and human ways of thinking.

i for one welcome our new cherry tree overlords.

I believe the seasons are shifting with the winters starting later and ending later, maybe their not so cold to now that I think about it, lakes that used to be safe to ice skate on might not be so safe now, and i'm sure so many people and so much pollution aren't doing us any good-
Scientists that support Global Warming say that you don't notice the effects. This "abnormally" warm winter is nothing that unusual. Shit, weathermen still seem like their guessing 90% of the time..

That's not to say that global warming is or isn't true, just that concluding that this winter was warm therefore it's evidence of global warming is a fallacy.

Besides, I don't know about you guys, but last winter was hell. I enjoyed a break for one year.
My cherry trees just got pruned yesterday. We have had a really weak winter. The buds are ready to pop though. Our peach tree looks lively. all the bushes (rasberrys gooseberry black berry and currant) are all budding or have leaves
The Plum tree is ready to show leaves

My grapes? I think all 4 vines are dead
It was a gloriously short and warm winter here in NC. Everyone knows the earth is warming, why wouldn't it, we're coming out of a mini ice-age. The flaccid and laughable argument of the Eco-Loons is that man is causing it. Drive your electric deathtraps if you like, I'm all for it. That way when we collide, I'll only have to wipe the gore that used to be you off the gigantic bumper of my Yukon Denali. Good rule of thumb kiddies, always be the biggest vehicle in any collision. Most likely global warming won't endanger your life or the lives of your children or grandchildren, but scooting around the killing fields that are this country's highways in those little matchbox cars are almost certainly going to end you.
Back east y'all are getting in the 80's today. Meanwhile, in the southwest we have highways closed due to snow and blowing snow. It's 26 degrees right now and we have several inches of snow on the ground. Now that's fucked up.
PS - You forgot to explain to me why the icecaps are receding and ocean levels are rising so quickly, as well as why weather patterns have been more unpredictable.

Ocean levels are actually falling in the Indian Ocean, explain that whilst your polar caps melt moron.
Open source uncleschmuck, nobody would ever get away with a wiki "citing" in a dissertation except perhaps lalaland where you slay the paulites hey schmuckbuck??

but people can and do cite the same things that wiki cites.

or, as you might say, "sight".