Did anyone have an unusually warm winter this year?
Global warming is bullshit, stupid people will believe anything
for some odd reason, the cherry tress in DC that japan gave us have been blooming earlier and earlier too. same thing i see when i look out my window.
i'm sure it's all just bullshit and the trees are simply becoming sentient, soon to be intelligent and overpowering at many times our own height. not to mention more impervious to our military grade weaponry and human ways of thinking.
i for one welcome our new cherry tree overlords.
My onions are already a foot tall!!pretty much nationwide.
cherry trees are a week earlier this year to bloom, ditto the daffodils and my apricot tree. already warm enough to sow lettuce, radishes, onions, potatoes, and peas.
My onions are already a foot tall!!
My onions are already a foot tall!!
I grant you, the climate on planet earth changes periodically, humans or not. I considered making this distinction myself, and am glad you did so.
However, when the vast majority of scientists conclude the opposite, I am inclined to go with the vast majority of scientists. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_opinion_on_climate_change
Another idiot sighting wikipedia, you wouldnt get away with it in an educational sense so why here fucknut..
PS - You forgot to explain to me why the icecaps are receding and ocean levels are rising so quickly, as well as why weather patterns have been more unpredictable.
wiki has citations, too. so you are wrong.
Ocean levels are actually falling in the Indian Ocean, explain that whilst your polar caps melt moron.
Open source uncleschmuck, nobody would ever get away with a wiki "citing" in a dissertation except perhaps lalaland where you slay the paulites hey schmuckbuck??
but people can and do cite the same things that wiki cites.
or, as you might say, "sight".