Gnats go away!

For gnats in any general setting, get some orange scented dish soap and put it in a jar. Cover the jar with saran wrap and poke holes in it. They will go through the holes and be attracted to the orange scent. Once in, it will be hard for them to get back out and will actually get stuck in the detergent.
For me, there are 2 effective alternatives when it comes to kill fungus gnat larvae.

First one is biological control with mosquito dunks. They are made of Bacillus turingiensis var. Israelensis. You must drench the soil with the dunks dilluted in water. The larvae eats these bacteria and die from starvation. The bacillus mess with the digestive system of the larveae.

The other option is to use an insecticide to drench the soil but this may also kill beneficial bacteria in the soil. I'd only use ths alternative if every other has failed to work.

Besides, it is also good to control the presence of adults (mosquitoes) whith yellow sticky traps. This way you get an idea of the quantiy of them present in your grow aNd also prevemt them to lay eggs in the soil when they catch in the traps.
From my experience its almost impossible!! (unless you have a small grow with a few pots). I used to go in the room everyday/few days with a fly spray can and kill whichever i saw, which at the end of the grow saw thousands dead on the ground.

Now, i use nets around the pot and its been week 3 and they may be about 10 dead on the floor :)

EDIT ADD: I'm using Bti atm too. Any means possible for these f%$#kers .
For gnats in any general setting, get some orange scented dish soap and put it in a jar. Cover the jar with saran wrap and poke holes in it. They will go through the holes and be attracted to the orange scent. Once in, it will be hard for them to get back out and will actually get stuck in the detergent.

Another one that might work is a find a plastic bright yellow bowl or something at the dollar store. Or buy a white one and get bright yellow spray paint from lowes or HD. Maybe $1 or 2.

Lots of gnats and other bugs including some aphids love yellow. Fill it with water and a little dish soap. I tried it and it works for gnats. I found a little bright yellow bowl at the Dollar Store.

I do not think it helps for spider mites. Some aphids might work. Also you can get plastic or metal and spray paint it bright yellow and put Vaseline on it. Attach it to your pots. Gnats and other bugs will flock to it like sticky paper.
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wow that was a shitload of all that i needed, very helpful, keep it coming i love learning from a great teacher, thanks again

I am kind of a new - bee but I am catching on fast. There are loads of great people here that help you every day.

Spider mites are sh*t. You usually can be in the last week or two in flower and they show up. Another one I use is SNS 209. It is essentially Rosemary oil that you add to your water jug. After 5 waterings and about 5 days it is in the plants. It is about $22 but it will make 60 gallons which can last a long time.

The mites bite down and get Rosemeric acid taste and either leave or starve. Some dudes hear said they might notice Rosemary in the smoke. You could flush in the last week or two with just water, I am sold on SNS 209 along with spraying, trying to keep everything clean. SNS 209 is just another way to attack spider mites and you need to hit em hard and keep hitting.

My Dead Head mentor thought bug bombing with Pyrethian was all you needed to do. I quickly learned that was wrong.
Gonzalo87 is the winner. Dunks take a couple weeks to totally control the gnats. Might hit them with soap in the interim, maybe neem. Diatomaceous earth is very helpful also. Treat regularly with dunks in mix and water. Just crumble to use. It don't take much.

Also, you might lighten up on your mix next round and water a little less starting now. The dunks work.
Are you going to use the full 2 gallons? I had 5 plants and used a half gallon.

I think I did for a half gallon mixture of water in a 1 gallon sprayer about 60 ml of 3% hydrogen perox, 10 ml of Dawn dish soap and 40 ML of 50% rubbing alcohol. In the future, I will use 70% or 91% alcohol.

I would probably add 10 to 15 ml of Neem. If you are doing 2 gallons then multiply my numbers my 4. 2 gallons would be for a lot of plants.

Garden Safe I think is Schultz and they seem to be a good company. My local MMJ grow store sells Dyna Gro. I think Garden Safe is fine. Garden Safe's white cloning powder is pretty good and it is cheap.

So for 2 gallon mixture it's going to be 240ml of 3% hydrogen 40ml of dawn and 160ml of 50% rubbing alcohol?
Anyone used diluted eucalyptus oil spray for gnats? Drives off things that get on the sofa when I work in the yard. I used it to drive ants out of my compost bucket, it works to drive off kitchen gnats from my food scrap ben. I'm thinking it may work on just about anything that will eat your plants. Any thoughts?
Anyone used diluted eucalyptus oil spray for gnats? Drives off things that get on the sofa when I work in the yard. I used it to drive ants out of my compost bucket, it works to drive off kitchen gnats from my food scrap ben. I'm thinking it may work on just about anything that will eat your plants. Any thoughts?
dunno if it will work but I can say I use it in the steam room and shower to clear up a stuffy nose and throat. One time I thought it'd be fun to take a bath with some of the eucalyptus oil in the water... no, bad idea, burnt my skin like a mofo. So if it burns humans, it might get into the eyes and openings of bugs and give them one hell of a time. I would not be surprised if it smokes them outright.

We make a "wasp spray" that includes, eucalyptus, touch of vinegar, dawn dish soap, and water. Kills hornets dead. Good thinking to try it in the garden, I would be cautious about spraying it on the plants much though, as I said, it burns the shit out of your (my) skin ime.

I find the gnats like my coffee more than the sticky traps with "Tanglefoot" sap. I get stuck in those traps more than the bugs do, and the bugs like my coffee so much I started putting little dishes of coffee. In minutes you'll have dead gnats in the coffee. (I think it needs milk, they don't seem to like black coffee as much)

If you use mosquito dunks or the concentrate, be sure to keep on it. I used it once and it didn't totally take them out, but I did not keep up on it.