Well-Known Member
Dont worry they will! Probably finish last in the nfc east! #HTTR
For gnats in any general setting, get some orange scented dish soap and put it in a jar. Cover the jar with saran wrap and poke holes in it. They will go through the holes and be attracted to the orange scent. Once in, it will be hard for them to get back out and will actually get stuck in the detergent.
wow that was a shitload of all that i needed, very helpful, keep it coming i love learning from a great teacher, thanks again
Are you going to use the full 2 gallons? I had 5 plants and used a half gallon.
I think I did for a half gallon mixture of water in a 1 gallon sprayer about 60 ml of 3% hydrogen perox, 10 ml of Dawn dish soap and 40 ML of 50% rubbing alcohol. In the future, I will use 70% or 91% alcohol.
I would probably add 10 to 15 ml of Neem. If you are doing 2 gallons then multiply my numbers my 4. 2 gallons would be for a lot of plants.
Garden Safe I think is Schultz and they seem to be a good company. My local MMJ grow store sells Dyna Gro. I think Garden Safe is fine. Garden Safe's white cloning powder is pretty good and it is cheap.
dunno if it will work but I can say I use it in the steam room and shower to clear up a stuffy nose and throat. One time I thought it'd be fun to take a bath with some of the eucalyptus oil in the water... no, bad idea, burnt my skin like a mofo. So if it burns humans, it might get into the eyes and openings of bugs and give them one hell of a time. I would not be surprised if it smokes them outright.Anyone used diluted eucalyptus oil spray for gnats? Drives off things that get on the sofa when I work in the yard. I used it to drive ants out of my compost bucket, it works to drive off kitchen gnats from my food scrap ben. I'm thinking it may work on just about anything that will eat your plants. Any thoughts?