Well-Known Member
... so how is this possible, when we live in 3D universe? (or 4, whether you count time)
According to string theory we have a lot more dimensions than just 3. Hard to imagine though...
... so how is this possible, when we live in 3D universe? (or 4, whether you count time)
According to string theory we have a lot more dimensions than just 3. Hard to imagine though...
As I said, acceptance of scientific theories is not an opinion and therefore dismissing these theories without first actually understanding them is likewise not an opinion. Saying something is an opinion does not exempt you from harsh criticism when you are so, so wrong.
As for the comic book remark, that is pretty mild jab at your expense considering how poor your understanding of evolution and paleontology truly is. If you don't like the criticism, then maybe you should take my advice and actually try to learn something about the subjects you so easily dismiss. You come off sounding like a fool when you claim to have a contrary 'opinion' to the experts in the field on a subject that you clearly don't understand.
Call me a dick all you want, that's a personal attack and merely shows the weakness of your claims. This is a debate forum, if you don't want harsh criticism, don't make claims about topics that you don't know enough to defend. Maybe ask questions from one of the scientists here on one of the many threads devoted to evolution and exposing the vast number of creationist and ID bunk for what it really is and that is a complete denial of the evidence in favor of religious dogma. When you come here and make claims about the thousands of hominid fossils that show evidence of our evolution from more primitive species as all fake, not to mention your total lack of understand of the actual claims of evolution, then you deserve to be harshly criticized. Science needs to be defended against the ignorant advances of pseudo-sciences and it will be defended vigorously. Make no mistake, if you make a stupid, unscientific, claim unsupported by any actual evidence in the growing part of this website, you will be criticized very soundly there as well so why do you think this area should be any different? These forums are public and correcting you and your misconceptions are not only a value to you but to everyone reading the thread.Ok, I posted in a topic that I havent really researched, probably my fault, sorry I dont know a whole lot about the theories, but come on your being a DICK. I didnt mean to upset you by saying I dont think you can throw milk, butter, and flour in the air and you get a FUCKING CAKE.
You dont have to be that knowledgeable to understand that.
As always I am interested in learning, but like I said, I cant watch those vids or get really involved in the research. I am way to set on my ways that there is a One God that created all this. Dont take it personally, because your belief is yours. Now, I will take back my dick comment, it was unnecessary.
I def dont believe science is simple, especially chemistry. I guess the cake thing was my metaphor for spontaneous earth.
I believe their is a One God above everything. And you guys all want proof huh....well all I can say is look around you. Nature is the most beautiful thing there is here and I see God in it every single day.
I also believe religion has been thwarted. I am not extremist in either way, I just go on with what I believe. I think religion can get in a way of "peoples power", so it has been slowly changed in the ways of man. Thats why we have extremism..
Im not going to watch any youtube video or do any research because I feel no need to. Im solid in what I believe.
-I never was interested in science...but I used to be able to sit down and debate with fellow church goers. And I would argue AGAINST God to see what their answers would be. I wouldn't sit here and say that I believe God created something so vast and complex as the Earth, if I wasn't 100% sure.
And I guess in the end....I'd rather be safe then sorry. But if I'm worm food then everything we have ever done has been a waste.
I wouldn't sit here and say that I believe God created something so vast and complex as the Earth, if I wasn't 100% sure.
Whoa, I never said I didnt care. If I implied that, then I guess my brain isnt working as well today...
The summer I went to Alaska for a mission trip, I actually almost got SENT HOME for helping the residents carry up their fish. I made a huge deal of it, and got into with the director of the program. Have you not seen any of my other threads? I care a lot about our people and our future. I definitely dont boast or push any certain type of religion on a person.
And I was very skeptical in saying the whole safe than sorry thing, I just really didnt know how else to explain it.Thats def not a way to go about believing in God.
I guess I'm confused about your post. Please inform me where I said anything about not caring about future generations.
Edit: I also dont believe this as a false sense of comfort. Thats like saying Mary Jane is a false sense of happiness. I am not putting up a front, I'm saying what I believe. Im not pushing an agenda for my church, but I will represent my Southern Baptist church because I'm in a way like minded to their beliefs. I enjoy the fellowship.
And I guess in the end....I'd rather be safe then sorry. But if I'm worm food then everything we have ever done has been a waste.
Ponder this. All the knowledge obtained by man is revealed by God. All these scientists are doing is discovering how God does is work. Mans knowledge is foolishness to God. Gods knowledge is foolishness to the unbeliever.
Obviously, the reason you cant understand it is because you cant appreciate something as sacred as the relationship Moses had with God. He put all of his FAITH and TRUST into God, and look what happens.
My Bible, NIV version:
Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength
-Im not trying to be a Bible Thumper...but that verse has always stuck out to me.
Moses saved a RACE of people from certain death. Lead them away from slavery. And with Gods help, crossed the Sea so the Egyptians couldnt catch them. Thats power. God saved Israel.The Holy Land. God secured the Israelites to flourish...and you question Gods power now....someday you will see.
Spaghetti Monster???
Yeah, coincidentally.
Show me some proof please of it NOT being accurate. I would like to guess that you don't believe in Noahs Arc and The Flood either.