Evil Buddies
Ganja King
lol why do people always turn to a "higher power" when theres something they dont understand?
for you evil buddies
I'm not gonna even watch it
lol why do people always turn to a "higher power" when theres something they dont understand?
for you evil buddies
This is a video explaining the Measurement theory is interesting
This relates to the holographic theory that we live if any of u have studied or have knowledge on this will know what i mean.
Inconsistency and grey areas are the reasons I don't follow organized religion.
"It seems the inner framework of Christianity constantly changes to suit the changes of society. For instance, back in the days of old, there were no female clergymen, and homosexuality was an abomination of God, bar none. Now that women have rights, and gays are slowly getting there, it's now accepted to be a female part of the church, or to be gay and still come to mass on sundays and be just as big a part of the group as the next person. People sometimes confuse this with "evolution" of the church, but really it's just a facelift that sometimes entirely contradicts their teachings"
No the Bible has not changed over time. The only think that changes is mans attempt to make the Bible say what they want it to say. Once again if you all would take the time and study what the Bible really says than you will see that it warns us of that man will try to twist the Bible to fit there needs. The Bible talks about all of this. Just study what it says. Read it for yourself. Take the time to find out who wrote each book of the Bible and who it was written to. People keep making the fatal mistake of thinking because men claim to be Christians and do evil, that means that the Bible is evil. Spend time in the word and God will reveal the truth to you.
I love the statistics that show atheist/agnostic people are generally better educated than those who believe in god.
I have a question. Forgive me, I'm not very versed in organized religions. If you're not suppose to believe in another god (commandment - Do not have any other gods before me), does that mean EVERY single person of other religions are going to hell?
No the Bible has not changed over time. The only think that changes is mans attempt to make the Bible say what they want it to say.
Wasn't talking about the bible...I meant the organized religion as a whole.
Although of course the bible predicts of people trying to bastardize it...such acts are inevitable with religion, which is why there are so many sects (especially with christianity)...but just because I predict that the sun will rise tomorrow, doesn't make my words prophetic.
Plus, you say the three "major" religions that all follow the same God. Why are you so quick to dismiss all other deities? What makes the jewish, muslim, and christian faith so special above krishna, buddah, or any other gods?
How exactly does the measurement problem tell us there is a higher power? All scientific problems and paradoxes only tell us we don't understand everything yet. Saying "this" or "that" problem is evidence for a deity is just another version of the god of the gaps argument or argument from ignorance. Funny how these types of arguments have to get more sophisticated as science learns more about our world and eliminates more and more reasons that need a creator to explain. One day you might realize that saying that a god did something is actually a non-answer and doesn't explain a thing, if anything, creates even more questions.Mention the measurement problem to scientists and this will wind them up do some research on the measurement problem this is evidence of a higher power imo
+1 ("You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ginjawarrior again.")typical "the secret" documentary type snippets of real scientific theories followed up by snake oil spiritualists making up what it really means....
i read and researched alot into this the measurement theory does bring up some very interesting stuff and theories by real scientist's
however it has been hijacked by pseudoscience/ spiritualist who have picked apart bits they like and made alot of money from stuff like the secret
How exactly does the measurement problem tell us there is a higher power? All scientific problems and paradoxes only tell us we don't understand everything yet. Saying "this" or "that" problem is evidence for a deity is just another version of the god of the gaps argument or argument from ignorance. Funny how these types of arguments have to get more sophisticated as science learns more about our world and eliminates more and more reasons that need a creator to explain. One day you might realize that saying that a god did something is actually a non-answer and doesn't explain a thing, if anything, creates even more questions.
typical "the secret" documentary type snippets of real scientific theories followed up by snake oil spiritualists making up what it really means....
i read and researched alot into this the measurement theory does bring up some very interesting stuff and theories by real scientist's
however it has been hijacked by pseudoscience/ spiritualist who have picked apart bits they like and made alot of money from stuff like the secret
if the universe is a hologram then there is no higher being there is one, you and your consciousness creating everything you see... when you split a holligram down in halfs or quarters what you are left every time is a copy of the whole so if the universe is a hologram then you are too and as you are part of the universe you are a copy of it..
i really hate these docu's where they take serious science cut it and "add" their views
I ask you to show me a passage that tells man to do evil and I will help you to understand what it is really telling you to do. If you take any one passage you can twist it.
Exodus 21:7 And if a man sell his daughter to be a maidservant, she shall not go out as the menservants do.
That's pretty clear cut. I don't think anyone should sell their kid....
I believe that this passage is really talking about slavery. Once again read the whole chapter in context. The title of that chapter is The Law Concerning Servants. The law of the slave guaranteed freedom after a specified period of 6 years (Exodus 21:2) unless the slave himself chose to stay. Yes this passage talks about very difficult realities of that time. This passage is giving instruction to be fair with the servants and to free them. It is not saying that it is ok to have slaves, it just acknowledges the reality of them and then instructs you to be fair and free them.
If it's not ok to have slaves, then why not just come out and say that? Why wait for hundreds and hundreds of years before mankind finally wakes up and says "You know what? This slavery thing is just inhumane. Let's not do it anymore."
Exodus 21:15 "And he that smiteth his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death." <----Kill unruly children. I mean...really?
Its not talking about just unruly children. Its referring to children who physically attach their parents. In those days it was not uncommon for children to kill their elderly parents for the inheritance (property rights and such). Also God takes the 5th command seriously. The relationship between a child and his parents is suppose to be a representation of the relationship between God and his children.
What about Exodus 21:17? "And he that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death."Its not talking about just unruly children. Its referring to children who physically attach their parents. In those days it was not uncommon for children to kill their elderly parents for the inheritance (property rights and such). Also God takes the 5th command seriously. The relationship between a child and his parents is suppose to be a representation of the relationship between God and his children.