God did not Create the Universe, says Hawking

It really is hard to argue with an Atheist...lol. Relentless. I've told you I cannot provide any evidence proving it happened. But again you will say you dont believe in Faith. Or, "Blind Faith" as the scientifically orientated person would say. I have Faith God is real. He is here with us everywhere we look. I also believe in the Devil, and that is what you see everyday when you watch T.V. for the last 4 hours of your day. News...everything. Materialistic bullshit being flashed in front of your kids eyes everyday. And the same people that own the Media, own every other major corporation.

I believe in GOD because I dont see God everyday. Every prophecy known to man in The Bible has came true, except for one if I'm correct. Which means the Anti-Christ has been at work for centuries. Atheist and Agnostic alike fall for his tricks of propaganda and "science".

"Faith" "blind faith" - what's the difference?

Why do you associate everything you think is good with "God" and everything you think is bad with "the Devil"? Don't you see this as a preconceived judgment, before anything ever even happens? If it's bad, it's automatically the Devil, but if something good happens, like you win the lottery or catch all the greens, it's God's handiwork... Why isn't it consistent?

Can God do anything wrong? Or is everything God does right, because it's God? That's a simple enough question, right? For example, what if God decided to kill a thousand babies via strangulation, because for whatever reason, in his infinite wisdom, he felt that was the most appropriate way to get rid of this group of evil babies...

OK, so forget everything else... in that scenario, are God's actions justified?

I'm just curious about how you'd answer that...

PS. There is no such thing as a 'prophecy'...
To say the Devil whispers in the ear of man (through t.v., propaganda, "science") and leans him to his side is to say nobody can think for themselves...and thats not really true, otherwise there wouldn't be athiests. You speak of science as one of the Devil's tools, but I don't see how the discovery of chemotherapy for a cancer patient or removing a brain tumor is evil. God didn't heal such people, medical science and man did.

Why would I believe that Noah's Arc was the only boat that would float at the time? What was wrong with everyone else's boat at the time? And how did was he able to get all the critters to come to him, at once? How was the boat environmentally friendly enough to support every type of life, from marine, to arctic to tropical?

Let's also say, YOU go to heaven, but your mother or your child doesn't (just for example). How can YOU achieve total nirvana and serenity up in heaven, when you're mourning for those loved ones who weren't so fortunate to make it with you?
The only way to find truth. Is to drop all your beliefs. Drop everything anyones ever told you. Only then can you find silence. In that silence, truth is revealed. Our minds are like computers. And they've been programmed at a very early sensitive age with these contradicting 'traditional' beliefs. Anyone knows the age of aquarius is peaking? Man is evolving. Not the older ones. They will die out, and the young should thank Jesus and Muhammad they do. Because the old will destroy the Earth. The Young are different. They're the sprouting seeds of a new man. A more conscious, awakened man.
The only way to find truth. Is to drop all your beliefs. Drop everything anyones ever told you. Only then can you find silence. In that silence, truth is revealed. Our minds are like computers. And they've been programmed at a very early sensitive age with these contradicting 'traditional' beliefs. Anyone knows the age of aquarius is peaking? Man is evolving. Not the older ones. They will die out, and the young should thank Jesus and Muhammad they do. Because the old will destroy the Earth. The Young are different. They're the sprouting seeds of a new man. A more conscious, awakened man.

Do u believe that new age spiritual religion its all part of the nwo agenda. One world religion based on spirituality and that we can become gods. Thats the devils religion to try and convince people there is no god.

yawn another genius tells us there is no god

there is a certain irony that this guy is crippled, but I don't think it's particularly funny. Also how Terrence McKenna died of brain cancer.

God always gets the last laugh.
Here are some scientific terms to understand;

Energy - is the ability to do work.

Work - is the amount of energy transferred by force

Force - is any influence that causes a free body to undergo an acceleration

Could the Universe have always existed? Yes, it couldv'e been a tiny pebble in the void of space, however this explains nothing it was simply Energy.

Is the Universe expanding and (possibly) contracting (cyclic)? Yes (theoretically speaking, I believe), however this explains nothing it is simply Work being revealed.

What was the force that caused our Universe to expand and contract? Gravity, It is the only force that permeates throughout everything we know within the physical universe.

So, until we are able to percieve the source of Gravity, we will never clearly understand from a scientific point of view of how the Universe was created. Our modern scientific method/technology is based on a 4 dimensional reality. It cannot surpass this hurdle until it adapts a new method in order to apply a new technology. Our tools indicate 11 dimenisions but cannot confirm them because we use 4 dimensional tools. I say, use the right tool!! Spatial :leaf:

You know, I believe a scientific mind can become to wrapped up in complexity...Pad do you believe ANYTHING is simple?

-There is a war on earth. And its raged since the dawn of time. Its the war of Good vs Evil. God vs Devil. It really is that SIMPLE!!!!!!
Atheism is a product of the Devil pushing the false fact that there is no Devil, and there is no God.

I'm not going to sit here and try to justify myself because it doesnt matter what I say, you will not believe it.

I think its funny you guys spend all day questioning the Bible and its stories and PROPHECIES(how is there no such thing???) But you dont question the MEN who put all these wacked out fuckin theories in place.

And from a website that has been (coincidentally) deleted off the internet (wakeupproject) there was an interview with a man that was highly involved in spirit worshiping. He said that the Devil himself would tell the people involved that HE HIMSELF trained Darwin. So obviously, you make a religion of "no god", and the Devil wins.
The reason man rejects the Bible is because it points out their flaws. But man is to proud to admit they are slaves to their sins and idols. So they reject God because they prefer not to be judged. Their money and possessions do not pass judgment on them. Man is to proud to ask for forgiveness. The atheist thinks that he is in control of his own life but he is still a servant. They are serving possessions instead of God. Atheism is the truest form of selfishness and pride.
I think its funny you guys spend all day questioning the Bible and its stories and PROPHECIES(how is there no such thing???) But you dont question the MEN who put all these wacked out fuckin theories in place.

The same men who wrote those "whacked out fuckin theories" are the same that "interpreted" and printed the bible. Difference is, it's not the men we question in science, it's the numbers, measurements, and evidence.
To say the Devil whispers in the ear of man (through t.v., propaganda, "science") and leans him to his side is to say nobody can think for themselves...and thats not really true, otherwise there wouldn't be athiests. You speak of science as one of the Devil's tools, but I don't see how the discovery of chemotherapy for a cancer patient or removing a brain tumor is evil. God didn't heal such people, medical science and man did.

Why would I believe that Noah's Arc was the only boat that would float at the time? What was wrong with everyone else's boat at the time? And how did was he able to get all the critters to come to him, at once? How was the boat environmentally friendly enough to support every type of life, from marine, to arctic to tropical?

Let's also say, YOU go to heaven, but your mother or your child doesn't (just for example). How can YOU achieve total nirvana and serenity up in heaven, when you're mourning for those loved ones who weren't so fortunate to make it with you?

+rep. I had exactly the same questions you just asked early on when I started researching all of this. It's always interesting to see how believers respond to them, especially that last one. I hear the most unusual answers trying to be passed off as logic...

I'm an atheist, both my parents are Christian, so how could they expect to exist in any kind of contentment in Heaven knowing I'd be burning in a lake of fire, much less what they'd consider "paradise"? They couldn't. It's a paradox. It's impossible. And every believer knows that. The interesting part is the dishonesty in their attempt at justification for abandoning a family member for God. They know, deep down, that it's wrong, and that they shouldn't do it, but they've been indoctrinated into battling with their own conscience.

yawn another genius tells us there is no god

Why do smart people come to similar conclusions regarding the existence of God?

You know, I believe a scientific mind can become to wrapped up in complexity...Pad do you believe ANYTHING is simple?

-There is a war on earth. And its raged since the dawn of time. Its the war of Good vs Evil. God vs Devil. It really is that SIMPLE!!!!!!
Atheism is a product of the Devil pushing the false fact that there is no Devil, and there is no God.

I'm not going to sit here and try to justify myself because it doesnt matter what I say, you will not believe it.

I think its funny you guys spend all day questioning the Bible and its stories and PROPHECIES(how is there no such thing???) But you dont question the MEN who put all these wacked out fuckin theories in place.

And from a website that has been (coincidentally) deleted off the internet (wakeupproject) there was an interview with a man that was highly involved in spirit worshiping. He said that the Devil himself would tell the people involved that HE HIMSELF trained Darwin. So obviously, you make a religion of "no god", and the Devil wins.

Occam's Razor, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor

Explain to me how you discern what reality actually is from all these different influences from the Devil and from God. How do you know atheism is a "product of the Devil"?

There is no such thing as a prophecy because prophecies can be self fulfilled or fulfilled by followers. There's absolutely nothing divine or magical about it. I can write something down, say it'll happen in 35 years, then 35 years later come back and "fulfill my prophecy", bada-bing bada-boom, prophecy fulfilled! Better yet, I write something down, then I die, a few centuries later my followers come back and "fulfill my prophecy", and I'm magically pronounced a Saint or a Messiah... Prophecy works exactly the same way horiscopes work.

The science goes through the academic triathlon/gauntlet before it ever reaches the point of belief. It's pretty safe to say this stuff is right. Religion on the other hand... well, take a look, any old fool can get on any street corner in America and spout off about their religion and be taken seriously... What's that tell you?

The reason man rejects the Bible is because it points out their flaws.

Couldn't be more WRONG.

This man rejects the Bible because it divides people, dehumanizes people, is scientifically inaccurate, subjugates nonbelievers and believers of other faiths to unequal human rights, is morally reprehensible, lacks common sense, is dictated by fanatics, and makes the world a much worse place.

The atheist thinks that he is in control of his own life but he is still a servant. Atheism is the truest form of selfishness and pride.

Believers are slaves to imaginary beings and ancient beliefs. There are over 6 billion people with imaginary friends on this planet.

Doing good deeds to pay for your ticket into heaven seems a bit more selfish, but hey, that's just me... As an atheist, I do good things for people because I know they appreciate it, and it makes their life a little easier, not to look good in the eyes of the creator.
Again you compare something as little as a prophecy by a HUMAN to the prophecy of the end of the world.

On the subject of your parents, you ask how can they go on doing them while you do you? Its called Freedom of Choice. You choose to burn in hell. We are all SOULS. This is a temporary body and our kids/parents etc are all a part of this temporary life. We will all be a part of one in Heaven, not mourning our idiot kids who chose to follow Darwin blindly into the pits of hell.
Again you compare something as little as a prophecy by a HUMAN to the prophecy of the end of the world.

On the subject of your parents, you ask how can they go on doing them while you do you? Its called Freedom of Choice. You choose to burn in hell. We are all SOULS. This is a temporary body and our kids/parents etc are all a part of this temporary life. We will all be a part of one in Heaven, not mourning our idiot kids who chose to follow Darwin blindly into the pits of hell.

...couple things...

...the world is still here, no end yet...

You misunderstood my [and LightningMcGreen's] point. I'll reword it and put it another way...

Heaven is supposed to be what we would consider "paradise", right? That's what all the biblical scholars teach and that's what the Bible says. Now consider your idea of paradise on Earth... Does your idea of paradise consist of your family members being left behind? Could you enjoy yourself in paradise knowing the people who were left behind were being tortured every minute you were gone? Of course you couldn't, right? How can this "paradise" exist then? Explain that.

On that last bit... how many times does it need to be said? RELIGION props up people as leaders to be followed for their judgment to be unquestioned (like the Pope), SCIENCE doesn't need any person to lean on. It stands by itself. That's why when fundies make up names like "Darwinist" - it's really actually pretty stupid and ironic... we'd believe the shit if Steve Baker thought it up and put it together... Who the hell is Steve Baker? Beats the fuck out of me, because that's not what's important. The SCIENCE stands by itself, Charles Darwin was the first person to logically put it all together, the actual theory of evolution has nothing to do with HIM.

How old are you, if you don't mind me asking? What's your background in science, religion, education?
Im 20. Not much background in science. What I do know about religion, has mostly been recent research on my own part, which is probably why my posts are so scattered.

I want to say that I dont go to church. I dont follow any set religion. I just, believe in God. I dont look at religion and say, "I need that". No, I dont need shit.

My point of posting on this thread, was to argue and see your rebuttal Pad. I have enjoyed it.....but I think I'm digging myself deeper into things I dont really understand. So I'm going to save myself embarrassment. lol

+rep for holding your own, before this I didnt think Atheists' were THAT hard to argue with.:bigjoint:

Once I get some more ground under my feet I'll have to find your more recent posts lol
Im 20. Not much background in science. What I do know about religion, has mostly been recent research on my own part, which is probably why my posts are so scattered.

I want to say that I dont go to church. I dont follow any set religion. I just, believe in God. I dont look at religion and say, "I need that". No, I dont need shit.

My point of posting on this thread, was to argue and see your rebuttal Pad. I have enjoyed it.....but I think I'm digging myself deeper into things I dont really understand. So I'm going to save myself embarrassment. lol

+rep for holding your own, before this I didnt think Atheists' were THAT hard to argue with.:bigjoint:

Once I get some more ground under my feet I'll have to find your more recent posts lol

Keep researching religions for yourself, you're on the right path. Take a look at the history and origins, it'll lead you to much bigger things.

And always ask yourself these important questions, there's nothing wrong with questioning anything.
I love the statistics that show atheist/agnostic people are generally better educated than those who believe in god.

I have a question. Forgive me, I'm not very versed in organized religions. If you're not suppose to believe in another god (commandment - Do not have any other gods before me), does that mean EVERY single person of other religions are going to hell?
I love the statistics that show atheist/agnostic people are generally better educated than those who believe in god.

I have a question. Forgive me, I'm not very versed in organized religions. If you're not suppose to believe in another god (commandment - Do not have any other gods before me), does that mean EVERY single person of other religions are going to hell?

Yes. That's in each religion I've studied.
Inconsistency and grey areas are the reasons I don't follow organized religion.

It seems the inner framework of Christianity constantly changes to suit the changes of society. For instance, back in the days of old, there were no female clergymen, and homosexuality was an abomination of God, bar none. Now that women have rights, and gays are slowly getting there, it's now accepted to be a female part of the church, or to be gay and still come to mass on sundays and be just as big a part of the group as the next person. People sometimes confuse this with "evolution" of the church, but really it's just a facelift that sometimes entirely contradicts their teachings.

Science however, DOES evolve, but the guidelines stay the same. For instance, 2+2=4. That always has been, is, and always will be a fact. It doesn't change; it's observable, and can be repeated time and time again with the same results. The only thing that ever changes is science is our perspective of the world with new discoveries following those mathmatical guidelines. And the only way this can happens (as with almost all great discoveries of mankind) is if someone is smart enough to be able to step outside the box, and test the limits of the imagination, with sometimes no moral or ethical boundaries (i.e. string theory, stem cell research).
I love the statistics that show atheist/agnostic people are generally better educated than those who believe in god.

I have a question. Forgive me, I'm not very versed in organized religions. If you're not suppose to believe in another god (commandment - Do not have any other gods before me), does that mean EVERY single person of other religions are going to hell?

If there is one constant in ALL religions, its that God is the creator. What that commandment means is do not have Idols. Dont worship anyone but the One God our Creator.

Depending on what other religions your talking about, I'd answer your question with a no.
Mention the measurement problem to scientists and this will wind them up do some research on the measurement problem this is evidence of a higher power imo

lol why do people always turn to a "higher power" when theres something they dont understand?

for you evil buddies ;)
