got cought growing

:joint:orite sir bud a lot, sos u got busted mus b a rite cunt specially wiv stooped yanks wat cant speek tha kweens ingerlissh givvin it sum. I unnerstanye bruv 5 plants aint wurf ther swet an now s bin downgraded ta a C I wud also b tempted but only a v small growm8y til ya find nu prems

It's at class b right now fella. They changed it back up again. All the cannabis cafes got raided days later and shut down.
Ha ha, superb imagery. You stood there with the door open, kettle on, being thoroughly pleasant about it all. Them mystified and gutted. Legend!

That's exactly how it was. Lol.

They even commented on how professional my setup looked.

During my questioning they tried to get me to say I give it to friends when they come around.
I was like "Are you kidding me, I don't have any friends and my wife doesn't smoke!" Which is true!

They came knocking at 530pm and I was returned home after spending some time in a cell and interviewed at around 9pm.

3 and a half hours of time, 8 plod's, maybe a few days planning the raid to get 4 fucking plants, for what??? Me to get a caution and not give them any info. Lol. Safe to say I doubt they're gonna be coming back to my door lol.

J, do you know what it was that lead them to your place in February? Do you know if it was a mistake you made, or good investigating on their part?

I was told a smart man learns from his mistakes, but a wise man learns from others mistakes, lol. I definitely don't want them coming to my house, where I live I might as well be raising Hitler's children.
You'd be pretty unlucky to get put in jail here in the UK for 5 plants on even your third bust. If you have an otherwise clean record, and possible medical reasons for using, and no proof of dealing they simply cannot justify prison based on the sentencing guidelines (unless you do something silly like resist arrest). Growing just equates to possession really, any other factors are only applied if dealing can be linked and proved. Our prison system is not run for profit and is overcrowded.

Why this silly situation hasn't been exploited by our revenue lacking government is something of a political curiosity to me, even if it does fit with my personal politics to keep things the way they are. Like I say, no need for decriminalisation as it has never been 'illegal' - simply reclassify to class c and enable licenses to be obtained.

Trust me, you better hope they don't ever decide to "exploit the revenue" of your jails. They started building privately owned prisons in the 80's and now there are literally over 300 private prisons in the country alone.

You don't want anybody, not even the government, exploiting peoples freedoms for revenue.

If you guys don't do that, then I'm wondering what in the hell Thomas J. And George Washington acconplished by leaving the UK and coming here.
The police caught me with my armchair setup to, they didn't see the one under the sofa though. That's the thing with armchairs, not enough stealth.
I got busted last year in February.

I thought my growing days were done.

But 2 months later I started back up again.

I'm not going to into the finer details other than I had 4 plants within a pretty professional setup.

I got a caution.

However I honestly think that the plod thought I was doing a houseful. As when I showed them my room they were like "is that it?"

I got a caution.

They have to have a search warrant to enter your home in the uk. Regardless of what they say to you.

Personally I'm in my mid 30's with a wife and kids, my own home that's bought and paid for. I don't have random people calling to my home.

I certainly don't have young people coming round.

If I were you I wouldn't bother again until you're in a new place.


Hey man, I'm in a similar situation to you family wise. I've yet to be caught, but the damn gf let it slip to one of her friends a month ago. So I'm now resigned to it coming back to bite me in the ass. I can't let the fact stop me from growing though as I would also be getting a first offence caution. Still though, It would bring heaps of shame on me and might get chucked out of our house (rented). 1 plant.. don't know how deep that would get me in trouble with landlord etc.

Do you have any idea how you were nabbed? pm me if you don't wanna publicise it..
well, I've read a lot of your posts and taken a lot of advice, and if it happened to you then I don't know if I should be growing lol
Cops are not as dumb as we would all like to believe they are. If you continue to grow in that spot they may randomly glance your way. Not worth the risk. Personally I would wait to move or wait at least a year before starting up again. If it was a very small operation they may not care. Depending on your area. If it is a bigger city they have bigger fish to fry. If you live out in the boondocks some small time cop might have nothing better to do than stalk you.

I would not risk another grow in the same location... The risk goes up substantially and outweighs the end result if it is a small grow. If it is a large grow the consequences for being caught is MUCH higher and no way I would risk it. I did some small time for unrelated mischief and I rather enjoy my freedom.
#1 reason for being caught is telling people/bragging. Loose lips sink ships...

Only one of my friends knows what I have going on and it is only because he told me he was in business and wanted my advice on things because 10 years ago I grew and though I was never busted, at least 10 of my friends knew what I was doing. Anyway I have known this guy about 15 years and KNOW him well enough to trust him. I wanted clones off him. So he is the ONLY one who knows.
Cops are not as dumb as we would all like to believe they are.

Oh yes they are. They are dumb in much the same way as Melanie in Jackie Brown. You can't trust police to be intelligent, but you can trust police to be police. That is it, always. Their need to act the role of police always in my experience supersedes their ability to reason. Anyone cognitively competent enough will rapidly chose something different to do.

(all generalisations are flawed, but that doesn't mean they don't make valid points)
#1 reason for being caught is telling people/bragging. Loose lips sink ships...

Only one of my friends knows what I have going on and it is only because he told me he was in business and wanted my advice on things because 10 years ago I grew and though I was never busted, at least 10 of my friends knew what I was doing. Anyway I have known this guy about 15 years and KNOW him well enough to trust him. I wanted clones off him. So he is the ONLY one who knows.

having a couple people know is no big deal if you dont sell it .. they will only take notice if they get word of dealing
i have around 4 people know but they all sell drugs and take drugs so there not going to call the police haha . people living next door to me is who im more worried about got to shut the blinds in my kitchen lol .. i walked through the kitchen with a plant once and saw my blind wasn't shut .... my heart dropped luckily there was no one next door