Got guns?

We can own certain rifles/shotguns for hunting but it's continuously becoming more restrictive....pistols are another story, they are extremely restrictive here in Canada.

I believe any air rifle/pistol over 400 fps requires a gun permit/licence (the same as a firearm), so most of these ones sold in department stores are under 400 fps to avoid the hassle of federal regulations
Thats rough. Im fearful we’ll be the same sooner than later. Hopefully you can retain some firearms for hunting in the future. 400 fps? Might as well get the bow out
"We currently have the RM1EXPERTIHC M1 Rifles in stock ($1450). We also have a limited quantity of RM1EXPERTWRA M1 Rifles ($1350).
Once they are sold out, we will not take backorders. This is first come, first serve. We are also currently accepting orders for Rack Grades $700, Rack Plus $850 and Expert Grades $1150 and up. All prices listed include S&H."

"We currently have the RM1EXPERTIHC M1 Rifles in stock ($1450). We also have a limited quantity of RM1EXPERTWRA M1 Rifles ($1350).
Once they are sold out, we will not take backorders. This is first come, first serve. We are also currently accepting orders for Rack Grades $700, Rack Plus $850 and Expert Grades $1150 and up. All prices listed include S&H."

I've no need for two of them - but damn, what a nice piece of machinery.
It's a Slavia 624, single shot, .177 caliber, break barrel air rifle that was manufactured in the former Czechoslovakia somewhere between 1955 and 1977.
Isn´t it Slavia 614? Export version of 612.
They quit making Slavias few years ago and don´t even provide spare parts. Pissed me off so I sold mine, got 2x times more money then I bought it for, they are collectibles now in Czechia. Bought WIEHRAUCH and very happy with it.

Slavia 624 was officialy made between 1970-1975, 23 900 pieces made- Czech wiki.
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Isn´t it Slavia 614? Export version of 612.
They quit making Slavias few years ago and don´t even provide spare parts. Pissed me off so I sold mine, got 2x times more money then I bought it for, they are collectibles now in Czechia. Bought WIEHRAUCH and very happy with it.

Slavia 624 was officialy made between 1970-1975, 23 900 pieces made- Czech wiki.
I found a site that says it's based on the 618.

BTW, mine is missing the round site guard on the front, I can see the slots for it.
heck, i got high and got paranoid about that pic. so i deleted it.

its the length of the barrel and the folding brace that is the GREY area .

so to be fair.....

not gunna pay a tax stamp for it

not gunna turn it in

not gunna destroy it

gunna shoot the crap out of her till the dead line, then make it into a parts kit

it will be a much safer america if the guns apart....
Holy … theres no way in hell the guy wearing the Hawaiian operators shirt makes it the first ten seconds. I would of bet that guy he couldn’t shoulder his rifle before i could be wearing his helmet