Got guns?

Yo I got a gun...huge as shit
Trigger alone is 2 foot 6
It takes 3 hours to load up and shoot the clips
I really can't emphasize how huge it is
It's too big, you know..stupid big
I barely get around to using it
It's sort of an impulse buy and that was ludicrous
I don't really know what to do with it
It's a hassle
I wanna just get rid of it and call it a day
You open up my door and it falls in your face
I only live in this small little place and this fucking gun has taken up all of the space
The bullets for this gun are like watermelons
Fuck it's actually bigger
Most people don't believe until I come and hand them a picture
You can't even lift it by like the upper handle and fixture
You have to aim it on the ground and sort of rugby tackle the trigger
Useless. Fucking. Gun
I regret buying it
I mean the cash was too much
Had to take a second mortgage to afford it, and as if that's not enough
The outer plate in it has started showing cracking and rust
And now it's at home and it is just gathering dust
Incidentally, if anyone wants to buy a gun
I can sell you a fucking giant one
Hemingway's double .577NE was about $300K ten years ago and Jim Corbett's (a famous tiger hunter (India) [from the Elmer Keith collection] went for $250K about 6 years ago. I just looked on Rigby's site and a new one is £131,340. There are some pre-owned ones on the H&H site approaching $300K.
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I used a 7mm Remington Mag... lol.
My primary weapon for hunting in AK was a 30-06 Ackley improved with Nosler 180 gr slugs - speed wise she stays right with the 300 H&H Mag in a "short" cartrige and is very accurate!
I owned a JDJ .375 Hand Cannon for many years & took some nice bear, moose & caribou (at over 400 yds) - when moving from AK I swapped to a buddy for some goodies.
I still have a 45-70 & 500 Smith revolvers and a 375 H&H Mauser 98 that I really don't need, but can't bear to part with.
