Got guns?

I had a colt double eagle in .45, because yeah they also made it in other smaller calibers too, that i kinda still wish I had. I guess it didn’t really take off within the police departments it was supposedly targeted to because of some random jamming? I never had one single jam and i used to shoot shit loads all the time.
.45 and 30-06 goes well together.

i get a boner everytime i see your pistol double jj

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I don’t have anything in 30-06 anymore. I’ve said in here many times how i would love to have a nice condition m1 Garand. Everything i got is mostly in 308 including my 2 m1a’s. If i had to bug out and only grab 2 guns it would have to be this rifle and my 1911
I had a chance to buy an "armory fresh" Garand for $25 back in the day. I didn't have the $25 at the time. It was the luck of the draw with them. I heard stories that some were brand new still in cosmoline. Should have sold my left nut.
I kick myself for not buying one when Big 5 used to get them all the time. I was scoping one out they got in back in the day that looked so good. Can’t remember how cheap they were back then but i guess I was cheaper :-( What a dummy i was.
I've reduced mine down to a couple rifles and pistols.
