Got guns?

Finished my enhanced C/C course Saturday - shooting portion was timed 50 rnds from 3M, 6M & 10M. Extremely easy shooting as you simply had to keep the rounds in the 7 ring for them to count but I wanted to do my best (the two other guys were all over the target but still qualified). I concentrated on the X ring, I hit the 8 & 9 with around 10 shots from the furthest distance but the X was just one large ragged hole. I teased my instructor (retired CIA Col) asking how many holes there were.
1911 Series 70 for the win, thank you John Moses Browning for this fantastic machine.

i know you use to big guns gwn, you gunna cc carry that .45 auto?
i like my sig365xl
I've been carrying her for almost 3 years now, the govt model is a bit heavy so I picked up a new Colt lightweight commander (aluminum frame). Been eyeing a set of crimson trace grips (green laser) to be added soon.

I have a bad ass bandolier shoulder holster for my 460. That would be considered concealed if under a jacket right? Asking for a friend :-D
I guess the one i got is considered a Kodiak shoulder holster? Mine looks like this:
I've got a very similar rig for my 500 S&W - was great for 4 wheeler rides in AK. Never know when you might bump into a grumpy Kodiak.