Got guns?

Well, got squared away with the Feds.
I had to have a store front and set hours of operation.
I am open Monday's from 8 to noon, on the first Monday's of the month, The rest of the days are by appointment only.
Hope this works, if not I wil knuckle under.


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Well, got squared away with the Feds.
I had to have a store front and set hours of operation.
I am open Monday's from 8 to noon, on the first Monday's of the month, The rest of the days are by appointment only.
Hope this works, if not I wil knuckle under.
is this so you can keep your FFL?
yet more Cali laws now, sorry guys

Gun bills signed:

SB1235: Requires background checks for people who want to purchase ammunition, licenses for sellers of ammunition and sales data to be collected.

SB880: Expands the definition of “assault weapon.”

AB1511: Limits who a gun owner can lend their firearm to.

SB1446: Prohibits the possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

AB1135: Bans so-called “bullet buttons,” a tool developed by gun manufacturers that allows magazines to easily detach.

AB1695: Makes it a misdemeanor to make a false report to law enforcement that a firearm has been lost or stolen.

Gun bills vetoed:

AB1176: Would have asked voters to make it a felony to steal a gun or buy a stolen gun, regardless of value.

AB1673: Would have expanded the definition of firearm to include parts that could be used to make a firearm.

AB1674: Would have made it illegal to purchase or transfer more than one firearm, including rifles and shotguns, within 30 days.

AB2607: Would have expanded who can seek a gun-violence restraining order to temporarily prohibit a person from purchasing a gun or ammunition.

SB894: Would have made it a crime for gun owners to fail to report a firearm as lost or stolen within five days.
yet more Cali laws now, sorry guys

Gun bills signed:

SB1235: Requires background checks for people who want to purchase ammunition, licenses for sellers of ammunition and sales data to be collected.

SB880: Expands the definition of “assault weapon.”

AB1511: Limits who a gun owner can lend their firearm to.

SB1446: Prohibits the possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

AB1135: Bans so-called “bullet buttons,” a tool developed by gun manufacturers that allows magazines to easily detach.

AB1695: Makes it a misdemeanor to make a false report to law enforcement that a firearm has been lost or stolen.

Gun bills vetoed:

AB1176: Would have asked voters to make it a felony to steal a gun or buy a stolen gun, regardless of value.

AB1673: Would have expanded the definition of firearm to include parts that could be used to make a firearm.

AB1674: Would have made it illegal to purchase or transfer more than one firearm, including rifles and shotguns, within 30 days.

AB2607: Would have expanded who can seek a gun-violence restraining order to temporarily prohibit a person from purchasing a gun or ammunition.

SB894: Would have made it a crime for gun owners to fail to report a firearm as lost or stolen within five days.
Does that mean we don't need the bullet button for an ar15? Or does the new assault term mean that ar15 are now illegal
I feel the guns laws are way to liberal, tighten up.

AB1695 should be a felony.
AB2607 should be dropped.

No problems with that bill from me.
Does that mean we don't need the bullet button for an ar15? Or does the new assault term mean that ar15 are now illegal
The way I've read it is that buying and installing bullet buttons will no longer be a work around to the assault rifle classification, as would buying an ar with a bullet button. If you already have an ar with bullet button, you're good, but def still need it to not be considered assault. Need to register.
I fucked up. I knew I should have gotten a bullet button for my socom16. They've been making them for m1a's now for a couole years. I heard they kinda suck, but it was how I was gonna go from this:
To this:
Or this:
Last edited:
I feel the guns laws are way to liberal, tighten up.

AB1695 should be a felony.
AB2607 should be dropped.

No problems with that bill from me.
I disagree about AB1695. What about folks who don't know yet if stolen or ....?

Imo any prohibitive law should be scrutinized very hard, under the category "who benefits?"

ceterum censeo the suggestion that the definition of "assault weapon" be broadened is still steaming from where the horse dropped it. The ONLY assault weapons that any soldier would carry into the field have a selective-fire feature. If I cannot select 3-rpound burst and full auto, it is NOT an assault weapon no matter how offensive it looks to the Guardians of a Gun-free Society. Pfah.

To summarize the Russian weapons laws for civilians
who are not government employees:

• No permission or registration is needed to
purchase and carry chemical defense weapons
(e.g., tear gas guns) or electric defense devices
such as stun guns.

• Citizens have the right to acquire shotguns for
self-defense and sport.

• After five years of lawful ownership of a
shotgun, a citizen may obtain a permit to
purchase and use rifles for sporting purposes.

• An individual may own up to five rifles and five

• Handguns are prohibited.

• All firearms must be registered.

• Before obtaining one’s first firearm, one must
receive instruction in firearms laws and safety.
Every five years, the firearms owner must pass
a test demonstrating continuing knowledge of
these subjects.

• The first-time owner must also obtain a medical
certification that he or she does not have any
disqualifying conditions, such as mental illness
or alcoholism.

• In order to use a firearm for lawful self-defense,
the crime victim must first attempt to give the
criminal a warning, if practicable.

Defensive use of firearms against women,
the disabled, and minors is prohibited.

Sweet! Will all the rounds fire? I had some 50 round mags for my 22 but they didn't work right so I returned them. This is what I bought a couple weeks ago. I need to find some five round mags so I can take it hunting. View attachment 3723870
Yep, fires with no problems, need to let the barrel cool every few rounds though. Just an old SKS we like to have fun with.

To summarize the Russian weapons laws for civilians
who are not government employees:

• No permission or registration is needed to
purchase and carry chemical defense weapons
(e.g., tear gas guns) or electric defense devices
such as stun guns.

• Citizens have the right to acquire shotguns for
self-defense and sport.

• After five years of lawful ownership of a
shotgun, a citizen may obtain a permit to
purchase and use rifles for sporting purposes.

• An individual may own up to five rifles and five

• Handguns are prohibited.

• All firearms must be registered.

• Before obtaining one’s first firearm, one must
receive instruction in firearms laws and safety.
Every five years, the firearms owner must pass
a test demonstrating continuing knowledge of
these subjects.

• The first-time owner must also obtain a medical
certification that he or she does not have any
disqualifying conditions, such as mental illness
or alcoholism.

• In order to use a firearm for lawful self-defense,
the crime victim must first attempt to give the
criminal a warning, if practicable.

Defensive use of firearms against women,
the disabled, and minors is prohibited.

Not bad for commie's, I thought it would be stricter. President putin is a badass.