Ursus marijanus
(GardenGnome83 said)
"Lol, rifle team? Hahaha! That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read about! A team of micro-penis having, gun-toting weirdos lol.
Do you drive a lifted pickup, with some type of cliché of a bumper sticker (come and take 'em!), and camo somewhere on it?
I bet you do!
"Come and see how educated I am about guns". Pussy, you would need a gun. Cowards do." (/GardenGnome83)
@Flaming Pie Boy did you just get me lol!
I went back to Gnome's first quoted post there, and I replied. Imagine my surprise when I woke up in Politics. Aiee.
Here is what I responded to Mr. Rifle Team etc.
"I was on a rifle team once, briefly.
My enormous hydraulic attribute interfered too much when firing from the prone position.
I will say the idea that gun ownership correlates with cowardice is not only false but fundamentally dishonest. I detect a social engineer wearing the flayed pelt of a social justice warrior. It is that sort that seeks to insinuate that guns are somehow intrinsically uncivilized.
Fact is, guns in society are a profoundly civilizing influence. Social butthurt doesn't change the fact, but it is surprisingly effective at masking it. You are dangerous to a free society, gnome saying?"