Got guns?

Yea the 22 is the fun stuff especially with that AR15 22 copy I just saw. Maine is even more you do what you want.

I like this 45 auto from walmart with the aluminum casing 16 bucks a box sometimes. With a 3" barrel its really fun/noisy and draws attention here however. Psycho anti gun people. Gotta find a place to shoot.
Ethan Allen Arms meet in Chester 8 bucks wow, thanks for the link. Ethan Allen kicked ass (english ass) by the way, true American leave me alone with my guns.

Dont really want to shoot indoors, a lot do and thats really good when you live in a city. But something as some one else just said going into the woods and unloading a bunch of rounds is a lot of fun.
When boys knew which bathroom to use.
...and you could bring your Christmas gift shotgun to school for show and tell? Can you imagine?

Alright I know this sounds dumb. But I have a first gen Ruger American in .308 with a shit ass bushnells scope. I want to buy the magpul chassis for 200 to allow for AR mags. And saw the barrel down to 16" and have the barrel threaded "not the predator" and put iron sights on it.

I want basically a good ranch gun, thats a rifle and short with a high capacity. Basically the perfect truck gun. I'm not looking to shoot over a 100 yards.

Any thoughts?
I want basically a good ranch gun, thats a rifle and short with a high capacity. Basically the perfect truck gun. I'm not looking to shoot over a 100 yards.

Isn't the 30-30 Winchester 94 the standard truck rack accessory? Pre 64 so parts are machined and not stamped.

I'm an RN and worked at several prisons. One warden wanted every employee firearms I was trained on recoilless AR .223, 12 guage shotgun and 38 revolver. Luckily never experienced any riots while doing that.

Later...before Y2K I decided I wanted to be prepared. S&W 629 with scope. A Ruger 44 mag rifle so I could share bullets with the 629. And a 20 guage pump for bird and rabbit hunting. Learned to reload and even casted my own bullets. Cast some over a woodfire one day just as a test. Felt like a real survivor...then Y2K passed and nothing happened. I was all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Now I just have a Brazilian Taurus .357 mag 6 shooter with 6" barrel for bear and other predator protection...heavy gun.
I want to buy the magpul chassis for 200 to allow for AR mags. And saw the barrel down to 16" and have the barrel threaded "not the predator" and put iron sights on it.
Is it threaded for compensator or for suppressor?
You can make it 14" barrel and silver solder or pin a 2" compensator on, for 16" length if that's your goal. That and the Magpul stock should get it short, but thats a nice gun with a suppressor and heavy rounds..

Or trade it and the $200 for a .300 blackout pistol in AR form.
I’m an Aussie and I’ve only ever shot a gun a few times, while I was deer hunting with my mate who passed away. I really enjoyed it. So I wanted to get my gun license after attending 3 course bullshit amount of paper work dragging on for a long time. The government then needs you to prove you have private land to shot on, with signed consent from the land owner. Even though you can shot on public land in designated area’s. I also have to find a respected member of society to give there word that you are an responsible member of your community and it a short list ie police, judge, registered nurse or doctor. Once you finally obtain your license you have to give consent to police to do random searches on your home anytime 24 hours a day. There’s more but I would here for ages. All I want is a decent rifle with a scope to hunt deer and boar. I’m not after automatic weapons (which are illegal here anyways). Moral of the story don’t let them take your guns off you, I can’t even hunt for food to put a meal on my table. Most Aussies I speak to regret the change to gun laws. I am 35 and was to young to vote. It’s a FUCKING joke. Happy shooting people (I’m hoping to have a gun by the end of the year if all things go my way)
Alright I know this sounds dumb. But I have a first gen Ruger American in .308 with a shit ass bushnells scope. I want to buy the magpul chassis for 200 to allow for AR mags. And saw the barrel down to 16" and have the barrel threaded "not the predator" and put iron sights on it.

I want basically a good ranch gun, thats a rifle and short with a high capacity. Basically the perfect truck gun. I'm not looking to shoot over a 100 yards.

Any thoughts?

What do you plan to shoot?


Sig Sauer just built this badass pistol as a tribute to a SEAL Medal of Honor recipient

"In May 2018, President Donald Trump awarded retired Navy Master Chief Britt K. Slabinski the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions while leading a Joint Task Force during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. Now Sig Sauer is paying tribute in its own way.

This past National Medal of Honor Day, the gunmaker unveiled a specially-designed one off commemorative P226 pistol — the same pistol that SEALs carried under the official MK25 designation — to honor Slabinski's receipt of the the nation's highest award for valor. Sig Sauer presented Slabinski with the unique pistol in a private ceremony at its headquarters in Newington, New Hampshire, according to a recent company news release.

The commemorative pistol includes ceremonial 24k gold engravings on both sides of the slide: "For Service As Set Forth," the first line of Slabinski's award citation, on the right side, and "No Day Shall Erase You from the Memory of Time, which is featured at the World Trade Center Memorial in New York City, on the left.

The top of the slide features a likeness of the Medal of Honor engraved on a piece of metal recovered from the World Trade Center site, as well as six stars to honor SEAL Team Six."
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