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Sig Sauer just built this badass pistol as a tribute to a SEAL Medal of Honor recipient

"In May 2018, President Donald Trump awarded retired Navy Master Chief Britt K. Slabinski the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions while leading a Joint Task Force during Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan. Now Sig Sauer is paying tribute in its own way.

That might help one assuage the disgust of having a draft-dodger lay his hands on one's person
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So I wanted to get my gun license after attending 3 course bullshit amount of paper work dragging on for a long time. The government then needs you to prove you have private land to shot on, with signed consent from the land owner. Even though you can shot on public land in designated area’s. I also have to find a respected member of society to give there word that you are an responsible member of your community and it a short list ie police, judge, registered nurse or doctor. Once you finally obtain your license you have to give consent to police to do random searches on your home anytime 24 hours a day. There’s more but I would here for ages. All I want is a decent rifle with a scope to hunt deer and boar. I’m not after automatic weapons (which are illegal here anyways). Moral of the story don’t let them take your guns off you, I can’t even hunt for food to put a meal on my table. Most Aussies I speak to regret the change to gun laws. I am 35 and was to young to vote. It’s a FUCKING joke. Happy shooting people (I’m hoping to have a gun by the end of the year if all things go my way)
Good luck on your permit, we have to go through something similar with healthcare.
Step-brother of mine contracted cancer recently at age 56.
When asked how, his oncologist said toluene or acetone was the most likely culprit.
As many of you know, these are the 2 most common ingredients to clean firearms.
Turns out he was not using gloves for years, and he owns over 100 guns used regularly.
So please wear them, as it would be distressing to read of members here suffering the same fate.
ok, gun guys - help me out here
i have two felonies on my record. am i still eligible to apply for a concealed carry license? how do i do that?

I thought it was a lifetime ban of possessing much less carrying if you have felonies as well as certain misdemeanors.
I do see this, "California Penal Code 4852.01 for a certificate of rehabilitation" Wonder if it's a racket and costs 10K though. :(
I thought it was a lifetime ban of possessing much less carrying if you have felonies as well as certain misdemeanors.
I do see this, "California Penal Code 4852.01 for a certificate of rehabilitation" Wonder if it's a racket and costs 10K though. :(
i need to borrow $9,950 dollars right now. can we make some kind of agreement. i will pay u back w/ interest
ok, gun guys - help me out here

i have two felonies on my record.

am i still eligible to apply for a concealed carry license? how do i do that?
Not likely, for a few reasons
1) You'd have to have the courts expunge your felonies; you must have a lot of influence for that to happen
2) Although Calif is a "may carry", CCW are issued by the Sheriff of a particular county of residence. Unless your record is expunged, and the Sheriff likes you it's not likely. Usually CCW are issued stingily, to people with influence(and certain celebrities. Look up Sheriff Baca in LA Co and the number of celebs issued), or people with a demonstrated and accepted need(large cash carriers, transport large amounts of jewelry, etc). Interestingly, women who have been seriously threatened/hurt and others with similar situations are generally considered not of "need"
3) Most CCW issued to regular folks live in low populated rural counties
Not likely, for a few reasons
1) You'd have to have the courts expunge your felonies; you must have a lot of influence for that to happen
2) Although Calif is a "may carry", CCW are issued by the Sheriff of a particular county of residence. Unless your record is expunged, and the Sheriff likes you it's not likely. Usually CCW are issued stingily, to people with influence(and certain celebrities. Look up Sheriff Baca in LA Co and the number of celebs issued), or people with a demonstrated and accepted need(large cash carriers, transport large amounts of jewelry, etc). Interestingly, women who have been seriously threatened/hurt and others with similar situations are generally considered not of "need"
3) Most CCW issued to regular folks live in low populated rural counties
this seems pretty technical. cant i just grease the wheels and slap a few hundreds into someone's pocket?

Interestingly, women who have been seriously threatened/hurt and others with similar situations are generally considered not of "need"
holy shit, that is terrifying