Got guns?

A Real Gun? Fuck if I could I would go with an AK107
I don’t have a chassis for my socom, or my standard, but with the eotech on my socom i can shoot a bowling ball at 100yds like nothing. Not bad for a red dot.
I got the eotech with the 30 cal reticle. Pretty close. After 200, and it being an only 16.5” barrel it’s not quite that accurate. But it’s .308 so.......
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A Real Gun? Fuck if I could I would go with an AK107
Have you shot an m14/m1a though? To me it’s like a 1911 compared to a glock or some other toy gun when i shoot other semi auto rifles like the ar, and the sks/ak. The m1 action is just such a piece of machinery as is the 1911.

Man. I grew up shooting sks’s, i’m in California, but have unloaded an AK before.

If there was one gun i could have that i can’t it would be an old school BAR. That would be bad ass. I like the real (: 30 cal guns.
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Have you shot an m14/m1a though? To me it’s like a 1911 compared to a glock or some other toy gun when i shoot other semi auto rifles like the ar, and sks/ak. The m1 action is just such a piece of machinery as is the 1911.

Man. I grew up shooting sks’s, i’m in California, but have unloaded an AK before.

If there was one gun i could have that i can’t it would be an old school BAR. That would be bad ass.
I like more of the "Sniper" rifles, like an old Mauser. It's feels nice just to relax and shoot down a long rang, trying to perfect a distance.
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I don't know if you can run this ammo in that revolver.... Or would want to.
Interesting numbers on that load.

Back in the day the Speer Reloading Manual had three load levels for the .45-70.
There were light (maybe 20 thousand cup) loads meant to be safe in the old mil-surplus trapdoor rifles.
An intermediate (35 thousand cup?) level for the leverguns available in the 80s. This was the data table J. D. Jones recommended and that I used to load for my SSK Contender. I got 1600 FPS from a 405-grainer and 1450 from the 500-grain roundnose (either jacketed or cast to the old Postell-Gunn long-range match spec; velocities chrono’d)

The final load table at full rifle pressure was for the Ruger No. 1, a very strong single-shot action. That gave 2200 FPS with the 405, but don’t bet a beer on my remembering that number right. The load in the pic seems close to the heavy-rifle spec for that cartridge.

~edit~ Buffalo Bore! Class act. They also load the .500 Linebaugh, a cartridge for which I have a gun.
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I like more of the "Sniper" rifles, like an old Mauser. It's feels nice just to relax and shoot down a long rang, trying to perfect a distance.
My sniper rifle for years was my cheap browning a-bolt in 7mag. I sold it, bought another cheap rifle, savage in the .308 and put the scope from the 7mag on it. Way more relaxing! Plus, i already have .308, even though i reload for that .308 bolt action differently, it is kinda cool to standardize my rounds, imo.

Not as fun as the 7mag but like you said more relaxing lol.
My sniper rifle for years was my cheap browning a-bolt in 7mag. I sold it, bought another cheap rifle, savage in the .308 and put the scope from the 7mag on it. Way more relaxing! Plus, i already have .308, even though i reload for that .308 bolt action differently, it is kinda cool to standardize my rounds, imo.

Not as fun as the 7mag but like you said more relaxing lol.
I was checking out some 6.5 creedmoor AR's the other day, they look interesting.
I'm alarmed you're allowed to purchase a rifle because you think that rifle is the best at killing many people.
Efficient killing or serious wounding of the maximum number of enemy in the least amount of time is considered a good thing in a weapon designed for infantry use.

While I personally do not harbor, indulge or condone fantasies of mass mayhem, I staunchly defend the presumptive right of the civilian adult to keep and bear military-level weapons. This is why the current alarmist misuse of “assault weapon” by our media so irritates me. A true assault weapon has a select-fire (four safety positions: safe, semi, burst, full auto) trigger mechanism, and no self-respecting frontline soldier would settle for less. Were the Second Amendment not gutted, I would be able, as a civilian citizen, to buy what Corporal Doe carries into battle.

A gun is exactly as dangerous as the person holding it.

Personally I wouldn’t want to own a gun that could easily be bump-fired, even though I can see some mild satisfaction in subverting the repressive arms legislation we currently endure. Ultimately I consider such a gun much less trustworthy than, say, a proper assault rifle in good condition. /rant
Efficient killing or serious wounding of the maximum number of enemy in the least amount of time is considered a good thing in a weapon designed for infantry use.

While I personally do not harbor, indulge or condone fantasies of mass mayhem, I staunchly defend the presumptive right of the civilian adult to keep and bear military-level weapons. This is why the current alarmist misuse of “assault weapon” by our media so irritates me. A true assault weapon has a select-fire (four safety positions: safe, semi, burst, full auto) trigger mechanism, and no self-respecting frontline soldier would settle for less. Were the Second Amendment not gutted, I would be able, as a civilian citizen, to buy what Corporal Doe carries into battle.

A gun is exactly as dangerous as the person holding it.

Personally I wouldn’t want to own a gun that could easily be bump-fired, even though I can see some mild satisfaction in subverting the repressive arms legislation we currently endure. Ultimately I consider such a gun much less trustworthy than, say, a proper assault rifle in good condition. /rant
Bro I can show you all kinds of weapons that will bump fire......
Bill Jordan and Delf Bryce, a couple of old school lawmen, were fast on the draw as well (in gunfights). Bryce was so fast (he was also a point shooter as this was that era like Jordan and Dan Combs), the quote was "If they (criminals) blinked, they died in the dark" Ed McGivern was another fast draw from the 30's. I think he still has a record that Jerry hasn't been able to beat yet. They all have books out that are worth reading if that's your interest.
I just picked up the Mini, I haven't fired it yet. I want to add optics and I cannot decide between a Red Dot or a low power scope.....I'm leaning toward the scope. I have my eye on a 2x7 Leopold scope that I think would look real good on this rifle and give me range out to 300-400yds...

I'm running a Trijicon Accupoint 1-4 on my AR.
I love the thing, but dang are they spendy!
