Got guns?

For this gun I doubt it, as it's designed for extremely short range (3 yds). To converge at a set point at a specified range, a double rifle is "regulated" which is a process of complex set of calculations and mechanical adjustments, not needed for a shotgun. After regulation said rifle is now limited to a specific bullet weight and powder charge in order to ensure convergence at the specified range. None of the literature on the S333 indicated it was set for a specific bullet weight.
People underestimate the .22mag
Too bad these KelTec PMR30's and the carbines are so wonky and ugly. They really stay on target and cycle rapidly, until the jams, breach misfires.
Glad I didn't buy one, the revolver probably still the best firearm for that round.
A 10/22 mag pistol is what I'm holding out for. The 10/22mag rifle receivers that Ruger made( briefly )cracked, the springs and bolt weren't heavy enough.

Worse: I dislike it when liberalism is automatically packaged with a desire for more “gun control”.
Too many guns to track, so why bother.
They would be better off with bullet control, regulating ammo rather than firearms since that is difficult.
I think they will take that route, 2nd amendment case law make it hard to take back guns already approved for manufacture.