Got guns?

These are less than $300, pretty solid.
Same magazine fits their cheap yet reliable pistol, fires high pressure 9mm+ rounds as well as standard.

Not sure a cannabis forum is the place to ask, but what's a good starter gun for an old man who's never had one? Looking for something cheap, reliable, uses cheap amo, easy to learn how to use, easy to maintain, and will scare away some DB who tries to break into my house.

I scared off two prowlers with a heritage rough rider 22. I always kept it in between the couch cushions, in my garage. Having a gun at the second you need it is the key. This was out on a farm.

These dudes pull into driveway at 2:30am, whispering. I have motorcycles and tools in a garage that's always open and out at 2-3am.... With me chainsmoking inside......
So I hear them saying something about the door, so I emerge with the gun next to my thigh..

Me: how can I help you?
Them: Sorry man, wrong house!
Me: It sure is, have a nice night.

This was in the country. I also kept it for minks and coyotes. I have about 4k rounds through that $129 gun.
I can pull the gun out ice cold and hit a 2/3 scale torso at 120yd while standing.
I love the lil rough rider.

My Coonan .357 mag with 6" barrel is my baby though. God I would never want to fire that indoors with no earplugs. .... At least I would have a flashlight. It normally makes a neat ring of fire, but that still shot was from a mag dump.
I'm gonna be getting a new Glock 19 and some mags with part of my stimulus money. Gotta stimulate that economy, lol.
My buddy bought a brand new Glock 9mm and when we went to the indoor firing range it would
jam up on him all the time. The grip was pretty boxy in the hand as well. Not a good grip. My 9mm Beretta 92FS
never jammed up on me ever so as long as I owned it. Awesome grip plus it had a fixed site that I really enjoyed as well.
My buddy bought a brand new Glock 9mm and when we went to the indoor firing range it would
jam up on him all the time. The grip was pretty boxy in the hand as well. Not a good grip. My 9mm Beretta 92FS
never jammed up on me ever so as long as I owned it. Awesome grip plus it had a fixed site that I really enjoyed as well.

you can't count on every brand of ammo working well in every gun, each gun has its own ammo preferences. My gun runs 100% with a few brands, and 90-99% with a couple brands.

my buddy has a glock 43, it only likes tula and some certain personal defense stuff. Was really odd that tula had a great point of aim, and cycled perfectly. There were a couple brands it didn't like.
My gun strongly dislikes tula for instance.
"The country has about 2 million privately owned guns in a nation of 8.3 million people. In 2016, the country had 47 homicides with firearms. The country's overall murder rate is near zero." Close.
Swiss vets keep their issue rifle at home. You’re also in deep yogurt if anything is amiss on annual muster, such as any missing ammo in your allotment.
not sure what your plans for it are, but if you plan to do concealed carry the g19 is almost obsolete at this point, and past 12-15 yards accuracy is difficult. I almost wish id have gone with the g17 for the bigger capacity, and the bigger size makes it easier to shoot, mine never leaves the nightstand anyway
Good idea. I don't need it compact. I've thought about getting a 1911 too. I need to go down to the shop and check things out in person.

Guns are in short supply though right now. Everyone's buying them.