Got guns?

My go-to all around modern rifle was gifted to me over 40 years ago by my Dad is a sporterized 1903-A3 that I had re-chambered to 30-06 Ackley improved that wears a Swarovski scope & synthetic stock. It has taken countless moose, caribou, deer, bear (brown & black), dall sheep, mountain goat and some I've no doubt forgotten. My favorite hunting weapon that I've carried literally hundreds of miles.


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My go-to all around modern rifle was gifted to me over 40 years ago by my Dad is a sporterized 1903-A3 that I had re-chambered to 30-06 Ackley improved that wears a Swarovski scope & synthetic stock. It has taken countless moose, caribou, deer, bear (brown & black), dall sheep, mountain goat and some I've no doubt forgotten. My favorite hunting weapon that I've carried literally hundreds of miles.
Those Swarovski optics are big big money, and worth it.

One of those strategic categories in which the Austrians maintain a world-class capability.
Some years back I was putting the sneak on a moose in weather that resembled a slushie. Stand up & nothing but fog in my Cabelas Alaskan guide series scope. Furious scrubbing and I could vaguely make out his outline @ around 50 yds.
I got him, but the scope swap happened as soon as I got home & the Cabelas unit indeed could fly!
Some years back I was putting the sneak on a moose in weather that resembled a slushie. Stand up & nothing but fog in my Cabelas Alaskan guide series scope. Furious scrubbing and I could vaguely make out his outline @ around 50 yds.
I got him, but the scope swap happened as soon as I got home & the Cabelas unit indeed could fly!
Lol sounds like that Alaskan was tested in Baja.
New reforms target US military’s missing weapons problem
The missing weaponry includes assault rifles, machine guns, handguns, armor-piercing grenades, artillery shells, mortars, grenade launchers and plastic explosives.