Gov shut down

Medicare in the US is hardly free. Retired and disabled must pay 105.00 per month in order to be covered. This comes directly out of their Social Security payments.

Medicaid has been providing poor people with health care on the tax payer's dime for decades. So what do we need government controlled health care for? 50% of child births last year were paid for by Medicaid. Obamacare makes it no longer affordable for tax payers to subsidize health care costs for people in poverty. Poor people lose, the middle class loses, rich people lose, and the government's control over health care wins. If congress is good enough to be exempt from Obamacare, then how come nobody else is? If big corporations are good enough to delay health care for their employees, then how come individuals are getting hit over the head with it? Is it because we don't have a lobbyist group to speak on our behalf?.... I think so
Medicaid has been providing poor people with health care on the tax payer's dime for decades. So what do we need government controlled health care for? 50% of child births last year were paid for by Medicaid.

one of these births was from our very own flaming pie, a moderate republican whose husband works very hard for a living.

turns out even you republican types like government programs, even though you yell and cry and scream and whine about them whenever you're not busy using them.

If congress is good enough to be exempt from Obamacare, then how come nobody else is?

congress is not exempt from the PPACA, so there you go getting caught in yet another lie.

making factual statements is not your forte.
one of these births was from our very own flaming pie, a moderate republican whose husband works very hard for a living.

turns out even you republican types like government programs, even though you yell and cry and scream and whine about them whenever you're not busy using them.

That doesn't even desreve a response

congress is not exempt from the PPACA, so there you go getting caught in yet another lie.

making factual statements is not your forte.

Congress will indeed be receiving subsidies for their health care coverage. Classified as the "gold" plan by Obombercare standards. Not only is congress exempt, but their staff as well. President Obama recently issued a special rule for Congress and congressional staff to get a special subsidy to purchase health insurance on the Obamacare Exchange unavailable to every other American at similar income levels. That is an exemption, plain and simple. If congress gets subsidies, then why can't the rest of us? Why do you need to be so damn oppressive all the time buck? Stupid communist.., who doesn't even know he's a communist. COMMIES SUCK!
Peel it off and stick it on your bumper
Not only is congress exempt, but their staff as well.


Q: Does the health care bill specifically exempt members of Congress and their staffs from its provisions?
A: No. This twisted claim is based on misrepresentations of the House and Senate bills, neither of which exempts lawmakers.

hell, let's even ask freedomworks and see what they say!

[h=2]No, Congress Is Not Exempt From Obamacare[/h]
A carefully crafted story in Politico caused a stir this week by claiming that congressional leaders were in talks to exempt staffers from the effects of Obamacare. It isn't true.
Will Politico print a retraction? It's more likely that they will merely pat themselves on their collective back, hoist a toast at their favorite DC watering hole, and share a laugh over another episode of successful trolling completed.
The Poltico article said (emphasis added),
Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.
The talks — which involve Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Obama administration and other top lawmakers — are extraordinarily sensitive, with both sides acutely aware of the potential for political fallout from giving carve-outs from the hugely controversial law to 535 lawmakers and thousands of their aides. Discussions have stretched out for months, sources said.
But it isn't that at all, nor is exempting someone from being in the exchanges exempting them from Obamacare.
The talks are about what the law actually means, and whether the government, as an employer, can help fund medical coverage for members of Congress and their staffs who are on exchange-based insurance. The Obamacare law (pdf) says in Section 1312:
(i) REQUIREMENT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are—
(I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or
(II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act).
Avik Roy recalls that staffers have complained. Ezra Klein says it's about whether the government can pay:
Based on conversations I’ve had with a number of the staffs involved in these talks, the actual issue here is far less interesting, and far less explosive, than an exemption. Rather, a Republican amendment meant to embarrass Democrats and a too-clever-by-half Democratic response has possibly created a problem in which the federal government can’t make its normal contribution to the insurance premiums of congressional staffers.
Klein is trying there to set the stage for amending the law, acting as if the provision were some kind of oversight.
The tightness of the votes to pass PPACA being what they were, it would take work to show whether it would have passed without the Grassley amendment. In the context of passage, a political messaging amendment the central intent of which is actually included in the final version suddenly becomes indistinguishable from any of the other myriad policy concessions used to gather votes.
Congress is not only covered by Obamacare, but members and staff can be offered only plans that are either created by Obamacare or are offered through an exchange. That isn't how the law works for most people, but it's not exempting anyone -- it's more restrictive.
Not only is congress exempt, but their staff as well.


Q: Does the health care bill specifically exempt members of Congress and their staffs from its provisions?
A: No. This twisted claim is based on misrepresentations of the House and Senate bills, neither of which exempts lawmakers.

hell, let's even ask freedomworks and see what they say!

[h=2]No, Congress Is Not Exempt From Obamacare[/h]
A carefully crafted story in Politico caused a stir this week by claiming that congressional leaders were in talks to exempt staffers from the effects of Obamacare. It isn't true.
Will Politico print a retraction? It's more likely that they will merely pat themselves on their collective back, hoist a toast at their favorite DC watering hole, and share a laugh over another episode of successful trolling completed.
The Poltico article said (emphasis added),
Congressional leaders in both parties are engaged in high-level, confidential talks about exempting lawmakers and Capitol Hill aides from the insurance exchanges they are mandated to join as part of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, sources in both parties said.
The talks — which involve Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), the Obama administration and other top lawmakers — are extraordinarily sensitive, with both sides acutely aware of the potential for political fallout from giving carve-outs from the hugely controversial law to 535 lawmakers and thousands of their aides. Discussions have stretched out for months, sources said.
But it isn't that at all, nor is exempting someone from being in the exchanges exempting them from Obamacare.
The talks are about what the law actually means, and whether the government, as an employer, can help fund medical coverage for members of Congress and their staffs who are on exchange-based insurance. The Obamacare law (pdf) says in Section 1312:
(i) REQUIREMENT.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, after the effective date of this subtitle, the only health plans that the Federal Government may make available to Members of Congress and congressional staff with respect to their service as a Member of Congress or congressional staff shall be health plans that are—
(I) created under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act); or
(II) offered through an Exchange established under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act).
Avik Roy recalls that staffers have complained. Ezra Klein says it's about whether the government can pay:
Based on conversations I’ve had with a number of the staffs involved in these talks, the actual issue here is far less interesting, and far less explosive, than an exemption. Rather, a Republican amendment meant to embarrass Democrats and a too-clever-by-half Democratic response has possibly created a problem in which the federal government can’t make its normal contribution to the insurance premiums of congressional staffers.
Klein is trying there to set the stage for amending the law, acting as if the provision were some kind of oversight.
The tightness of the votes to pass PPACA being what they were, it would take work to show whether it would have passed without the Grassley amendment. In the context of passage, a political messaging amendment the central intent of which is actually included in the final version suddenly becomes indistinguishable from any of the other myriad policy concessions used to gather votes.
Congress is not only covered by Obamacare, but members and staff can be offered only plans that are either created by Obamacare or are offered through an exchange. That isn't how the law works for most people, but it's not exempting anyone -- it's more restrictive.
Back to back copy and paste resonses to the same exact partial post? Why don't you respond to my entire post, instead of cherry picking and then responding with a double dip copy and paste? Are you too stupid to answer me directly? Have you run out of left wing big government talking points?
Back to back copy and paste resonses to the same exact partial post? Why don't you respond to my entire post, instead of cherry picking and then responding with a double dip copy and paste? Are you too stupid to answer me directly? Have you run out of left wing big government talking points?

lol, so freedomworks is not a good enough source for you?

are you seriously just trying to entertain me?
Back to back copy and paste resonses to the same exact partial post? Why don't you respond to my entire post, instead of cherry picking and then responding with a double dip copy and paste? Are you too stupid to answer me directly? Have you run out of left wing big government talking points?

Congress is not "exempt" from Obamacare. That said, congress--the politicians and their staffs--do get massive subsidies unavailable to anyone else to pay for top notch healthcare.
lol, so freedomworks is not a good enough source for you?

are you seriously just trying to entertain me?

That article was from April. That was a long time ago. (for people like you who don't know math)
Obama just recently used his supreme authority and power (he doesn't have) to give Congress subsidies. (exemption waivers)

Instead of making excuses with out dated citations, maybe we should be debating why Obama is exercising power HE DOESN'T HAVE!
Obama doesn't have the power to re write legislation. Obama doesn't have the power to delay the affordable care act for his BIG FAVORITES. you know those BIG CORPORATIONS. Sounds like a whole lot of bulls#!t. Just because I don't have enough money to afford a lobbyist, that means I can't get an exemption? THAT'S Bull mother effign s#it.
Congress is not "exempt" from Obamacare. That said, congress--the politicians and their staffs--do get massive subsidies unavailable to anyone else to pay for top notch healthcare.

You want to go PC on me?

How are subsidies given to one class of people at an equal Socialist income level granted, but then at the same time not given to the second class of people, at the same income level? This should be outrageous, even by Marxist and Socialist standards.
now this is getting funny.

Why do corporations get an exemption? Or as you put it, a partial repeal of Obamacare. These are your rules buck. You say republicans are trying to repeal Obamacare for simply delaying the individual mandate for one year. (same as Obama gives corporations) Then it is only fair to say that you want to repeal Obamacare for big corporations. Now tell me how it is fair for a snake in the grass to have it both ways.
Why do corporations get an exemption? Or as you put it, a partial repeal of Obamacare. These are your rules buck. You say republicans are trying to repeal Obamacare for simply delaying the individual mandate for one year. (same as Obama gives corporations) Then it is only fair to say that you want to repeal Obamacare for big corporations. Now tell me how it is fair for a snake in the grass to have it both ways.

youre letting him wind you up. that is his goal.

but shit, as long as you make more than $10k/year, your are richer than he, so you get the automatic win in every debate.

you too could be his moral ethical and intellectual superior as long as you make enough to actually pay taxes.

thats such a low bar it's almost tragic.

Medicaid has been providing poor people with health care on the tax payer's dime for decades. So what do we need government controlled health care for? 50% of child births last year were paid for by Medicaid. Obamacare makes it no longer affordable for tax payers to subsidize health care costs for people in poverty. Poor people lose, the middle class loses, rich people lose, and the government's control over health care wins. If congress is good enough to be exempt from Obamacare, then how come nobody else is? If big corporations are good enough to delay health care for their employees, then how come individuals are getting hit over the head with it? Is it because we don't have a lobbyist group to speak on our behalf?.... I think so

You don't understand the difference between Medicare and Medicaid do you?

He's not talking about the United States.

Yes I am. All other industrialized countries on this planet have coverage for their population.
Uncle Buck can take his Democrap Fascist big government, big corporation party; and then shove it up his ass. Why does the little guy always have to suffer? Swear to god I'm about to crap slap somebody.

Is that where you slap someone and then shit your pants as they begin sawing your head off?