Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
You have to remember, Vietnam was going on at the time and much, much more. The book is nothing more than the sign of the times and is much more than a "how to steal" book.
There was much corporate hate and government hate at the time ( kind of like where we are now )
As the author stated himself, "It is not immoral to steal from corrupt evil government and corporate facilities, in fact you could consider NOT stealing from them and fucking them over at any chance immoral."
If ye ignore evil and let it thrive you are in fact complicit and therefore evil yourself.
hoffman's logic was as self serving and obvious then as it is now. the hippies yippies beatnicks and flower children were all just whiney self-entitled twats looking for something to excuse their behavior. Steal This Book was then and is now simply an attempt to rationalize criminal activity by wrapping it in a tiny fig leaf of rebellion against a purported greater evil. try any of those ancient obsolete cons, grifts and hustles and youll be shot, arrested or crammed in some pervert's gimp locker.
i cant believe this turd keeps floating to the surface. damn, it was aa joke when i was a kid, its just retarded now. back in the age of disco you couldnt give this book away. just like the "anarchist's cookbook" it was a laughable wet dream for the readers, and a way to squeeze a couple drachmas out of the notoriously spendthrift (that means unable to hold onto money kids) hippies. drunken sailors had tattoo parlours and hookers with a blackjack weilding pimp, hippies had beat poetry "happenings", love beads and shitty "how to be a hippy in five easy steps" books like this pile of garbage.
somebody flush this thing already. it's starting to stink.