great white or orca

Do you grow in soil?

I got some coming, how do you use it?

Im in coco but when using beneficials you just inoculate on a weekly or twice a week basis just like a compost tea. I used mykos and azos before recharge but if you do a comparison with the labels recharge has more for your buck plus it has kelp,molasses,humic, fulvic and amino acids all the carbs needed for the microbes to do there magic
Im in coco but when using beneficials you just inoculate on a weekly or twice a week basis just like a compost tea. I used mykos and azos before recharge but if you do a comparison with the labels recharge has more for your buck plus it has kelp,molasses,humic, fulvic and amino acids all the carbs needed for the microbes to do there magic

Can u use right up to harvest?
Can u use right up to harvest?

you use mychorrizzae only when planting and transplanting. The mycos have to be in the root zone to survive and do their thing. If you plant short roots plants like barley grass, clover, etc... As a companion crop in the same pot as your mj plant. Those will facilitate mycos naturally on their own. Then you don't have to spend $$$ on bullshit spores that are mostly dead.
you use mychorrizzae only when planting and transplanting. The mycos have to be in the root zone to survive and do their thing. If you plant short roots plants like barley grass, clover, etc... As a companion crop in the same pot as your mj plant. Those will facilitate mycos naturally on their own. Then you don't have to spend $$$ on bullshit spores that are mostly dead.

Nothing better than making teas bags out of mature forest dirt with old conifer trees. The soil underneath them will be pact will a hundred times more bennies as its been growing for a hundred years!!!

If you have a compost pile, mix the dirt in and let it do its thing!! your money! Hyroot is pushing the right buttons....

Cant really say its a placebo because I actually noticed a positive difference after 5 runs with this particular strain. We all can tell the slight difference when growing a plant for awhile and when I added Recharge I had more overall healthy lush green plants. There are plenty of "experienced" growers using this stuff instead of orca, greatwhite,azos ,mykos and every other microbe product, I can't seem to find any negative feed back on Recharge. Here is a pic of the well known Capn using recharge and a link explaining the difference between heisenberg tea vs recharge.

Show me someone getting roots as massive and white as these using another product. As time goes by people will develop better products to help better these plants its hard to sift through all the "placebo" products out there but I'm sure Recharge is not in that category if you look into who is formulating it. Shout out to the Dudegrows show and Scotty Real for helping people determine what's crap or not.

results isn't fact most of what is out there, has never been shown to have an epiphytic relationship with Cannabis s. in the Cannabaceae family....nor the Moraceae family where it previously listed in phylogeny. This has been known for years, but someone always has to "know better"....double blind standard 1st.....

Yet, the costs are always rising.....have you done an actual placebo test, to make sure you aren't just patting yourself on the back....?
results isn't fact most of what is out there, has never been shown to have an epiphytic relationship with Cannabis s. in the Cannabaceae family....nor the Moraceae family where it previously listed in phylogeny. This has been known for years, but someone always has to "know better"....double blind standard 1st.....

Yet, the costs are always rising.....have you done an actual placebo test, to make sure you aren't just patting yourself on the back....?

I did say growing a strain after 5 runs I saw a difference when using recharge I haven't documented it but I can tell the difference in a grow rate. When you say "most of whats out there" are you referring to whats in recharge because its hard to believe that Glomus,Bacillus,Trichoderma is not beneficial to cannabis, your going on a totally different debate with that statement. I would like to know what products are not in an epiphytic relationship with cannabis and do you have links to this info.

Not saying this product is the magic bullet but when someone says something like placebo about what I know actually works from experience I'm going to have to call it out.
seed sprout teas alone make my roots look like that. I haven't bought mycos since 2006. I make my own.

alfalfa / kelp / aloe teas and foliars increase the rate of growth a lot. Aloe and alfalfa are like turbo buttons for growth.
I can see why the seed sprout tea works due to the high amounts of enzymes and carbs it provides. Alfalfa has triacontanol (growth hormone) and aloe vera is comparable to seed spouts due to the amount of enzymes, amino's,carbs..etc. Beneficial microbes and enzymes have a symbiotic relationship so you can see why growing in soil has its benefits when using the aloe or seed sprout tea.

@Buzzzz what you are basically doing is just reinoculating your soil with more beneficial bacteria/fungi than it already has naturally, thus more rhizosphere action to help break down all the available "nutrients" for the plant which in return you get fast growing healthy plants as long as more enzymes are present as well. Just read the species of microbes each product has and you can see difference in each one the more the better,as a start just research the microbe and plant soil relationship that should give you a better understanding what your actually doing when adding theses products.
seed sprout teas alone make my roots look like that. I haven't bought mycos since 2006. I make my own.

alfalfa / kelp / aloe teas and foliars increase the rate of growth a lot. Aloe and alfalfa are like turbo buttons for growth.

What is your recipe for alfalfa / kelp / aloe teas?