Green Crack 2x1000w 4x8 tray Rockwool grow


Well-Known Member
I would love 1/2oz cola for sure.

I guess I'm just being a picky grower. Things start looking the same from day to day. When I look at them on here I see the difference but I was convinced they had stopped growing.
hell yah you are... dont worry, based on all my grows, i know these will be ~14g main colas atleast...
Dubs when do you expect to harvest?
great room, awesome write-up.

My ONLY suggestion would be to space those lights out and get some mylar on the walls. White paint works good as a reflector, but nothin beats mylar :D

if you're thinking about trying a new strain, look into Bunker Buds.... my personal favorite.

again, +Rep and thumbsup!


Active Member
Simply outstanding grow my friend! That shit is gonna be impressive when it finishes. Looks like you've got it sorted out pretty well, and btw, dude, your DIY is the shizzzz! Being as handy as you are is a huge bonus in setting up a quality grow!
Nice pics, great posts. Good luck on a heavy yield.................... s.loner


Well-Known Member
Simply outstanding grow my friend! That shit is gonna be impressive when it finishes. Looks like you've got it sorted out pretty well, and btw, dude, your DIY is the shizzzz! Being as handy as you are is a huge bonus in setting up a quality grow!
Nice pics, great posts. Good luck on a heavy yield.................... s.loner

Thanks guys. Most of the DIY is round holes and square corners. It's amazing how far the basics go...I figure if I don't have to bust out the Dremel then it's not too bad. :mrgreen:

I'm five weeks into flower after two weeks of veg. I'm thinking a solid 30+ days till harvest.

A small side note...when using the Ph down, as you add more nutes, you need more Ph down. When it's straight RO water, I can lower my res Ph with a half a cap of Advanced Nutes Ph down concentrate from 7.0 to 6.2 or so...70 gal res. A half a cap! :shock: After 900ml of some Age Old nutes and CalMag, it takes a full cap to go down .10 or a tenth. Fucking bananas! The swing...


Well-Known Member
Great grow bro. Its always nice to see someone going throght the learning curver and making sense so everyone can follow along and learn with you. I have a question about your closed room enviroment. I have heard some say this is the best way to grow but also the most expensive. If you dont mind me asking what is an average on your electric bill with everything included?


Well-Known Member
Great grow bro. Its always nice to see someone going throght the learning curver and making sense so everyone can follow along and learn with you. I have a question about your closed room enviroment. I have heard some say this is the best way to grow but also the most expensive. If you dont mind me asking what is an average on your electric bill with everything included?
With the AC and Dehumidifier it really keeps the room at an ideal 72 degrees and about 48% Rh. When the dehumidifier gets full and shuts off the RH skyrockets. I've seen it as high as 90%.

I would say my average bill is about $150 +/-. I'm gonna call my electric company and get some averages soon.

As far as spacing the lights. They are centered on the 4x8 tray. Each square hood is centered over it's 4x4 area. I will say that the side growth is far better on the sides with walls that the open side. The open side has wilted wimpy leaves and popcorn. The other 3 sides is a jungle of healthy leaves and pretty nice nugs.

I was going to build a pvc type wall that was a good four feet tall with some legs. Really light weight. Then cover it with white plastic.

Next time...for now I'm just growing. ;-)


Well-Known Member
30 days sounds perfect to me... they are growing fast but a lot of people like to give an extra week to "ripen"


Well-Known Member
30 days sounds perfect to me... they are growing fast but a lot of people like to give an extra week to "ripen"
I flushed for 1.5 days cause I could tell they slowed down. I definatly had some lock out going on. After the flush I dropped my nutes yesterday. They are a little fatter today.

I had one plant fall over. The one on the far right. It was leaning at a 45. I tied it up. Hopefully there was no significant root damage and they will continue to grow as planned.

I took a few picks of it leaning over. I almost shit my pants.

My buddy yelled out "MAN DOWN!" :sad:


Well-Known Member
The other question I have for you is where is your fresh air coming from and where is your recycled air being disposed of? Just curious how you set that up.


Well-Known Member
The other question I have for you is where is your fresh air coming from and where is your recycled air being disposed of? Just curious how you set that up.
The room is sealed. Fresh air is brought into a room in order to feed them with Co2. I'm bottle feeding them Co2 and my AC does bring in fresh air. But I could easily use a single duct AC unit that does not draw in fresh air. You just have to make sure you suppliment the room with Co2.

There is no air in or out except from the AC which only brings in air. You do need to keep the air moving though.


Well-Known Member
My single tube portable exhausts hot air, and makes cold air out of room air.
I chose to get dual duct. In the event of a Co2 crisis (none) I can put the AC on High and bring in fresh air to get by till I get a new bottle. This has happened more than once.


Well-Known Member
Just read this whole thing scribed :]
Welcome aboard dude!

I'm about to post up the photos of my one plant that bailed out on me this morning. I think she'll make it. I'm gonna check on them soon. If she's fine now she'll keep going.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I found when I walked in this morning. TIMBERRRRR...

This shot doesn't show much cause she's so bushy, but if you look at her base you will see she's at a solid 45 degree angle.

Then you look underneath and see what's really going on LOL.

No joke...after the flush I threw in the nutes and they packed on a little bit of weight overnight. It was enough to bring her down.


Well-Known Member
she'll heal from that but yah it did take some damage... should be fine. maybe give this plant another week


Well-Known Member
Here you can see I tied her up with the Tomato netting. I went low on the stalk and about about half way up to get her sort of back to normal.

After the repair job you will see some action shots to give you a better idea of my room and what I'm working with.

She's a little too upright now. But gets plenty of light.

A basic shot of the tray and res. I really like the Hydrotek res. They have Gallon and Litre marks on the inside.

AC, Dehumidifier and "The Chair" along with a broken fan from Target. Total POS. Plenty of room for another tray :)

It was time to water when I was taking pics. See the overflow valve...the pump feeds water at a faster rate then the valve can drain. So even when my res is at 50 gal it sill floods fine. It's a 70 gal res. the water floods just above the slab. Seems about perfect.

Back the other way.

Nugs show up pretty nice in this shot :weed:

My res is now cycling. Water is flowing in just enough to keep the pump lubed and sends enough water back into the tray to keep the volume up. There is maybe 15 gallons left in the res.

Those markers are pretty handy.

If you don't think you need to filter the air going into your hoods think again. This used to be white. It was filthy in a week.

Here is the Co2 test kit. A syringe to suck in air. Then you push the air out slowly through these glass things. The white material inside the glass turns purple. On the outside of the glass is some numbers. Where the purple stops is where your ppm is for Co2. I'm at about 1700.

Hopefully all the pics don't crash someones computer.