greenleaf megacrop

Posting the latest heavy metal testing results now here. We have never had any issues in 13 years (since our founding) of Heavy Metal issues, the main reasons being
  1. Hydroponic/Mineral/Synthetic fertilizer are simply not likely vector for contamination with heavy metals. If you know how heavy metals work, they are most likely to be found in corrupted water supplies, soil/media or accumulated by animals on the food chain and from animal products fertilizers. So dry, hydroponic type fertilizers that don’t use any animal products, are an exceptionally low risk of contamination
  2. We source all of our raw materials from the most reputable and biggest companies in the world, and are government regulated and have impeccable track records. These factories costs $10’s of millions of dollars to start, and take production very seriously. Also as mentioned, heavy metal contamination is not really an issue if you know how these fertilizers are products, and there is continuous testing all along the way for contaminants. The Haber process for example literally gets Nitrogen from the atmosphere.
Anyways, for those concerned, we had another result produced last week from a 3rd party accredited lab that specializes in this, and the results are here and all passing with flying colors.

If you don’t know how to read these, here is how it works. Mega Crop has 7% P2O5, and for every 1% the acceptable limits are as follows

So for example, acceptable Arsenic levels would be 13x7, = 91ppm. Mega Crop had 0.3ppm, which is 300x below. Mercury was essentially below detection limits, and Lead was 0.062ppm, acceptable level would be 61x7 = 427. So Mega Crop levels was nearly 7000x below acceptable legal thresholds.
tl;dr dry Hydroponic/Synthetic nutrients in general are a low risk for metal contamination, we ran another test at 3rd party lab last week and results again confirm this to be the case.
Hey there. I've been using MC for the last 3 or 4 years now. Here's my take on the change. My first bag was the 2nd rendition of MC (I believe), and it had those big brown turds in it. Still worked fantastically though. The 2nd bag I got was a newer one (2021) and the big chunks were gone. I tested that one on my outdoor tomato and pepper plants and it worked great. Here is the result of a recent solo cup challenge this year. It does the job.

Saucy Jack April 18 2023-2.jpg
My only gripe with it is mine came chunky in the bag. Like some big boulders that are really hard to break up. Is the mix not homogeneous? I see some prill, powder and boulders...? Is this normal?
This is not normal. There was some bags that weren't sealed quick enough during manufacturing, and they clumped up. If you ordered one of these units we will replace it for you no cost. Its still usable, but will need to be dissolved for a few hours in water to release all the nutrients, but the nutrients are all there.
This is not normal. There was some bags that weren't sealed quick enough during manufacturing, and they clumped up. If you ordered one of these units we will replace it for you no cost. Its still usable, but will need to be dissolved for a few hours in water to release all the nutrients, but the nutrients are all there.
Same here im still working with my clunpy bag but will get replacement when its donr
hi guys, we are running a giveaway/promo right now, you can view here!
