Grow log TNR(day11) and bagseed(day01)

Well I gave them a good watering yesterday because I am going to be away until tomorrow. I'm not worried about Juliana but Tia may dry out. I'm hoping everything will be ok though. I also moved some of Juliana's leaves out of the way so that the lower branched could get some light. I exposed 2 that are doing quite well so far. We'll see what's happened when I get back.

Here's a question for anyone that may be able to help. The temp stays right around 81 and humidity ranges anywhere from 20-45% but it doesn't have constant wild swings. I'd say it is usually down low. Do you think the temp/humidity may be the reason for them being so short? The nodes are not spread out at all. Or could it be the light is so intense in the box it has no need to stretch? I'm just really concerned about the lack of vertical growth. I have seen some other grows with similar results. The lower branches that were shaded but I exposed have better growth. The branches are about 2" or more and the nodes are more spread out.

I really have no doubt that Juliana is not TNR. She looks pure indica and TNR is pure sativa. If I find the email from the seed company I'll post their name in the thread about seed banks. I just don't think they are trust worthy. I also have some indian haze from them that I have not tried. So when the new box is done I may pop a few more beans to test them out.
OK, just got back a bit ago and checked on the girls, and they seem to be doing great. Juliana is much wider and a touch taller. The side shoots didn't take off. The other leaves above moved back in front of them, but they did grow some. She looks healthy except for some bleached spots that I am assuming are hot spots that form when I spray them with water. I noticed a few over the past week or so but there are a lot more on her now. She looks great other than that minor detail however.

Tia has grown up a tiny bit and has a few sets of leaves now. The older leaves are starting to spread out and she is taking up more space. Soaking up more light. Her leaves are totally different from Juliana's. Skinnier and paler. Much more sativa looking. If I remember correctly she came out of a bag of shwag. So she is probably a mexican sativa or hybrid.

I didn't get any pics. The lights turned off while I was looking at them so I didn't want to keep them out of the dark longer than neccessary. A few extra minutes of light probably wouldn't matter but I rather risk as little as possible. I'll get some up tonight. I try to take them around the same time everyday to get a good idea of how much they are growing.
Well after the lights came back on I checked on them both. The temps were at 85 which it has kind of been at since it started heating up outside. Tia has some twisted leaves. Juliana on the other hand seems to have entered her next stage of growth. The leaves are much stronger and has much more definition and detail. The leaves just seem older. She is still very compact and bushy. She also loves when I spray her. Soaks the water right up. Might be the heat from the bulbs I did get the temps down to 80 by turning off the UFO again.

I just walked in and LST'ed Juliana. I tied down her top 1 node down and tied down a leaf that was in the way also.


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Dude, Juliana is looking dank as hell, i think they gave you the wrong strain, what strain did you order jw? if the ufo gets too hot get another timer and have it go on like half of the other lights, or do a 24 hour cycle and have the ufo on half and the others the other 12. Thanks for helping me im now following your thread
nice grow, tia is about 6 days ahead of my guys and julliana looks good, I am just learning myself its my first grow, I will be watching yours closely :D
The strain I order was KC Brains' Mindbender, but they were out and sent me TNR and my free extra was another pack of TNR. All reviews say TNR is a monster and she usually gets to heights over 4 meters. When I contacted them and said I am growing indoor they said these would work just fine. I guess they live in big and spacious mansions. Luckily they sent me completely wrong seeds and she is a compact little dwarf. It does seem however that every time I have grown in a box like this they stay very squat. I don't know if it's too hot or what. The thermometers all read 80-81 at the hottest times of day and about 75-77 at cooler times with the lights on. Maybe they just get plenty of light and have no need to stretch. I wish there was a little more stretching though. Her trunk is about the diameter of a dime and each node is about 1/2 inch from the next. Exactly like my past grows. I'm going to try and root one or two of the lower branch. Since she is off center I want to get some roots started towards the other side. I'm just going to snip the tip of a low branch, dip it in hormone solution, and bury it in the soil. After a week or two she'll have two bases and should get a huge growth spurt.

The bad thing about the slow vertical growth is it takes forever to fill the space in the box. The up side is I can control how she moves very easily and will probably end up with 20 colas that are all uniform.
Here are some pics from day 20/10 (yesterday, bit still today for the girls, lights turn off at noon). As you can see Tia is coming along nicely. From the looks of it she won't be as bushy as Juliana. Her leaves are thinner and don't make nearly as much cover. You can also see some of the twisting from the high temps over the past few days.

Juliana is LST'ed and the lower branches are doing ok. Her top leaves have 9 points. No explosive growth or anything. When they begin to start growing up I'll LST them too. With how slow she is going I think I'll keep her in this box since and Tia will go into the bigger box with a handful of new seeds to take up the extra space.

This morning I fed both the girls and misted them with plain water. Tia got a quarter strength dose and Juliana a half strength dose of fox farm's grow big. This was Juliana's second feeding (her first was day 13) and Tia's first. After a few more I will do some 1/4-1/2 dose foliar feedings. I'm a little worried about this though. I murdered my last grow by foliar feeding them, but they were very young and I used full strength.

I've been really lazy and haven't finished the second box or switched out the fan on the first. Hopefully I'll get off my keister sometime this week and do it all.

Pics 1+2: Tia
Pic 3: Juliana and Tia
Pic 4: Top view of Juliana
Pics 5+6: Up close side views of Juliana
Pic 7: Up close top view of Juliana, you can see the tips of the branches, these will be LST'ed in different directions


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One other thing I forgot to mention. The CO2 generator I made foamed up a lot and got gross so I threw it out. Made another from a 2 liter and didn't fill it as full and it is working fine. I shake it every couple of hours or whenever I happen to remember. I didn't put an air lock on this one. I just left the cap off.
Should I start trimming the leaves that are down low? The ones that don't get a lot of light and are touching the soil. It would allow for better air flow underneath. I don't want to cut any branches just yet. Anyone think I should thin her out a little? A leaf here a leaf there. I'd hate to stress her too much.

Also I may have just found a bug on Juliana. It was the weirdest looking bug I've seen in a while. That, or a piece of spagnum moss. I'm really not sure what it was. I wiped it off and it fell into the soil. I looked for a few seconds and saw a very small movement. I don't know if it moved because it was alive or just changing shape from being pushed and touched by me. I picked it up and gave it a small squish in a paper towel. Then I looked and it doesn't really look like a bug. I just can't tell. It may be some variety of scale. I hope it was the only one she is so bushy I don't know if I'd find any others on her.

I guess this is what I get for opening windows to get some fresh air in here.


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Yeah, she has a few small brown spots. I don't know if it's hot spots from when I spray or nutes. I notices two newer leaves with a single browned point each. I think I will stop spraying them and see how that goes. It may be too intense being in such close quarters with the lights. I also noticed a single spot on Tia. Other than that they both seem completely healthy. Tia is growing just as compacted as Juliana and her stem is starting to fill out also.

pic 1: Comparison of both girls
pic 2: Juliana
pics 3+4: Tia
pic 5: Juliana's top up close
pic 6: Branch growth with mutated leaves coming out under the original rounded leaves, a little blurry so I'll try and get a better shot


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Well the girls are doing great. I'm throwing up a pic from yesterday and today so you can compare. Juliana's color is much darker so I think she is enjoying the nutes. You can see Tia on the side too. I snugged down Juliana's ties earlier today to keep her more prostrated. The rest of the branches seem to be keeping an even canopy of their own. I was expecting some runners. I will definitely have to cut her back a little. She stays nice and cool in the center by her stem but I am worried it may breed mold. I'm going to let her go a few more days before I trim though. It's still too early to do anything with Tia so she is still on her own.

Those bleached out spots are only on the left side of Juliana and one little spot on Tia.

I put up a pic of the weird growth on Juliana.

pic 1: top view of both girls
pic 2: bleached spot on Tia
pic 3: bleached spots on Juliana
pic 4: weird growth under the round leaves on Juliana. It's a branched with diformed leaves.
pic 5: Juliana yesterday
pic 6: Juliana today


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Good job man mine are 10 days older than yours I think yours look a little better but mine is coming out nice. Hey does your plants get droopy towards the end of its day? Mine does idk why. Good job man and good luck.
No mine don't droop towards the end of the day. Sounds like yours may be drying out. Do you water first thing in the morning and notice the soil is bone dry before you do? Dehydrated plants tend to wilt and droop.
I took off 5 of the larger older fans that were showing signs of damage to open up space for the lower branches. I also chopped one small branch in the center. I figured it would never keep up with the rest. I ripped up a couple of leaves and tossed it on the soil to decompose. In a day or two I will LST the branches to really spread her out. The stems at the base of the leaves were huge. She is very sturdy and will have no problem supporting her buds.

I don't want to cut her too much at a time so I kept it simple. I'll probably snip a couple of branches that are lagging behind the rest next week to allow for deeper penetration to the remaining ones.

For future trimmings when should I do it? I clipped her about 3-4 hours before the dark period, which is only 4 hours. Is it best to do right before her rest period or just after she wakes up? Or maybe sometime in the middle?


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Just checked on them and they are looking good. Tia keeps expanding, and Juliana had some nice growth on some of her branches. I noticed I accidentally cut halfway through a small branch earlier so I just snapped it off. I also tied down 2 of the branches to spread her out more. I may go ahead and chop a little more from her tomorrow or the next day because she is a little heavy on the far right side. If I remove a big leaf and a branch I think she will really even out. Any input from anyone on this? I watered them after I tied her down too. I'll be taking new pics in 2 hours.
Tried putting these pics up last night but it kept failing.

Temps have been running high with the hot weather we've been having outside. I don't have AC so my house got up to 80 and the box was 85-86. I pointed a big fan at the box and it got down to 82-83 until the temp outside dropped.

I've been having odor problems too. She's been pretty stinky the last few weeks. If I could close the closet I would be fine. You can't smell it if you are more than a few feet from the door. With the high temps I've been leaving the closet door open and I can smell it in the hallway of the bedroom. I came back to the house a few minutes ago and with the fan blowing I could smell it when I opened the front door of my house. The carbon filter I made just isn't cutting it. It definitely helps but it's not enough. I'm going to go to the hydro store in the next few days hopefully and get some ona gel. It supposedly will eliminate any odor.

Noticed some browning at the serrated tips of one of the younger leaves this morning. It might be the high temps, but I'm not really sure. Does it take a couple days for nute burn to start showing? I've been very cheap with the feedings so I'd be surprised if it was that.

I'm going to need to get a small AC unit for the closet. I'm assuming they have small ones for spaces like toll booths at Wal-Mart. Any recommendations on this? Did anyone get the perfect one online for like $25? That would be ideal.

After I get the AC I'm going to weather strip the closet. Maybe seal it completely, although I have no clue on how to do that. If I do then I'll bring in CO2 and probably get a HPS after this grow. Then I can use the box for a mother or to start seedlings or something.

More pics later tonight.


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Both girls are happy. Tia has a little cupping happening on her leaves from the heat though. I put them outside on the porch for a little sunlight this morning before their dark period. They loved it. Tia's head was tilted over towards the sun.

I'm also moving the dark period back an hour a day starting today. I'm extending the light period by 1 hour every day and keeping the dark period the same length. The hottest time of day here is 9pm. Once the sun goes down the house just starts cooking.

I made a run to the hydro store also and picked up some ona gel. That stuff is amazing! I don't even smell the girls when I walk into the room. It is definitely the best odor control I have ever used, and it was only $16.95 for a small jar. I think it was a quart. They have a couple different types to choose from and a fan that hooks onto the jars. It was $80 though. I have a fan identical to the small fan at the bottom of my box blowing over it to help cover the whole room.


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Gave both the girls a foliar feeding at about 1/5 normal strength 15 minutes after they woke up. Just gave them a light spray. Juliana just soaks it right up. When I spray her with water she dries right up. Tia tends t keep a few drops on her for a very long time. I think it is because she is lighter colored than Juliana. Under the lights Tia looks very light green and Juliana a deep green. So it probably evaporates faster off Juliana also. This is their first foliar feeding so hopefully it was a good strength. I'll check on them again later when I get pics.
hey I am liking your grow, definitely subscribing.

i seen you got the ona where you posted in the odor control thread. let us know how long it last for you. i have been interested, but if it doesnt last a month, it could get costly. i have 2 girls as well, and one is very odiforous!!