Grow log TNR(day11) and bagseed(day01)

Thanks I'll keep the thread updated when the gel runs out. The guy at the store said it should last a long time. They also sell liquid that you can pour over it to recharge it.

Looks like they loved the sun and foliar spray. They are both doing great.


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Just wanted to show the growth spurt she has had.

pic 1: 36 hours ago
pic 2: 12 hours ago
pic 3: 5 minutes ago

Check out the difference just in the last 12 hours.

I sprayed them again after the pics a minute ago. I saturated Juliana but did a very light mist on Tia.

I've heard foliar feeding works well and now I'm convinced.

Cut a leaf and branch off Juliana. I might top her soon too to get more bushiness. I'm also thinking about just flowering them both in this box. If I do I'll top Tia and LST her branches.


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I just realized I might have mixed up Tia's age by a day. Considering that in the title I have the ages 11 days and 2 days and now I'm at 25 and 15. No big deal. Just thought I'd point it out. She hadn't completely broken ground anyways. The cotyledons were still under the soil. So I'm staying with the separation of 10 days. I'm working on a time lapse of both girls, but I think it may be a pain to actually post it.
Well I decided to go ahead and top the girls. They are so short that it would take forever to grow them out in the veg state. So instead I am flowering them in a few weeks after they heal in this box. Here are some pics after I FIM'ed them. Side shot of Tia shows that she already was having some good side branch development. When those branches shoot out I'll LST them evenly around the pot.


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Here are the pics for day 26/16.


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looking good dude, how long does it take for the fim to heal? also juliana is a true indicia, haha i havent ever seen such fat leaves. also how is the lst going? my grow is looking good im gona put some more pics when they get bigger, thanks!
I gave them a foliar feeding earlier tonight. Then I checked on them about an hour later and Tia had a twisted leaf with a burn spot. Juliana also has a leaf that looks a little beat up. Guessing they got a little bit of nute burn. I removed the gnarled leaf from Tia and left the one of Juliana.

I am trying to root a side branch of Juliana's. I removed the extra leaves and cut off the tip of the branch, dip it in water and rooting hormone, and buried it in the soil. It didn't want to stay though so I had to super crop the branch to get it to point straight down. It's buried about a half inch deep now.

I decided to finish upgrading the box. The new fan is sick. Temps are staying at 77 and I added a 42w CFL. Now that I went through all the trouble of switching I wonder if it would have stayed cool with the UFO in there.

Kept them under the UFO while I did the work. Tia really bent over to soak up the light from it.

I thought the box was bright with 4 CFL's. I had no idea how bright a 42w is. It's blinding just trying to look into the spy window. I wonder if I should think about switching to all 42w bulbs. I'd have to tinker with it and see how many the box could handle without over heating.

Right now I am putting out 9550 lumens. If I switched to all 42w, which I doubt the box could handle, it would be emitting 13500. I'm not sure what the UFO does. I may have to designate that solely for seedlings or something.

I had been throwing the trimmed leaves down into the pots. The last time I did was right before I put them under the UFO and watered them. It apparently stayed cool because I noticed all the leaves were soggy and some had some mold growing on it. I threw out a few of the bad pieces I saw. Hopefully it doesn't spread to the girls, but I don't think it will. I turned on my ozone generator just in case.

The FIM'ed tops are healing nicely. No new growth has started yet though. I will probably see something tomorrow or the next day, and it will take about 2 weeks to get back to growing normally. The side branches will need a lot of LST'ing to give the FIMed spots time to catch up.

Tia is starting to stretch. Her nodes are more spread out than they were a few days ago.


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The new fan is amazing. I wish I was using it from day one. The temp now doesn't get higher than maybe 3 degrees above room temp. Now the question is should I put the UFO back in or keep the 42w CFL? Any input? I also have enough room to put in another 42w if I want to. How much CFL wattage would I need to equal the growing power of a dual band UFO?

I kept Tia under the UFO all night and Juliana had the box to herself. I also think Tia is a little water logged. Too much water storing at the bottom. I need to let her dry out completely before the next time I water. Her leaves are droopy and there wasn't enough heat to help evaporate some water from the soil. She'll probably be fine after the dark period.

I think I'm going to stop shifting the dark period also. Doesn't seem much point to it now with temps in check.

I like the way the box is now. I have the carbon filter hanging off one side of the box so to even out the weight I put a kettle bell on the opposite side. It is a little heavier but it works. All the extra weight really helps seal up light leaks where the weather stripping is. I also attached two push up handles to the top of the box. Now it is extremely easy to pick up the lid and move it. Then I added the extra 42w bulb and the 350cfm fan. The fan is a bit noisy but it works extremely well. I also discovered that drier vent ducting is full of leaks. The light shining up through the fan is coming out of all these pins holes all along the ducting. I put tape along the first 10" of the hose to keep light out. This would also explain why the carbon filter isn't all that effective. Overall the box is really starting to come together. Is becoming more and more secure with light and smell. Still conspicuous as hell if you leave it out in the middle of the room though.

pic 1: Front of box. You can see the thermometer (check out the spread) on top of it in front, spy window is lined with white duct tape. The lifting handles are blue. The red nubs in this photo and the next are just rubber caps for bolts so I don't scrape myself or the walls.
pic 2: The carbon filter rests on the lip of the box and is secured with duct tape. I should probably switch it out with black duct tape for aesthetic purposes. With a photograph that used a flash you can really see how ghetto it looks with all the duct tape. When looking at it with the naked eye it really doesn't look this bad. It's like meeting a beautiful woman at the club. Everything is great and you can't believe such a good looking girl could be into you. Then you take her to the diner at 3 am, see her under those bright lights, and notice the uni-brow/mustache combo.
pic 3: 2" air intake. I have it curved to help stop light from getting in the box. The duct tape on it is also for light. When the box was on it would glow bright.
pic 4: The little black spot under the light is the temp sensor.
pic 5: Peaking on the girls
pic 6: A shot of Tia through the window. See how she looks a little droopy like she is over watered?


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I may be overestimating the fan a bit. The thermometer is right on top of the box and tends to read higher than room temp. A difference of almost 10 degrees according to the clock/thermometer i have a few feet away. Either way it is definitely better than the old fan.

Tia is drowning from the looks of it. She is really drooping and the soil is wet just below the surface. I don't think it has anything to do with the feeding she got at the start of the light period. No burnt leaf tips. She does have a some curling on her leaves but nothing too bad. I think after she dries out she will bounce back.

Juliana uses up all her water by the next feeding. I just need to take into account the fact that Juliana is about 10 days older than Tia. Once her roots reach the bottom and spread out I won't have this problem anymore.

I noticed an air leak next to the fan. Really hard to pin point it so I added a lot of tape to the area. I still feel it but it is a very faint breeze. It's a suction leak though. The air is cool and flowing towards the fan. I got it as best I could but it is still sucking in through the cracks. Probably because the hole the fan sits on is not quite big enough. I had to do this so I could bolt it to the box. It doesn't seem like the fan is working harder than it should be. It sounds the same as when it was not connected to anything.

A 2" air intake should be big enough right? The fan moves 350 cfm. Should I enlarge the intake? or add another one? Do I need to widen the circumference of the hole that the fan sits on? Should I get a reducer so it doesn't move as much air? or just leave it as is?
i would do the same size hole for intake and exhaust myself. unless there are circumstances that require one to be larger or smaller than the other.
A 6" intake just isn't applicable to this box. Maybe another 2".

Well for some reason now the box is running at 90 degrees. I'm not exactly sure of what I did. I moved the thermometer which probably had something to do with it, but I have moved it a few times and it stays at 90. I also put tape along the exhaust hose to seal up air and light leaks. Maybe I screwed with the pressure of the fan? Maybe it's on the intake side and I need another 2" intake. It would explain the air intake leaks I guess.

Tia is still droopy and the container is a little heavy. The soil is barely moist a half inch deep. Some of her side branches really gave a stretch. Her sativa qualities are starting to show. In a day or two I'll start LST'ing her.

Juliana is looking great. I switched out her tie down for twistie ties. This stuff is great. It comes in a long spool and hold perfectly. Best thing is it is super easy to undo. That hemp cord I was using would fray and take forever to undo knots. She's got some super thick branches and I can tell they will support some good weight buds.

I think I'm good with branches on both girls. Once they grow up they will fit just right depending on how thick their buds get. If Tia goes crazy with stretching I'm going to fold her branches over back and forth. It will be labor intensive but she will fit.

I was going to add in another 42w but with temps the way they are I need to hold off on doing anything else.

I just walked into the room and lowered the plants by about 1.5-2 inches to get them away from the heat of the lights. It seems to have worked a little. I'm going to wait a while and check again. I need to figure something out for the inside fan. Space is cramped so it's not really doing any good. Juliana will be fine without it but Tia could probably use a little breeze to strengthen her arms.

I am think about transplanting both of them into a single pot. It will make things a lot easier and I can raise them up a little bit to get underneath easier.

I think I just realized what the problem was. I put a stocking over the intake to keep bugs out. I think that was slowing air flow down. I took it off so we'll see if that does anything. I think I may need another intake.

Unless I raised pressure by sealing up leaks in the exhaust hose.

If temps don't come down I'll add another intake. If that doesn't work I'll replace the hose with one that doesn't have tape on it. If it still doesn't work I'll remove tape from around the fan to open those air leaks back up.

pics 1-3: Tia
pic 4: Tia FIM regrowth starting
pic 5: same shot zoomed in
pics 6+7: Juliana
pics 8+9: Rooting branch and close up


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I would go ahead and add another 2 inch intake, just put it opposite of the current one. That should help with circulation.

I would probably leave them separate for now. If anything happens you don't want to tear up the soil for both to get to one of them, and in one container if it falls somehow then they both get whacked.
I just picked up another 42w sylvania cfl. It seems more compact. Hopefully it will be cooler. Although the one in there now doesn't really put off much heat. I also saw a 65w (300w equivalent) 3700 lumens. This thing was ridiculous. It was about 3 times the size of a 42w. Be interesting to try though. Only 65w, it's a big jump from the 42w. Still lights out so I'll let you know later how it turns out.

Tia was still droopy just before lights out. The pot feels like there is still a little water weight in the bottom but the top 2 inches are dry and loose. Should I go ahead and water her? She may be reacting from too strong a dose of nutes via foliar spraying too, but she doesn't have any burn spots or browning tips. Her stem is still strong so she is dehydrated either. Any advise? She is also starting to stretch a bit so I may need to start flowering sooner than expected. I'm going to go heavy on the LST'ing but there is only so much I can do. I see multiple tips starting to grow from her FIM spot. Can't tell how many just yet.

Juliana still looks great. I gave her another light misting of nutes this morning. Some activity on her FIM spot also. I have about 7 branches LST'ed evenly around the pot. There are also a few that are growing free because they haven't grown out of the shade yet. I may remove them if they don't do anything in the next few days. I think I may be able to keep her as a small bush on her side with only one or two branches that may grow a bit quicker than the rest.

I still have about 7 or 8 inches to drop them down, and they have head room now of about 4-5 inches from the 26w bulbs. I could always drop them lower and the heat probably would be such a big problem, but they won't receive the same intensity of light. Maybe I should drop them down low and put in all 42w bulbs. If I can fix my air flow problem it may work. Too bad the 65w wouldn't fit. I bet that thing would be awesome with a reflector hood.
Okay, the lights had been on for about 45 minutes so I reached in and felt the base of the lights because they seem to emit the most heat. The base of the 42w was cooler than the 26w. It must be a more efficient cooling system. So I switched out a 26w for another 42w, and I moved the other 42w to the lower level. So far the temps seem better, but I will recheck in about 30 minutes.