Growing Orchids

An orchid section would be cool...
but, the ones I have are stupid easy...for me. No work. Just don't overwater. I'm kind of surprised they're doing as well as they are considering our remarkable lack of humidity.

My phal has 8 buds so far. They're just beginning to swell. It's gonna be a couple of weeks for a bloom.
here's a pic of idk yet. it has a label. i just have to decipher it. just bought it at longwood gardens the other day. huge tent sale. it was grown at waldors in new jersey. a huge grower. sales woman said to treat it like a spring blooming phalaenopsis. so what do you think, pretty? i think it's handsome in a masculine kind of way. it has a dark red wine like scent. sorta fruity earthy.
That's a cool one. I find myself gravitating toward the "spider" orchids.
I'm beginning to think my phal believes it's gonna die. 9 buds and the stalk hasn't terminated, yet....
kinda like the car...It was running the best it EVER has, just before it blew up!
what's with the cheap mini-phals all over the place all of a sudden? (not complaining....)

found some really fecking cool ones (purple splotches) for $12 at the local safeway of all places
what's with the cheap mini-phals all over the place all of a sudden? (not complaining....)

found some really fecking cool ones (purple splotches) for $12 at the local safeway of all places

Ive seen those lately too.... Are they actually miniature or just young tissue culture plants? My first thought was tissue culture but I don't know..
I have always admired how bulletproof Phalaenopsis are. I kept two of them alive and flowering for YEARS with a bare minimum of care.
my phal is just starting...


say what you like....
MG Houseplant Food 20drops/gal every watering.
Gorgeous color. Yeah I have orchid food. I read to feed weekly with a very week rate but I don't think in off season...can't remember. Then the temp differential. Ez enough. Peachy color zoney.
cool beans. thx for the post. i've given up trying to make them last any more than a year. here's a simple phal i bought at home despot for 16 bux. east window. weekly watering and week feeding. idk...seems to work. but i still don't expect it to last longer than a year.
August 18 2012 002.jpg
i never know what to do with my phals in the summer (which seems ironic to me), you'd think it would make it easier.
Hi Kitty,
Your phals look to be doing better than mine, but I just follow the regular regime. Water when the pot gets light.
Because of the southern exposure of mine, they get sun in the winter and bright indirect during the summer. So, they get more water during the winter. Not to mention, our R/H gets incredibly low. Single digits most of the winter.
bump. orchids need to be near the top, cuz they are aristocrats among a sea of weeds. off to home despot. mb i'll buy a new one today:)