Gypsy's first Tree attempt


Well-Known Member
So here she is...

you can see light #2 not running yet...

There should be another identical ebb flow unit sitting under this week some time...

I imagine this is what I want to see eh??!?!

Shame this is the only one quite like this...:lol:

veg trays are now where lights 3 & 4 will eventually be...

also with identical ebb flow units... prolly next month...:mrgreen:

looking to the future...

The first clone was in the Aerogarden...

the second clone has just live all of it's rootd life within a RW cube...

This was a pretty small clone.. it's been there for weeks... the cube was bulged out with roots...:lol:



M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Yeah she lookin good. Just keep slightly bending up the tips of the main branches towards the light so they try to stay in control and keep growing up. Just bending them up slightly a couple times a day usually works well but sometimes some branches need extra help by tying them up for a few days.

Does that make sense?

You can kinda see what I mean in this pic. Basically the tips of each main branch is still the highest point of the plant.



Well-Known Member

do I want to STRIP the middle???

I thought we want to have some colas come out of there...

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Yeah but I dont mean cut off the branches, just the small new growth/leaves on the bottom of each of those smaller branches in the middle. That will help give the branch the energy it needs to grow up taller and become a main cola.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Of Course she will live lol. These plants are hard to kill arnt they? Well ive never killed a plant. . . unintentional anyway

A few more pics of my trimming techniques after a week or two of veg since the last major trim. From underneath it may look bare but from the top view it fills out ok and will only get bushier during flower.

Top view



Well-Known Member
So here she is.. with a couple of shots of the more developed branches...:hump:

And here is the original plant #1, still vegging... and next on the list for a 19 gallon ebb/flow pot...:mrgreen:

and here we have 2 more girls.. Indicas this time... also in line for a chance to become a tree... :razz:



M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Yeah she is looking better now without all that lower growth and she should do better now without all those little suckers taking up some of the plants energy.


Well-Known Member
I've been looking up some grafting stuff...

I am not sure I can get my Indicas to veg fast enough...

So I was thinking of "slapping" some Indica braches on her and see what gives...:lol:

What do you think?

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
I know nothing about grafting but I guess it cant hurt to try coz u got enough plants to play with.


Well-Known Member
I know nothing about grafting but I guess it cant hurt to try coz u got enough plants to play with.
If you are not opposed to it, I will do a little more research and try it...

It would be neat if my very first tree had a few different strains on her...

Maybe I can even graft some of the bigger branches too...

You know, make 2 FAT plants out of 3 skinny ones..


I hope this works...

But there will be no risk for the receiving plant... a wound will heal quickly...

Worse thing I guess is to loose the branches I chopped...

But As you say... I am not exactly hurting for plants...

In fact I am trying to figure out how to get rid of them without waste...

I got about 150 rooted clones I have no idea what I will do with...:lol:

fucking gypsies...:razz:

I'll make sure to take pics when I do the grafting...:mrgreen:

cause you know I will...:lol: